My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 300 Gathering To Understanding

The night descended upon us with alarming speed, casting a dark veil over the landscape as we prepared for the impending battle. My mind was consumed by thoughts of the upcoming conflict, and as I lay in bed, I gazed at my sharp sword, its glimmering blade beckoning to me like a siren's call.

In my mind's eye, I envisioned the carnage that was to come, the thrill of victory and the rush of triumph that would follow. I had a plan, a strategy that I had crafted with painstaking detail, one that would ensure my success and secure my place as the ruler of the five cities.

As I lay there lost in thought, I was suddenly jolted back to reality by the sound of chaos outside. The air was thick with panic, and I could hear the sound of my minions marching in unison, their feet pounding the earth like a drumbeat.

I sheathed my sword and rose from my bed, my heart pounding with anticipation and fear. The sound of running footsteps echoed in the night, and I reached for the doorknob, my hand trembling with trepidation.

As I opened the door, I was greeted by the sight of the minion manager, his face drawn with worry and concern.

"What's happened?" I demanded, my eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of danger.

"There's been an attack, my lord," he replied, his voice strained with urgency. "But we're taking care of it. We'll have everything under control soon."

My mind raced as I tried to make sense of the situation. Who could have dared to challenge me? Who could be foolish enough to take on the might of my armies?

"It's no king, my lord," the minion manager continued, as if sensing my confusion. "These are zombies. They attacked a few citizens outside. One tried to enter the city but was killed by a minion. Now they've gathered outside, and they're very strong."

Zombies? The word echoed in my mind, and I felt a chill run down my spine. I had heard tales of these creatures, but I had always dismissed them as mere legends, the fanciful imaginings of storytellers.

But now they were here, at my doorstep, threatening to undo all of my carefully laid plans. I gripped my sword tightly, the weight of it reassuring in my hand, and prepared to meet this new threat head-on.

"Are they same as the last ones."

"Yes, my lord, they are as strong as the last one and as my senses suggest some are even stronger. You will have to come out to see it yourself."

The minion manager stepped away and started walking towards the main gate. I got outside and had my sword in my hand. I followed the minion and we crossed the first gate. There I saw one of the citizens. He was badly injured. There were five of them but one had biting marks. I looked at him and got worried that he might also turn into a zombie.

I called minion manager who was near the wall by then while I was monitoring that guy. He came near me and stood there.

"Yes, my lord, you called my name."

"I want you to treat these people and then lock them up in cages. They are bitten by the zombies and they might also turn. Keep them away from other people and find if anyone has any other marks of injury when they were outside. "

"There aren't any other residents that were outside at that time, these were the people and I kept them here because of their injuries. I will ask for cages and I will put them in."

"Yes, hurry up do that and keep them locked separately. I don't want infected to infect healthy people."

"Yes, my lord." He nodded and went back into the city, while I climbed up the stairs to the top of the wall.

I got up the stairs and was looking outside. There were hundreds of zombies gathered outside the city and they were afraid to jump in the water. I had to go to war tomorrow and now I had to face this mess. I had almost forgot about zombies during my battles. I though they wouldn't come back but they came out of my expectation.

I stood in awe as I witnessed the terrifying sight of hordes of zombies relentlessly advancing towards my city. They were coming from all directions, some limping, others running, but all with the same goal in mind - to destroy us all. This was a nightmare come to life, and it was happening right before my eyes.

I watched as they approached the city gates, a sea of decaying flesh that seemed to stretch on for miles. The stench of rot and decay filled the air, and I could feel my stomach churning at the sickening smell. As they got closer, I could see their faces, or what was left of them - sunken eyes, peeling skin, and exposed bones. They were grotesque, and I could feel my heart racing as they closed in.

Meanwhile, my own army was assembling on the walls, preparing for battle. I saw magic minions and archers taking positions on the top of the wall, ready to defend against the onslaught. They looked fierce and determined, their weapons gleaming in the sunlight.

The zombies were now standing in a line, like an army, as if they were waiting for something. I couldn't help but wonder what their plan was - were they going to breach our defenses, or were they simply waiting for us to make the first move?

I called one of the intelligence variants nearby me and told him to start the attack. He nodded and left, and I watched as my army sprang into action. The fire minions began attacking, their flames shooting out towards the zombies. But the distance was too great, and the fire barely reached them.

Next, the archers began firing their arrows, each shot hitting a zombie with deadly accuracy. But to my horror, the zombies didn't fall. They kept advancing, shrugging off the arrows as if they were mere annoyances.

It was then that I knew we were in trouble. The zombies were too many, too strong, and too relentless. But we couldn't give up - we had to keep fighting, to defend our city at all costs. I took a deep breath and prepared to join the battle, knowing that the fate of my city rested on my shoulders.

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