Chapter 43: A Reason To Stay

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It was Lin Huang who said the words from his seat in the last row and everyone turned around to look at him.

“Lin Huang, don’t mess around. You would die if you stayed. It’ll be no help at all!” Yi Yeyu scolded.

She had always thought that he was a good person. The more they connected, the more good sides to him she found. She did not want him to stay with the risk that it might destroy his future.

“Miss head examiner, please listen to what I have to say,” Lin Huang insisted and looked Yi Yeyu in the eyes.

However, Yi Yeyu was stubborn. The situation was really awkward.

Suddenly, the meeting room’s door swung open. A young man in a white robe, with his hands in his pockets, walked slowly into the meeting room.

“Yeyu, why don’t you listen to what this kid has to say,” the man said loudly to Yi Yeyu from the back of the room. From his tone of voice, Yi Yeyu and this man seemed to be close.

Yi Yeyu was stunned at the man’s appearance. “Brother, why are you here?” she asked.

“I was running errands nearby, and I heard that you were working as an examiner here. So, I thought I would drop by after I was done with my task. Before I got here, I noticed that the official website of Division7 has gone viral with a video of a transcendent’s death,” he said. To the surprise of all in their state of mourning, the man in white robe laughed.

“You shouldn’t be here,” Yi Yeyu said, a solemn tone to her reply.This content belongs to, if the content is missing please go to website to read the full content

“If I didn’t come, knowing the way you’d react, you’d be dead in two days,” he said with a stern look in his eyes. The man knew his sister very well.

Yi Yeyu did not say a word.

The man in white robe then turned around and looked at Lin Huang who sat at the last row of the meeting room.

“Lin Huang, come here now!” Yi Yeyu shouted at him.

“I’ve told you that I will not leave,” Lin Huang insisted.

“Young man, you will be of no help even if you stayed. It was your idea. If we manage to win the battle, you will have half the reward to yourself,” Yi Zheng explained as he worried that Lin Huang thought they wanted to take all the glory.

“I would stay even without any rewards,” Lin Huang continually insisted.

“What do you want, Lin Huang?!” Yi Yeyu was mad and shouted at Lin Huang.

“I will only leave when I see all 200,000 people survive!” Lin Huang replied, looking straight into Yi Yeyu’s eyes. Yi Yeyu who was staring at him looked away. She was quiet.

It was awkward for Yi Zheng as he thought Lin Huang wanted to stay for benefits.

The rest were quiet too, some of them were embarrassed.

“I’m staying too!” Suddenly, someone in the crowd shouted.

“Mee too!”

“I’m staying to kill those monsters!”

They volunteered one by one since one of them had taken the lead.

However, Bai Yan was the coward in the crowd. He mumbled to himself, “All these idiots giving their lives away…”

“Alright, stop acting like a hero. You guys are not children playing house,” Yi Yeyu had tears in her eyes when she yelled at them.

“Lin Huang will stay, those who are iron-level rank-3 can stay too. The rest who can’t even fight an iron-level monster, why would you want to stay?! Go back to medium foothold and train!” She shouted.

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