Arthur observed the black sword for a while.

However, instead of putting it in his mouth, he suddenly grasped it.

(I'm sure a lot of changes will happen if I become a God, for the time being I want to settle things first, no problem, right?) he said.

He still didn't want to rush things even though it seemed that everything would be safe.

Waiting two or three days first was necessary to prepare.

The problem is the unexpected changes. He needs to make sure that even if unexpected situations arise, things will be fine for him and his family.

The creature was silent for a while after he heard his request, but it seemed that he could still compromise.

(Okay, you can decide when you will swallow it.) He replied.

Arthur smiled, and after that, he finally felt nothing again.

The creature's power had disappeared from his room.

Although it was said he could watch it, Arthur was sure it was only fleeting and occasional. What he was doing today also needed preparation.

Arthur looked up at the window, finding the sky had already begun to darken.

"I think there's a time warp," he said with narrowed eyes.

He was sure it should be day now, but it was almost night.

It seemed to be because time was speeding up. No wonder the creature had the title of God of Time.

At this moment, Arthur heard the sound of Isabel's car.

He wanted to see her, so he took a shower first.

He made sure he was clean enough, putting on nice clothes before walking out of his room.

When he arrived at the living room, he saw that Isabel had already arrived, chatting with Carla and Bella who were relaxing on the sofa.

Having just gotten off work, Isabel was naturally dressed in a professional outfit consisting of a skirt and shirt. She was elegant and beautiful as always.

Her eyes looked up at Arthur, showing a slight, almost imperceptible smile.

Surprisingly afterwards she told Carla and Bella to go out to buy food for them to have dinner.

The two girls didn't object. They went outside so there was no one there anymore.

Given that they could cook, her purpose in asking Carla and Bella out was quite obvious to Arthur.

Arthur couldn't help but smile as he approached her.

When he arrived in front of her, he unhesitatingly hugged her waist from the front.

"Did you miss me?" asked Isabel with a charming smile, placing each of her palms on his shoulders.

She responded like a lover.

Arthur didn't answer, he kissed her directly, showing that he did miss her.

Even though she had already had the experience of kissing him, Isabel still showed a surprised expression for a moment because the man who kissed her was a man she had taken care of herself.

Of course, she liked it, so she responded to his kiss.

They had a deep and loving kiss. Occasionally their hands moved on their bodies, but it must be admitted that Arthur did not dare to do anything so excessive as to touch the sensitive areas of her body.

It was just that the kiss this time was a bit long for them.

They stopped when they were out of breath but then continued again and again.

It lasted for almost an hour. They stopped only because they heard the sound of Carla and Bella's footsteps.

When they stopped kissing, they smiled at each other.

After that, they sat on the opposite sofa.

After they sat down, Carla and Bella finally emerged from the stairs, each carrying a large plastic bag.

The two of them looked at Arthur and Isabel, but of course they didn't have any suspicions.

Isabel looked fresher even though she hadn't bathed, which was strange, but Carla and Bella still didn't think there was anything strange.

This was something they weren't supposed to know, of course. Otherwise, they could have a heart attack from too much shock.

"What did you girls buy?" Isabel stood up and asked.

"Lamb," Carla replied.

Hearing that, Isabel nodded.

"Alright, let's have dinner now," she said.

It was a typical dinner for them without much chatter. At most, Isabel occasionally gave Carla and Bella advice about college.

She also asked them not to play around too much.

Things were short, and when they finished dinner, Carla and Bella went to their room, occasionally glancing at Arthur in a strange way, as if they wanted to send a signal to ask him to follow them.

Of course, for now Arthur wasn't interested.

"Come to my room," Isabel said as they entered their room.

Arthur nodded and followed Isabel to her room.

Isabel's room was indeed the most luxurious in the house. Apart from being spacious, it had complete office facilities.

It was a room designed so that the owner could also work, but in a very comfortable way.

"I knew there was something you wanted to talk about," Isabel said as they arrived inside the room, looking into Arthur's eyes for a moment. It seemed that her instincts were already telling her that Arthur wanted to talk about something in particular.

"Wait for me to take a shower, sit down!" she added before Arthur could reply.

He direct her hand to her bed and walked to the bathroom.

Perhaps her bed was the last place many men who admired her reached. Now, however, she was casually telling Arthur to sit there.

Arthur of course did not refuse. He walked over to the bed to sit down.

When sitting on that bed, he had to admit that there were many sensations.

The mattress itself didn't give him any particular sensation because he was used to luxurious mattresses, but the fact that it was Isabel's bed.

He was eventually unable to sit quietly, his head turning left and right.

Of course, he could hear the sound of running water from the bathroom.

It was a beautiful sound, seemingly hiding the secret of the beauty of the world.

Not long after, Isabel finally came out of the bathroom, immediately earning a glare from Arthur.

It was hard not to wonder what her figure looked like when she came out of the bathroom.

And it turned out to be indescribable.

She was wearing a sleepwear consisting of long cloth pants and a cloth shirt, which strangely enough, the top button was not fully closed so that the cleavage of her breasts could be seen.

It was of course very surprising because Isabel usually dresses very modestly.

She left her wet blonde hair disheveled, but it still looked very good indeed.

After hanging up the towel, she walked towards Arthur.

Her smile grew wide when she saw that Arthur's eyes didn't move from her at all.

"Arthur, remember that I'm your aunt, keep your gaze a little," she said in an obvious joking tone.

It couldn't be called advice, more like teasing.

In no time, the fragrant scent of her body filled the room, enough to make one feel intoxicated.

She casually sat down beside him, then held his hand.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" She asked.

Unfortunately, Arthur couldn't answer right away because his hands spontaneously wrapped around her waist, and pulled her in until their lips met.

Arthur kissed her again, so aggressively that Isabel's breathing became ragged.

Of course, she didn't mind. She responded to his kiss, as if they were really lovers.

While in the room doing so, their bodies quickly became hot. Isabel's cheeks and neck became so red that she gripped Arthur's shirt tightly.

Her breasts were a very tempting sight for Arthur, but again, he lacked courage.

Even so, he could still feel her breasts as their embrace became tighter.

"Aunt!" said Arthur with a drunken expression as he broke the kiss, looking at Isabel with desire in his eyes.

The problem was that Isabel's gaze was very similar to his.

"We have each other," Isabel replied, placing her palms on his chest.

Slowly, they lay on the bed, but did not continue their actions, just continued to hug and stare at each other. Occasionally, Arthur stroked Isabel's hair.

"If you want to sleep first, go to sleep first," Isabel said.

The room's main light turned off when she snapped her fingers, leaving only dim lights.

It only enhanced their romance.

"I'll say it, there's something going on," Arthur replied, trying to remain calm while his expression became rather serious.

"What is it?" asked Isabel, becoming very curious at the change in Arthur's expression.

Arthur took a deep breath and calmly explained.

Fortunately, she already knows a lot of hidden things, so it's not difficult to explain these things to her.

Of course, she still became serious after hearing everything Arthur said.

She immediately sat up and turned on the headlights again.

"Are you sure you're going to do this?" she asked, looking so worried that her hand gripped his tightly.

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