"I am not going alone," I said, turning towards her. My voice was firm, but my heart was heavy. "I am taking my army with me, minions who follow my orders without question. I need soldiers, not people who will question every move I make. I am a king, and I can do as I please."

As I spoke, I could see that she was upset, almost on the verge of tears. She was a loyal subject, and I knew that she believed in my leadership. But I had already made my decision not to take her to battle, and that was final. She had been too judgmental about my choices, too quick to criticize without understanding the weight of the decisions I had to make. I couldn't afford any more drama from her, not when there was a war to be fought.

"I am a crucial part of your army; you can't leave me behind," she protested, her anger evident.

"You're not the queen here, I am the king," I replied coldly, my eyes fixed on her. "You will do as I command. If you have the nerve to disobey me, then be prepared to face my wrath."

As I turned to leave, I could still hear her crying, but I didn't look back. My ego had been hurt, and I needed to satisfy it. I had to show her that I was the one in charge, that I was the one who made the decisions. It wasn't personal, it was just the way things had to be.

At noon, I had my lunch and then went out to practice. I had seen the beasts from the twin cities fight, and I was trying to copy their style for my battle. They had showcased some of the most amazing skills, and I wanted to use them to my advantage. The sun beat down on me, but I didn't stop. Sweat dripped down my face, my muscles strained as I pushed myself harder and harder. I had to be ready for anything that the enemy could throw at me.

In the midst of my training, I saw the intelligence variant approaching. It was the same variant that had brought me the news earlier that morning, but I didn't want to stop my training. I gestured for it to wait, and we continued. My heart was pounding in my chest, my adrenaline pumping as I fought off imaginary foes. I had to be the best, to lead my troops to victory.

Hours passed, but I didn't stop. I couldn't afford to. My mind was focused, my body pushed to its limits. When I finally finished, the sun was setting, and the sky was painted with shades of orange and pink. I was exhausted, but I felt alive. I had prepared myself as best I could, and I was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

After what felt like hours of strategizing, I finally called it quits for the day. My feet were sore from standing for so long, and my head was throbbing with all the information I had just absorbed. I made my way towards the intelligent minion who had been my right-hand man in this entire operation. As I approached him, I noticed he had a bottle of water in his hand. He handed it to me without a word and gestured towards the map he had prepared.

The map was a work of art, with intricate details and perfectly drawn lines. The minion had meticulously marked out the areas we needed to attack, making sure to keep in mind the various obstacles we may face. I told him to roll it up for the time being, promising to revisit it later that day.

As soon as I returned to my humble abode, I couldn't wait to take off my armor and wash my face. The cool water splashed against my face, washing away the grime and sweat. I felt invigorated and ready to tackle the rest of the day.

Later, as I sat down on the bench at the training ground, I asked the minion to unfurl the map once more. I stared at it for a long time, taking in all the details. The cities were spread out, and attacking them would be a challenge. But the minion had found a way to make it work. His plan involved using the jungle as cover, making sure that the other brothers wouldn't discover our plan until it was too late.

I felt my heart race as I studied the map. The gold mine was the ultimate prize, and it was located in the safest yet poorest city among the five. The city was nestled deep within a mountain, protected on three sides. The safest city also meant that it would be the hardest to attack, but I was determined to make it work.

I asked the minion if there was any way to use a rope to attack from the mountain. But he quickly shot down my idea, stating that it was too risky. I knew he was right, but I couldn't help feeling frustrated.

The gold mine was the biggest treasure any of us had ever seen, but the city lacked the resources to mine the gold out. I had the resources, the minion, and everything else I could possibly need. I knew that taking the gold out of there would make me the richest man in the world.

As I sat there, studying the map, I knew that this was the moment I had been waiting for. All the training, all the strategizing, and all the hard work had led me to this point. The prize was within my grasp, but there was still a small problem that needed to be solved.

I had just completed the construction of a magnificent new city, and I was eager to explore the surrounding areas to expand its resources. One of the most valuable resources in the region was gold, which was located in the northern part of the area. However, mining the gold would require a prolonged stay in the region, and this could put my city at risk of being attacked and conquered by enemy forces. I knew I needed to find a solution to this predicament, but before that, I had to conquer the other cities in the region to expand my territory.

Despite the potential dangers of mining the gold, I was determined to do it because I knew the benefits would be immense. The minion had informed me that only a few people knew about the gold, so there was no need to worry. However, I couldn't shake off the feeling of apprehension that lingered within me. I knew that even the slightest hint of weakness could be exploited by my enemies.

As we discussed the matter further, the minion suggested that we could abandon the city and come back when we were done mining. But I couldn't bear the thought of leaving my beautiful city, which I had poured my heart and soul into building. I knew that I had to come up with a better solution.

I asked the minion to bring me the map so that I could study it and come up with a plan. He nodded and left to retrieve the map from my house. While I waited, my mind raced with the possibilities and the potential risks. I knew that the success of my mission depended on careful planning and execution.

As I sat there, deep in thought, I couldn't help but feel a sense of impending danger. The city was unusually silent, and the air was thick with tension. I knew that something was coming, but I didn't know what it was. It was a feeling that I couldn't ignore.

The minion returned with the map, and I studied it intently. I analyzed every detail, every possible route, and every potential obstacle. I knew that the journey ahead would be long and perilous, but I was ready to face it head-on.

As I prepared my army for battle, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and determination. I was determined to protect my city and expand my territory, no matter what the cost. I knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but I was ready to face it with all the strength and courage I could muster.

The battle began, and it was fierce and intense. But with careful planning and strategic execution, we emerged victorious. I knew that this was only the beginning, and there were many more battles ahead. But I was ready for whatever lay ahead, and I knew that my city would thrive under my leadership.

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