The trip seemed quite short as Bella was driving at a high speed while they were also always chatting.

Since Bella had Carla and Arthur with her, the car was able to get into the neighborhood where Isabel's official residence was located.

It was still daytime, so Isabel wasn't home.

Arthur wondered what he needed to do today, but finally he decided to do nothing.

He went to his room and meditated, trying to increase his magic power.

When he meditated seriously, he was completely immersed in it, like falling asleep completely.

However, he was in a state of mindfulness where he could open his eyelids whenever he wanted.

(Do you want to become a God?) A mysterious voice suddenly echoed inside his head, without him realizing at all where it came from but too clear that he was shocked.

Only, when he wanted to open his eyes, he found that it was very heavy.

It wasn't that he couldn't, but he needed to release a huge force that would definitely destroy the surrounding area.

(Who are you?) Arthur had no other choice but to ask back through his mind as the voice was clearly inside his mind.

(I am the enemy in your mind!) The voice replied.

(You can call me the God of Time, or the One-Eyed Devil!) It apparently didn't mind introducing itself.

Of course, each of the titles he mentioned instantly made Arthur understand whose voice it was.

No doubt he was the mysterious being who was hiding on earth.

He didn't expect that she would contact him, and this meant something dangerous because of the possibility that she could awaken.

He couldn't say anything, completely at a loss as to how to respond.

(Don't assume I can't keep an eye on you...) His voice echoed again in Arthur's head.

(What do you want?) Arthur finally asked him the purpose.

(Just one, I want you to stop bothering me.)

Actually, his answer made Arthur feel calmer because if he asked for that, it meant he couldn't do anything directly to him.

If he could, he would probably come directly to kill him.

(What exactly is your goal?) Arthur asked again, becoming more interested in this conversation.

(My goal is also only one, preying on the descendants of a certain person to recover. Given your investigation so far, you should already have a guess, right?)

It was indeed in accordance with Arthur's guess. However, he couldn't help but wonder whose descendants they were so that preying on them could make the mysterious creature recover.

(What makes them unique?) Arthur asked.

(You don't need to know about that, now I want to know your answer. Would you be willing to stop interfering with my business, and I will reward you accordingly.)

(Will it really make me a God?) Arthur was of course interested, but he needed to know more first.

The question was whether he was the type who could be invited to cooperate in something like this?

In this cooperation, he would practically abandon a nation, letting them all die without doing anything.

Of course, when he is interested, it means he can do that.

From the beginning, his philosophy of life was to be happy with his family, not to become a protector. He would only become a protector after all his needs had been met.

It's an opportunity he can take first as long as it doesn't limit his life.

Who knows, after getting the opportunity, he might still be able to fight the creature to stop his plans.

(Yes, but I want a guarantee that you don't challenge me after you become a God. Therefore, I need to insert a certain object into your body.) The creature replied.

When he heard the answer, Arthur wanted to cough.

This could be expected if the creature was also cautious, which of course proved that its condition was indeed not okay.

And the thing he was about to insert into his body was practically something more dangerous than his Spiritual Bird. It could definitely render him helpless in front of him even if he had become a God.

(What's your answer?) The creature asked again.

(What exactly is that thing?) Arthur answered with a question.

He was still considering because he was using an extraordinary Spell, the World Creation Spell.

If he became a God with an ordinary spell, he would probably be an average God among Gods.

However, with the World Creation Spell, he did not hesitate to say that he would be a very unique God among Gods. That must make him very powerful.

Who knows that he might be able to beat that thing up.

Only, he had to know first whether he could stop the thing he was about to insert into his body. Meaning would his Spiritual Core built with the World Creation Spell be able to do so?

If it could, he could practically smile forever as his path became short.

This is how life works. One's path to achieving something can become shorter when one has connections to things that can help him.

Of course, the most basic question at the moment was how did he know the spell could stop the thing that the creature was about to insert into his body?

For this, Arthur would let his Spiritual Core do the judging.

Let it feel it. If it felt threatened and afraid, that meant it was really dangerous.

However, if it was not afraid, he could let the object enter his body.

(I want to see it first, can you send it here?) Arthur added.

(Sure, wait about an hour!) Apparently, the creature didn't mind.

It was just that it took an hour that made Arthur want to laugh.

It seemed that he was in very bad shape indeed.

Perhaps his recent movements had made him fearful and worried, that his plan to rise would completely fail.

Because of that worry, he ended up preferring this method.

Arthur became more curious.

Afterwards, he discovered that his eyes could be easily opened.

However, he still seemed to be able to communicate with the creature as he heard its voice again.

(What I will give you to become a God is one of the most precious things in the universe, called the Universal Spring. It's something that can turn even an ant into a God, I only have one despite living a very long time.)

(If it's that precious, why are you giving it to me?) Arthur couldn't help but ask after hearing his explanation.

His question seemed like he was joking to him because it was clear that the creature had no other choice.

(It's no use to me either, and I'm sure you'll make a great partner.) He replied.

Arthur who had already opened his eyes couldn't help but roll his eyes after hearing his answer.

The great partner he was referring to was clearly that he would be a great subordinate for him.

'No one knows about the future. Let's see who will be the winner,' Arthur thought.

He continued his meditation to wait.

With meditation, an hour felt like a minute.

Arthur opened his eyes again when he felt something coming.

When his eyes opened, he saw a black sword appear, coming through his window.

The sword was small in size, only as long as a finger.

It looked like a toy sword sold for small toys.

However, Arthur had to squint his eyes when he saw the black sword.

This seemed to be the most dangerous thing he had ever seen.

(Swallow it, you will get the Universal Spring. It's hidden in the space inside the sword.) He heard the creature's voice again.

Arthur pretended to think, but he was actually observing his own Spiritual Core, wanting to see the reaction of his power core.

Of course, during his time on earth, it never seemed frightened even if he felt worried.

Ever since he saw that thing, his Spiritual Core had finally reacted.

It trembled, impressed like it was excited, and wanted to swallow the sword.

Its desire to swallow the sword even affected Arthur's mind.

Arthur wondered if it was because of the sword or because of the Universal Spring hidden within.

To be sure, it can be concluded that his Spiritual Core does not feel threatened.

Slowly, Arthur moved his hand to the sword to touch it.

Perhaps it was too strong with his current level, but he could see a protective aura enveloping the sword so it would not do any damage to the surrounding area.

Even so, when his hand touched the sword, Arthur still felt something infinite.

The power was so vast that even if he was a Great Magus, he still couldn't compete with the sword.

Of course, even if everything seemed to be going fine, Arthur still wrinkled his forehead many times.

(Come on, swallow that and you'll instantly reach my level!) Arthur heard the creature's voice again.

In Arthur's opinion, the creature was quite stupid now because he seemed to be thinking only of his own affairs, but not of his worries.

If he was worried, he would definitely refuse, why should he agree to become a God if he had to be controlled by it?

The creature didn't seem to have thought about things up to that point.

He didn't know that when she decided to accept his offer, it meant she also had certain schemes.

However, this was not something surprising to Arthur given the creature's injuries.

If he couldn't do anything, it was natural that his mind wasn't working properly either so he didn't think about things. It was impossible for a sick or hungry person to think seriously.

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