Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 174 - Exchange For Mercy?

The two beasts were trembling with fear and couldn't come to a valid decision. They didn't know what they could give the beast in front of them so that they may have mercy on them and leave them alive.

"Tic-tok, the time is running out…" Lin Wu said and raised his tail up in the air, ready to attack them.

"I-I can give you the location of a spirit herb!" The Swan beast shouted.

"And what about you?" Lin Wu questioned.

"I… the tomb! I know the location of a tomb that exists on the border of the fifth and sixth ring!" The Sparrow beast suddenly spoke.

Lin Wu hadn't expected such an answer from the sparrow beast. He would have never guessed that an answer like that of the swan beast was possible, as that was one of the few things that a beast could offer to him. Beasts did not keep material assets like money and at most had some resources hidden away.

They did not desire gold or gems like humans… at least not all of them, and thus if one wanted to bargain with them, resources such as spirit herbs and spirit stones would be a viable option. Lin Wu didn't know what kind of spirit herb the swan beast was intending to give him, but he reckoned that it would be fine to check out.

'If it's something mediocre, I can just eat the swan beast too… I only need one beast to act as a spy for me, anyway.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

He then thought of the tomb that the sparrow beast was talking about. 

"What tomb are you talking about?" Lin Wu questioned the sparrow beast.

"There is a tomb that has existed for a few hundred years at the border of the sixth ring." The sparrow beast answered.

"Oh? It has existed for so long? Then other beasts must know about it as well, shouldn't they? Why do I need to spare you for what is likely to be common knowledge?" Lin Wu said before looking towards the swan beast. "Tell me, do you know what tomb he is talking about?" He questioned.

The sparrow beast looked at the swan beast with pleading eyes, as if asking him to deny it.

"I-I… I know about it… most of the beasts know about the tomb but they don't go near it due to it being dangerous." The swan beast answered honestly.


"See, he knows it too. Then there's no value left in your words…" Lin Wu said and was about to stab the sparrow beast with the spike when it shouted again.

"I KNOW THE SAFE PATH TO ENTER IT!" The sparrow beast said hurriedly just as the spike was an inch away from its body.


Lin Wu withdrew the spike on his tail and looked deep into the sparrow beast's eyes.

"Explain…" He ordered.

"The tomb has a restrictive area around it and if any beast gets near it, they die. A lot of beasts have tried to enter it before but all of them failed, even the past rulers of the forest tried to enter it but they suffered grave injuries. The tomb is the second forbidden area of the forest beside the Dark Bloom caverns." The sparrow beast explained.

Lin Wu raised his eyes as if doubting the authenticity of the beast's words, but then decided to give him a chance. If it really was something useful, he reckoned that he would not be losing out on it.

"Who does the tomb belong to?" Lin Wu questioned.

"I do not know… no one knows, it has existed there since before I was born. Maybe… the rulers know. The Twin Light Liger king must know as he's been alive the longest." The sparrow beast answered while trembling.

Lin Wu deliberated on his words and found it worthy to give it a try. 

'I should probably have a talk with one of the rulers… the twin light Liger king is likely to attack me, and so will the olive viper king. That leaves the split thorn horn beetle King and the Slim Arm Ape. Hmm… if I go with Shirong perhaps it may be possible to have a conversation with the Slim Arm Ape king.' Lin Wu thought.

Lin Wu then checked the time and saw that it had been about thirty minutes since he had left the cave where Shirong was. He also checked the condition of Shirong and found him to be the same and was focused on his own cultivation.

From the system's observation, Shirong's body was slowly gaining back its muscle mass. 

'So it really was the side effect of the cultivation technique that he used… as strange effect but at least it is not permanent.' Lin Wu analyzed.

He then looked at the two bird beasts who shuddered again. Lin Wu withdrew the oppressive aura his body was exuding and let the two beasts relax a bit.

"Th-thank you, Senior!" The swan beast said with gratitude.

"Senior is benevolent, this junior thanks you," The sparrow beast said with an extremely respectful tone.

It was obvious the latter was terrified the most of Lin Wu.

"Between the spirit herb and the Tomb, which one is closer?" Lin Wu questioned.

The sparrow beast looked at his companion with a questioning gaze as well. He had not expected that the swan beast would have something like this hidden away without anyone knowing. Usually, a spirit beast was quite difficult to hide, as their scent would attract the other beasts and if it had a Strong enough spirit qi, even stronger spirit beasts like Nascent soul realm beasts may be attracted.

"The location of the spirit herb is closer, Senior. It will take us thirty minutes to fly there but… I don't know how long it will take you." The swan beast answered.

"Don't worry about that, I'll follow you from below. Also, what kind of spirit herb is that?" Lin Wu questioned.

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