
Although I was able to pull my weight in the frontlines, without everyone's help, I would had still been overwhelmed. Sarach Acted panicked but his endless army probably had dozens of millions of insects, they simply kept coming without end!

Thankfully, Aquarina, Zack, and Celeste were here. Although Celeste had gone slightly insane after considering the odds, she quickly began to realize everything wasn't as lost. No, as long as I am here it won't be a lost cause. As long as Alice is here with us, there's always a chance to turn the tables to our favor.

"I won't let you get through! RAAAAAHHH!!! Dark Shadow Magic: [Darkness Domain]! [Shadow Chains]! [Cursed Eyes of Demise]! [Endless Bat Swarm]! [Shadow Specters]! [Darkness Bombs]!!!"

Celeste was going insane in the most simplest of words. Her magical spells were coming one after the other. If one thing she benefitted from her contract with the Evil Gods and the True Demon Spirit that was taken away from her which stayed, is her abnormally large Mana Pool.

Indeed, unlike other people at her Rank which would usually have… in numerical terms, around 10k MP, she had like 500k! It was a rather interesting gift left behind which she theorized might be due to the enormous hole left inside her soul after having taken away the divine protections of the evil gods, which then was naturally filled with the Mana of the environment.


Her Spells were devastating the rear left side of the entire hall. Shadow Domains emerged, taking away dozens of bugs into abyssal shadow spaces and then chains weakened them, cursed eyes blasted them with beams of red light, bats began biting them and tearing them down, and spheres of darkness exploded one after the other.

However, her Mana had already ran out even at her current amount, but I was supplying her with plenty of my own Mana constantly anyways, enhancing her ability to conjure as many spells as she wanted.

Thanks to Mana Manipulation reaching Level 100, the pressure I get and the damage I got into my soul from overusing Mana has been completely negated, so that meant I could go all out with sharing my Mana more freely.

Meanwhile, in the other side, Zack was unleashing attacks of his own. His Beast Aura emerged once more, this time boosting his power to become that of the Horned Storm Bear that his Soul Beast was.

"Storm Magic: [Grand Tornado]! [Storming Domain]! [Thunderstorm]! [Twin Lightning Axe]! [Zeus Thunder]!"


Massive attacks of devastating proportions spread out, destroying the swarm of insects constantly. He generated a domain of wind and lightning that constantly grew stronger as it twisted faster and faster the more monsters it killed, exploding into wind and lightning and taking more and more victims with each passing second.

Additionally, massive lightning strikes coming from his axe and then gigantic thunders falling from his fingers constantly punished any insect bold enough to walk closer to him, the boost of my buffs was greatly enchanting both his spirit's powers and his own damage dealt thanks to Swarm Killer.

Aquarina, in the other side, completely devastated dozens of hordes of insect monsters by herself. She moved at super-fast speed with her powerful [Shadow Embodiment] while her body kept shapeshifting into many forms to allow her to evade and devastate her foes. Her long white hair had turned into gigantic tentacles, hitting everything in her way as her hands began firing shadow bullets and then her foot touched the ground, freezing everything else.

Her two daggers resonated with one another, shadow slashes and ice spikes being generated from the water produced by one of her daggers easily pierced everything else. She was also boldly attacking the center of the battlefield where Sarach was, attempting to damage him or find his true body. Her three familiars were helping at that.

Pyuku, Undine, and Leviathan combined their strength to unleash a [Winter Storm Dragon], a gigantic draconic spell that conjured a monstrous dragon-shaped storm of ice that constantly froze and shattered the endless swarms protecting Sarach's true body!


"GGRRRHHHH…! So annoying! I guess I cannot simply let my children eat you! I'll have to step in…!" Sarach roared furiously, suddenly, a gigantic mass of thousands of insects emerged from where the Fishman King's body used to be, now completely reduced to nothing, not even bones.

The swarm solidified together somehow, forming a giant made of insects which quickly began conjuring the power of countless monster abilities and magic together, although alone they were very weak, combined by the dozens, it became a truly frightening power!

"Learn your place, trash! I've devoured and parasitized countless monsters and warriors, many heroes have perished against my might! And their powers are mine! Dear, tremble!!!" He started to laugh insanely. "Monster Ability Fusion: [Apocalyptic Chimeric Expansion]!!!"


A mass of pure chaos and countless other abilities merged together as a mass of darkness spread out like a shockwave, reaching everywhere and then beginning to mutate into countless other monsters, not only insects anymore! But this wasn't living beings, this was merely an ability!

"[The Jaws of the Lion Tyrant]!"


A gigantic pair of jaws emerged from within this mass, attempting to bite Aquarina as she parried the attack barely, being thrown away!


"[The Deadly Scythes of the Undying Mantis Empress]!"


Two gigantic scythes from a mantis emerged, slashing away against Zack as he unleashed a storm of winds and lightning to intercept, barely managing to remain unscathed!


"[The Fury of the Abyssal Wolves]!"


An amorphous mass of hundreds of wolves mixed together appeared, spreading everywhere and attempting to devour us all together! I quickly acted as I unleashed countless attacks utilizing my spirits and Scarlet, walls of flames, dragon breaths, shining light beams, thorny vines, explosive dark chains, and weakening curses!


"You're not exactly the only one that possess the power of many monsters within you!" I laughed. "Furoh!"

"On it!"

Furoh, still copying Aquarina quickly emerged out of my shadows, fully restored now, he immediately shapeshifted into his truest form!

"[Ultimate Aberrant Form]!"



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