Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 207 - New Nascent Soul Beasts?

Shirong had not expected someone to recognize him so quickly due to the change in his appearance. He completely hairless and was thin like a stick, his bones visible. Overall, he looked like a slave that had been starved for a couple of months.

He looked at the person who had recognized him and identified him to be one of the servants that had served him food at the banquet.

'He was still able to recognize me? This is strange…' Shirong thought.

There were some apprehensions in his mind and he reached a few possibilities that could have led to the person identifying him. He noted this in his mind as another one of the things to investigate.

After his appearance, it didn't take long for the news to spread in the city that Young master Shirong had returned. Clan head Lu was informed and he went out to personally meet him but was shocked upon seeing him.

"Young master… what happened to you?" Clan Head Lu said, seeing the thin figure of Shirong.

"It's just a side effect of a cultivation technique, clan head. Do not worry, I will be fine after a few days." Shirong assured.

"If you say so, young master. But for now, I think we should head back to the clan, continuing here would not be appropriate." Clan Head Lu replied.

Shirong nodded his head and flew behind the clan head Lu to the mansion. While flying there he could see that the entire city was in a perked up mood. There were people working with gusto, and new travelers arriving in the city as well.

"Seems like the city is doing pretty well," Shirong said.

"Indeed, young master. This is all due to you, though. When we revealed that you were going to break through to the Nascent Soul realm here and were going to use a tribulation platform to demonstrate, the powers from the nearby cities couldn't help but request us for the access too.

We thus allowed travelers to come here, and the powers also pledged some resources to us. This has actually delayed the construction for a bit since we were waiting on the logistics to be sorted out. 

But yesterday we finally finished up on that and now the resources have started to arrive and they are being transported to the site of the constriction as we speak." Clan Head Lu informed.

"Ah, I see… at least the businesses will benefit from the influx of the travelers," Shirong replied.

"Indeed, young master." Clan Head Lu agreed.

"How long will it take for the Tribulation platform to be constructed? Do you have an estimate?" Shirong questioned.

"If all goes well, we should be done in about ten to fifteen days. Oh, and a messenger also arrived for you some time ago." Clan head Lu answered.

"Hmm… that should give me enough time to return to my optimum condition and as for the messenger, where is he currently?" Shirong asked.

"The messenger has been waiting at the mansion as well. He brought a few things with him and he said he is supposed to give them to only you. We told him that we would pass them on to you when you arrive, but he did not oblige." Clan Head Lu replied.

"I see. Let's head to meet the messenger first, then. He has some important things with him." Shirong stated.

"As you wish, young master." Clan head Lu said.

They soon reached the mansion and clan head Lu took him to the place where the Messenger had been staying. He called a servant to inform the messenger, and the same man who had brought Shirong the letter from his clan appeared.

"Greetings, young master," The messenger greeted with a bow.

"At ease. Show me what you brought." Shirong spoke.

The messenger nodded and took out a spatial storage ring from a hidden pocket in his robes and passed it to Shirong.

"This has everything you asked for young master. Please take a look," The messenger said.

Shirong branded the spatial storage ring with his spirit sense and put it on his right hand. He checked it with his spirit sense and saw all the things that he had asked for from the messenger before.

There was an assortment of alchemical pills, a few piles of spirit stones, and even some clothes there. Seeing the clothes made Shirong look at the messenger with a questioning look, since he had never asked for them.

"I took the liberty of procuring some good robes worth your standing young master after hearing that your previous ones were destroyed. Please forgive me for this insolence." The messenger stated.

Shirong nodded his head and spoke, "that was good, I like the initiative." 

"If everything is up to the mark, I will take my leave young master." The Messenger asked.

"You are dismissed," Shirong replied.

The messenger cupped his hands one last time before leaving the mansion. Clan Head Lu looked at Shirong and gestured at the servants to leave the room.

"How was your training, young master? I can see that there have been some peculiar changes." Clan Head Lu said.

"It went better than before, and I got to see quite a few shocking things in the millennium forest too," Shirong replied.

"Oh? What kind of surprises?" Clan Head Lu questioned.

"Did you know of a huge eagle beast that is at the Nascent Soul realm living in the Millennium forest?" Shirong asked.

"A Nascent Soul realm eagle beast? No! We have no idea a beast like this lived in the millennium forest. We only have the information about three Nascent Soul realm beasts as far as I know." Clan Head Lu replied, feeling a bit shocked.

"Hmm… then you need to update that to five Nascent Soul realm beasts from now on," Shirong said.

"Five Nascent Soul realm beasts? Not four? If we add the eagle beast it should be four, no?" Clan Head Lu asked.

"No," Shirong shook his head, "while I was on my way back, I had the fortune of witnessing a heavenly tribulation. Another beast has reached the Nascent Soul realm, though I do not know which beast." 

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