
"[Ultimate Aberrant Form]!"


Furoh channeled the near endless source of Mana that was coming from my soul as he unleashed the power of the strongest monsters and beings he had ever copied with his mimicry skill, combining them all together into a powerful, chimeric form, an ultimate chimera!


The roar that combined that of a dragon, a Fenrir, and even the True Demons echoed across the hall, as powerful multi-elemental auras converged together chaotically. He even copied all of Sarach's powers to an extent, the recent abilities as well as the Fishman King.

The aberrant chimera had the body of a gigantic Fenrir with three dragon heads, the tail with the head of a giant snake and a wolf, four dragon wings and six legs of different beasts, all covered in countless, different-colored eyes!

"Sylphy, I cannot keep this form for too long…! At most, five minutes!"

"I get it! Let's go all out then!"


Sarach's reaction to Furoh was completely priceless! His entire voice echoed in shock as he felt completely flabbergasted.

"W-What?! A Mimic Demon?! And one of such high rank! T-This is impossible! I had… I had made sure that your kin were to be exterminated! How come?!" He roared furiously.

"What?! You exterminated my kin?!" Furoh instantly reacted. "You bastard…!"

Furoh roared furiously, devastating chaos itself as thousands of insects died by his monstrous attacks. Draconic Breaths coming from his mimicry of Ignatius' brother, devastating Elemental Magic from his mimicry of Fenrir, destructive elemental attacks from many other monsters he had encountered, and even Demonic Magic from the True Demons we once fought!


"T-Tch…! Yes, I exterminated them long ago! How come there's one behind? I had absorbed all of your kin's powers, yet there's always… always someone of your damned kin that emerges attempting to throw me away from my throne!" Sarach roared furiously, as he summoned thousands of more insects, countless arms emerged from these swarms of insects stuck together as he started punching Furoh and blowing countless holes over his body!


"This bastard…" Celeste was surprised. "Don't tell me he got these powers from absorbing them from the Mimic Demon Tribe?!"

"Furoh, beat the shit out of him!!!" Zack roared.

"You can do it!" Aquarina said.

"Here, take all my Mana!" I roared, as I imbued even more Mana into Furoh while everyone else fought against the swarms coming from literally every single corner.

"If what you say is true then…! I won't forgive you! It was your fault that I was unable to ever meet with my tribe! We'll make sure to KILL you! RAAAAAAAAHHHH!!! [Primordial Sin: Gluttony]!!!"


Furoh activated his strongest Skill, the innate ability he awakened upon evolving and obtaining a System. The power of Gluttony, a Primordial Sin of incredible power. It exhausted him severely to use it, but now he simply didn't seem to care about his own exhaustion, as his entire body shapeshifted into an endless chimeric mass, fighting against the endless mass of insects and chaos that Sarach was!


"Y-You bastard! How come you possess a Primordial Sin?! T-This is impossible!" Sarach roared. "Monster Ability Fusion: [Endless Abyssal Maws]!"


Sarach went all out, conjuring a combination of countless monster abilities as a crack in space itself opened, massive jaws leading to an endless abyss appearing! However, Furoh had a similar power.

"That is merely a cheap imitation!" Furoh roared. "[Primordial Gluttonous Jaws of Demise]!"


His body shapeshifted, gigantic jaws emerged, absorbing and devouring the entire swarm of insects as he was also being bitten and devoured. A fight between two ferocious monsters, a stalemate!

"The swarm stopped expanding here!" Aquarina said.

"This is our chance then!" Zack roared.

"Let's go!" Celeste said.

All four of us quickly jumped over the two monsters fighting. As we evaded and slashed countless tentacles and insects from Sarach that emerged to fight against us, while Furoh's own body shapeshifted to protect us from his attacks, shields made of shells, gigantic claws of wolves, and dragon jaws tearing apart his foe emerged one after the other!

"STOP…! LET GO OF MEEEE!" Sarach cried in fury, as he suddenly noticed all four of us jumping directly into his weak spot, which had opened once he activated his strongest Technique.

"Now, all together! [Mana Combination]!"

I conjured a spell I had created myself, which combined the Mana Sources of many allies together into a single one, and then conjured a gigantic power from our combined elements. We've practiced this before, as Zack, Aquarina, and even Celeste joined into the conjuration. Their elemental auras converging with my own and my many spirits.


Divine Power emerged from Alice to complement this powerful combined spell, as our elemental powers converged with our spirits, which all flew together and combined into a mass of colorful, spiritual power, falling towards Sarach who had revealed an opening to his true body after losing too many insects within his swarm.

We saw him, a small black worm trying to escape by digging through the many other insects making his swarm!

But it was too late!

"Divine Fusion Magic: [Primordial Elemental Genesis]!"

All the elemental power converged into a sphere of multiple colors, which then fell directly inside of the swarm of endless insects protecting Sarach!

"No…! This can't be…! Stop…!" He cried. "STOOOOOP!"


A massive elemental explosion consumed everything.

Furoh extended his body, grabbing all of us and protecting us, flying away from the scene, and generating countless shells to make a shield.


The entire Dungeon started to tremble, countless cracks emerged everywhere, the tremor and the commotion continued for a while, until it all suddenly became silent.

When we looked back, amidst the smoke and destruction, the bastard was still somehow alive…

"Aggh…! No…! T-This… Can't… be…!"

However, he was but a mere little worm crawling towards the carcass of a dead beetle, while holding a tiny purple jewel on his tail.


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