Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 173 - Three Bird Beasts?

Lin Wu was traveling to the area where they had killed all of the Hard Eared Limber Mice. Even if he had gotten the spirit qi from them, there was still around 30% vital energy that he could gain from eating them. He didn't want to miss out on such a large amount and thus rushed there, anxious that some other beasts may eat it before him.

"No, wait… if they come… I'll just eat them too, why the heck am I even bothered?" Lin Wu questioned his own thinking before speeding up.

About ten minutes later Lin Wu reached the area and as he had expected, there was a group of beasts taking advantage of the free buffet. Lin Wu could even hear what they were talking about.

"Why are all these beasts dried out like this?" One of the beasts that looked like a over sized sparrow spoke.

It was pecking into the dead Hard Eared Limber Mice and seemed to be finding it difficult to eat it. 

"What kind of beasts are even these? Do you know?" Another beast that looked like a swan questioned.

"I think these are called the Hard Eared Limber Mice. But they don't come this far deep into the forest, and never in such a large group." Another beast that looked like a large robin answered.

'Huh? Bird beasts hunting at night time? That's unusual… or it's normal, logic doesn't apply the same way to the beasts in this world as it did to animals in my previous one…' Lin Wu thought to himself.

Shirong had hunted and Lin Wu had consumed a few bird beasts before while coming here and knew that their territories were Rather different. As such that they usually stayed at the top of the forest canopy. Shirong only encountered them when he flew too high and they attacked him.

Lin Wu sensed their cultivation bases and found them to be at the early stage of the core condensation realm. These three were the strongest bird beasts he had seen till now, with the exception of the Silver Beak Sky Soar eagle.

"Could they be former subordinates of the Silver Beak Sky Soar eagle, perhaps?" Lin Wu wondered.

"Say, should we report this to the Olive Viper King?" The sparrow beast asked while taking another bite.

"Are you stupid? Why should we tell him when we can enjoy all this on our own?" The swan beast scolded.

"Won't it be just even worse for us if he finds out we didn't tell him? I mean, with the number of corpses here, I doubt we can finish them all on our own before the other beasts discover this." The sparrow beast replied.

"Till the conflict is going on, the chances of other beasts coming in this direction is unlikely. Even we only detected them because of passing over here. We're lucky the olive viper king assigned up this territory." The Robin beast explained.

Hearing the three bird beasts' words, Lin Wu understood that they were perhaps the new subordinates of the Olive Viper King.

'Hmm… perhaps I can gain more information about the situation in the forest from them; something that the beetle beast and the mole beast didn't know.' Lin Wu thought.

He was now deliberating on whether he should take in one of them as a servant. He had plenty of spirit qi to spare and thought that perhaps a flying beast would have an easier time spying. Having made up his mind, Lin Wu decided to make his presence known.


"Huh? What's that!?" The sparrow beast questioned with surprise.



The ground split open as Lin Wu appeared from within in his full glory. His crimson eyes shining upon the three beasts and his massive Crystal body gleaming under the moonlight. His aura was on full display and the three bird beasts shuddered.

The robin beast directly collapsed to the ground because of the bloodline suppression, while the swan beast was able to bear it for a little while more before collapsing as well. Only the sparrow beast lasted longer than them but even it had to kneel down.

"Se-Se-Senior! Pele-please spare us! We didn't intend to hide it from the olive viper king! Please don't report to him." The sparrow beast hurriedly said.

'Oh, so they think I'm part of his subordinates too… looks like they are rather low level members and thus don't know who the others are…' Lin Wu understood.



A sharp spike protruded on Lin Wu's tail and he stabbed that into the Robin beast, killing it instantly. He then brought it to his mouth and opened it wide, displaying the hundreds of sharp grinder like teeth to the two remaining beasts.



His mouth ate the entire robin beast at once, as the spike like teeth turned around like a grinder, turning the robin beast into minced meat. A few seconds later, Lin Wu swallowed it and gazed deeply at the two remaining bird beast.

"Now then… who wants to be next?" He questioned, his voice terrifying the two beasts to their very soul.

"Mercy! Mercy Senior!" both the beasts pleaded.

"Oh? You ask for mercy? But can you afford it?" Lin Wu questioned in a malevolent tone.

The brains of the two beasts ran at a quick speed, trying to think of reasons to convince the monster in front of them. Lin Wu generously gave them two minutes to think, while he started to eat the corpses of the Hard eared limber mice. 

And just as he had expected, plenty of vital energy was still left in the corpses even now. Though he could tell that the amount had reduced by a few percent more, probably due to the time they had been left out like this.

In two minutes, he had consumed about ten percent of all the corpses while the two bird beasts simply watched on with terror, unable to move a single muscle.

"Now then… have you decided?"

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