The night had fallen with a suddenness that seemed to leave the world in a murky haze. The atmosphere was tense, charged with the anticipation of the battle that lay ahead. I lay in bed, gazing at the glimmering blade of my sword, lost in thought as I contemplated the events of the next day. My mind was set on taking four heads, as only they were worthy of the sharpness of my weapon. I had a plan for the five cities and the gold that they held, and that plan involved the deaths of four brothers, leaving the fifth one alive to serve me.

As I pondered my strategy, I became aware of some strange noises outside. It sounded like panic had taken over the people, and my minions were already marching. I carefully placed my sword in its cover and got out of bed, feeling an ominous sense of foreboding as I prepared to face whatever lay ahead.

As soon as my feet touched the cold stone floor, I heard the sound of people running past my house. I quickly made my way to the door and placed my hand on the handle, preparing myself for the worst. Then, someone knocked on the door, and I opened it to find the minion manager standing outside.

"What happened?" I asked, peering outside to try and gauge the situation.

"There has been an attack, my lord, but we are taking care of it right now. Soon, we will have everything under control," the minion said, his voice quivering slightly.

"Who attacked us?" I demanded, my eyes scanning the darkness beyond the walls of my fortress. "Who is brave enough to come to my doorstep to die?"

"It's not a king, my lord. These are zombies. They attacked a few citizens outside. One of them tried to enter the city but was killed by a minion. Now they have gathered outside, and they are very strong."

I could hear the sound of groaning and shuffling feet coming from outside, and I knew that this was no ordinary attack. The zombies had come, and we were in for a long and bloody battle. But as I prepared myself to face the undead horde, I knew that I would emerge victorious. For I was a warrior, and I had faced worse foes than this before. And I was ready to fight for what was mine, no matter what the cost.

I surveyed the horde of zombies from the top of the wall. They were a grotesque sight, their skin rotting and their eyes lifeless. Their moans and groans echoed through the empty streets, sending chills down my spine. I knew that we had to act fast to protect our city from this impending threat.

As I gazed down at the injured citizens, my heart went out to them. They were scared and confused, not knowing what was happening to them. The bite marks on their skin were already starting to turn black, a grim reminder of the fate that awaited them if we didn't act quickly.

I turned my attention back to the minion manager who had returned with the cages. He was barking orders to his subordinates, directing them to lock up the infected citizens. I watched as they were ushered into the cages, looking defeated and hopeless.

The minion manager turned to me and said, "We have secured the infected citizens, my lord. They are locked up and isolated as you instructed."

"Good job," I replied, nodding in approval. "But we must do more. We cannot let this plague spread any further. We need to find a way to eradicate these zombies once and for all."

The minion manager looked at me with a worried expression. "My lord, we have tried everything we can think of. We've used fire, weapons, and even tried to contain them, but nothing seems to work."

I frowned, deep in thought. We needed a solution, and fast. I couldn't bear the thought of losing more innocent lives to this virus.

As I pondered on what to do next, I noticed movement in the distance. A group of survivors was approaching the city gates. I squinted to get a better look, wondering if they were friend or foe. Whatever their intentions were, we needed to be prepared for whatever lay ahead.

I slowly ascended the stairs, my heart racing as I approached the top. I could feel the weight of the impending doom bearing down on me. When I finally reached the rooftop, I took a deep breath and gazed out across the city.

My eyes widened in shock as I saw the hordes of zombies below. They were standing outside the city walls, hundreds upon hundreds of them, all gathered in one place. I could feel my palms begin to sweat as I realized the magnitude of the situation. This was unlike anything I had ever seen before.

For a moment, I forgot about the upcoming war. My mind was completely consumed by the zombies below. I couldn't believe that I had forgotten about them during my previous battles. I had thought that they were gone forever, but they had returned with a vengeance.

As I watched, more and more zombies arrived, their numbers swelling by the minute. They were like a massive wave, crashing against the city walls. I could feel the tension in the air as we all prepared for the inevitable attack.

My soldiers were gathering on the wall, their weapons at the ready. Magic minions and archers took up position at the front of the wall, poised to defend against the zombie onslaught.

The zombies on the other side stood in a line, their faces twisted into grotesque snarls. They were a formidable force, their numbers increasing with every passing moment. I couldn't help but shudder at the thought of what was to come.

Suddenly, the zombies began to move. They were no longer standing still, but instead gathering in groups, preparing for a coordinated attack. I could see their eyes glinting in the sunlight, their movements almost synchronized.

I called over one of my intelligence variants and instructed him to start the attack. He nodded and quickly disappeared, heading down to the wall to relay my orders.

From the safety of my secure room, I watched as the fire minions began their assault. The zombies were caught off guard by the sudden attack, but the fire didn't seem to do much damage. The zombies continued to advance, their bodies smoldering from the flames.

As the fire attack subsided, the archers took up their bows and began to rain arrows down on the zombies. Each arrow found its mark, but still the zombies advanced. Their determination was frightening to behold.

For hours, the battle raged on. The zombies attacked relentlessly, and my soldiers fought with all their might to hold them back. It was a brutal and exhausting fight, but in the end, we emerged victorious.

As I looked out across the battlefield, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. We had faced a seemingly insurmountable enemy and emerged victorious. It was a testament to the strength and determination of my soldiers, and I was proud to lead them.

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