"Aunt, everything will be fine, please believe me," Arthur replied, sitting up and hugging her.

"And even with the worst possibility, I will still be alive because I have a body in the other world. When my body here becomes a God, the result of its enlightenment should be enough to make my body in the other world break through as well. At that time, I can definitely come." He explained.

It was one of the theories he firmly believed in.

He who was in the Sky World was only one step away from becoming a God, a step that required difficult enlightenment.

However, if here he became a God, coupled with his Spiritual Core that was the result of the World Creation Spell, it should have a certain effect that was very extraordinary.

Isabel narrowed her eyes after hearing Arthur's explanation.

She was silent for quite a while.

After that, she suddenly let out a soft snort.

"Huh, I can't control what you want to do. However, remember, if the you here dies, don't even think of touching me again in your life because I don't want you from that alien world," she said, not hiding her angry tone.

Arthur couldn't help but cough when he heard her words, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

"That will never happen," he replied with determination.

It was an inexplicable night for Isabel.

She was happy to be able to cuddle with Arthur as she slept, but her head kept thinking about his plan.

Even forcing herself to calm down was extremely difficult.

In the end, Arthur had to use his magic to force her to calm down so she could enjoy the night with him.

Even so, when morning came and she opened her eyes, she stared at Arthur silently while her fingers pressed tightly against his back.

Their embrace was so tight that their bodies seemed to merge completely.

Arthur stroked her hair, observing her face that grew more beautiful with time.

Fortunately Isabel was a woman with a very mature personality. She took a deep breath and calmed down.

She then sat up, looked at the window and stretched her body.

"Hurry out and take a shower in your room, it's your first day of class and I have to leave for work soon," she said.

"Aunt, being a little late shouldn't be a problem, right?" replied Arthur as he sat up.

He didn't wait for Isabel's reply, he kissed her again, deeper than before.

Isabel could not resist his wishes, and she also responded directly.

Her hands stroked his back more aggressively, as if she really wanted to go further.

Arthur was the same, his right hand wanted to touch her ass while his left hand wanted to touch her breasts.

As their eyes stared at each other, Arthur saw something like a signal from Isabel's eyes, as if she was allowing him to do what he wanted.

With the desire already reaching the limit, it instantly made Arthur break through the shackles a little.

He finally grabbed her ass which turned out to be really soft, so comfortable to the touch that he spontaneously squeezed it.

Isabel's eyes fluttered as she felt the movement of his hand, but she reciprocated by wrapping her arms around his neck.

This left her chest exposed so that the movement of Arthur's hand on her breasts became very easy.

Anyone could deduce that she wanted Arthur to hold her breasts, something that many men dreamed of but could never achieve.

Although they are still dressed now, we are talking about Isabel.

Indeed, in terms of status she competes with Rebecca, but her quality is still far above the latter.

After all, Rebecca was not clean while Isabel was still untouchable until now.

This is a difference that cannot be measured.

Arthur also didn't bother to keep thinking. Since Isabel gave him convenience, he took it.

His hand grabbed one of her breasts, which fit perfectly into his palm.

Isabel's breast size was not excessive but not small either, which was definitely very elegant with her body.

It was just that, when holding it, Arthur felt like he was holding the most priceless thing.

Isabel's movements stopped including her lips so their kiss broke apart.

Her eyes looked down for a moment before looking up at Arthur's face again.

At the same time, Arthur's fingers began to squeeze the breast he was holding.

It was really very soft, like a water-filled balloon.

When her breasts were squeezed, Isabel's cheeks became even redder.

She looked even more beautiful so Arthur was tempted to kiss other parts besides her lips.

"Aunt," he said softly and finally brought his lips to her neck.

She had a snow-like neck with faintly visible veins.

When kissing it, Arthur couldn't help but suck on it while his hand squeezed her breasts harder.

"Ohhhh..." For the first time, Isabel's mouth finally made a moaning sound.

It was too beautiful that it could put the moon and stars to shame.

"Arthur!" She called out to him while her hands held his head. Her breathing was getting so fast that every breath she took could be felt by Arthur through his hair.

Unfortunately, after that, she suddenly pushed Arthur's body.

"Enough, I want to get to work," she said in a trembling tone.

This time she seemed to be serious when she said that because she immediately stood up and went to her bathroom.

Arthur looked at her until she disappeared while holding his lips.

No matter how he thought about it, he still felt his brain tremble when he thought about this despite having various life experiences.

Never in his life did he think that he would do all this with Isabel.

However, what could he say? He enjoyed it because Isabel was the perfect woman in his eyes.

When he started hearing the sound of water from Isabel's bathroom, he finally stood up and stepped out of the room.

If he stayed there, he would not be able to hold back his desire either.

Coincidentally, when he came out of the room, Bella also came out of the room where she was sleeping.

She looked at the other door which was Arthur's room but quickly shifted her gaze to the other side when she heard a voice.

Instantly, she found Arthur coming out of Isabel's room.

It was quite a surprise to her, but of course, there was no way she would immediately think anything strange.

"What are you doing there?" she asked as she approached him.

Of course, she still thought it was normal for Arthur to enter Isabel's room, especially at this time where they often talked about magic.

Bella also didn't think Arthur had been in the room since last night, she just thought that Arthur was new to the room.

And there was no way Arthur was telling the truth. He just smiled without answering, walking to his room.

Bella pouted and rolled her eyes, thinking that Arthur's personality was still the same.

Even now, she just assumed Arthur was being lazy to answer.

Not long after, Arthur, Carla, and Bella gathered at the dining table for breakfast.

As they sat down, Isabel finally came out of her room, wearing a formal outfit similar to yesterday.

Carla and Bella didn't know what happened, but after closing the door to her room, Isabel took a deep breath first, holding her chest for a moment before taking a step.

That never seemed to have happened in Carla's memory, so she was a bit confused, but couldn't think of anything.

Little did she know that Isabel was still feeling the tactile sensation of Arthur's hand.

She walked over to the table, glancing at Arthur's face every now and then. It was her nephew's face and also the face she liked.

Of course, she pretended that nothing was strange. She joined them for breakfast.

At breakfast, she was a little early and explained to Arthur, Carla, and Bella that she had to leave for work soon so she couldn't accompany them to the university.

This was fine because parents usually didn't accompany their children to university even for the first day. They are considered adults, so they should take care of everything themselves.

Not long after Isabel left, Arthur, Carla, and Bella left on foot, heading for the Free University of Brussels.

It wasn't too far from their place, so along the way, they met many young people their age, heading in the same direction.

Competition was always apparent in people of that age. Whether it was in terms of outfit or appearance, everyone seemed to be trying their best.

Even so, it was still hard to compete with Arthur's group.

When there were two who looked particularly striking, they were unfortunately much younger, obviously not university freshmen, but probably high school freshmen.

They were a couple, and Arthur actually recognized them.

Raymond, Linda's younger brother, and Audrey.

The latter's eyes suddenly opened wide when she saw Arthur.

How could she not, she was instantly reminded of the things at the entertainment venue at that time.

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