Chapter 42: The Transcendent Is Dead?!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was five o’clock in the morning, and the sky was still dark. Lin Huang woke up with a start from his slumber.

He heard a rumbling noise from far away. It sounded like thunder or continuous bombing.

Even the hotel’s glass windows were vibrating.

“Is that thunder?” Lin Huang thought. It seemed really strange as the noise sounded more like it came from some heavy artillery fire.

Putting his doubts aside, Lin Huang walked to the window and looked at the sky.

It was dark and with a few stars in the distance. it did not look like it was going to rain at all.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

“Could it be the two transcendents fighting?” he thought. Just as Lin Huang imagined the idea in his mind, the noise suddenly got far away and within minutes, it disappeared.

Lin Huang then emptied his mind. Since it was still dark outside, he went back to sleep.

Before seven o’clock in the morning, the Emperor’s Heart Ring on Lin Huang’s finger vibrated and woke him up a second time that morning.

It was Yi Yeyu who called.

“What’s wrong with her, calling me so early…” He looked at the time. It was only 6:40. Lin Huang mumbled to himself and picked up the call.

“Lin Huang, come to my room. I have something important to tell you!” Yi Yeyu shouted over the phone, sounding deadly serious.

“So early?” Lin Huang said, still annoyed.

“Stop dawdling. Come now!” Yi Yeyu hung up the phone.

Lin Huang washed his face. He did not even brush his teeth, he just gargled water and left.

When he arrived at Yi Yeyu’s room, she was pacing up and down in her room, an intensely concerned look on her face. She did not even notice that Lin Huang was already in her room.

“What happened?” Lin Huang said as he closed the door. It was unusual to see Yi Yeyu like that.

“Zhang Bo is dead!” Yi Yeyu said as she turned around to face Lin Huang.

It was eight o’clock in the morning two hours later. Everyone gathered in the meeting room on the hotel’s first floor after receiving Yi Yeyu’s emergency alert.

Lin Huang sat quietly in the last row of the meeting room.

Everyone included Bai Yan were there. After a moment of silence, Yi Yeyu started to speak.

“The reason why I called all of you here is because I have bad news,” Yi Yeyu said. She then took a deep breath and told them the truth. “The transcendent that was sent by the association found the transcendent monster which caused the uproar last night. However, at six in the morning earlier today, he was killed by the monster,” she said.

The crowd went completely silent after hearing what Yi Yeyu said, but soon, an uproar erupted among them.

“If a human transcendent can be killed by the monster, this foothold isn’t safe at all,” someone said.

“We should’ve left yesterday. Now, this foothold has been marked by the transcendent monster,” another person shouted.

“Miss head examiner, you should be able to send us away right?”

“Miss head examiner, it was you who made us stay, you should be responsible for our safety!” more people said, yelling over each other.

Overwhelmed by the accusations, Yi Yeyu was upset but she did not say a word.

“Everyone please be quiet! Let the head examiner finish what she was saying,” Lin Huang who sat at the last row stood up and said.

“Lin Huang, you’re responsible for this too. If you didn’t stop us, many of us would have left a few days ago,” another crowd member cried. As it turned out, Lin Huang’s heroic act too attracted some accusation.

“Do you have a death wish?!” Lin Huang roared and summoned Bai. The vampire appeared and stood quietly by Lin Huang’s side, staring at everyone in the room.

Looking at Lin Huang’s expression, some of them were silenced immediately. They recalled getting beaten up by Lin Huang’s monster for disobeying him and shuddered in silence.

“Lin Huang, don’t exploit your power,” Bai Yan said as he stood up across Lin Huang and summoned his Lion-Headed Troll, ready to fight him.

“Both of you this stop right now!” Yi Yeyu shouted. She could not take it anymore!

Seeing Yi Yeyu so mad, the whole crowd was on edge as to what would happen.

“I’m not done yet,” Yi Yeyu continued. She suppressed her anger and said, “I have already informed the management of the association. They are going to send other transcendents here. The thing is, they will need two days to arrive so I’m thinking of sending all of you away from here before that.”

Hearing what Yi Yeyu said, the crowd calmed slightly. Nobody had any objections.

After a moment of silence, a young voice spoke up from the last row, “Miss head examiner, you can send everybody away. I will not leave!”

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