Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 208 - A Lying Servant?

The words of Shirong were like thunder ringing in Clan Head Lu's mind. The appearance of a Nascent Soul realm beast was a major matter and had many implications. Whenever a new beast breakthrough to the Nascent Soul realm, there would be power struggles in the Millennium forest.

This could lead to a beast wave which was problematic for the people living in the nearby areas. He needed to inform the royal court of the Ling Kingdom of this as soon as possible and would also have to prepare a defensive force, for when the beast wave arrive.

"Young master… when this Heavenly Tribulation occurred… how many bolts of tribulation lightning were formed?" Clan Head Lu asked with apprehension.

"There were three bolts," Shirong answered.


Clan head Lu hissed in shock. This was what he was dreading and was hoping would not be the case. Whenever a creature reached the Nascent Soul realm and underwent the heavenly Tribulation, the number of Tribulation lightning bolts determined the strength and talent of the creature.

Usually, one bolt of tribulation lightning was enough for a person to break through to the Nascent Soul realm successfully. People that were a bit more talented would endure two bolts instead of one and those that were even more talented would have to bear three entire bolts.

Each additional tribulation lightning bolt increased the difficulty by multiple folds and reduced the chances of success. If a beast had survived three bolts, it meant that it was perhaps the strongest beast in the millennium forest for now.

"We need to inform the royal court, young master. A beast that survived three bolts would be extremely dangerous." Clan head Lu said, looking anxious.

"That would be the right course of action, clan head. But I think you will not have to worry as much, because the eagle beast I spoke of, it was leaving the forest." Shirong revealed.

"WHAT! Which direction was it going towards?" Clan Head Lu questioned, this time his hands trembling.

"Worry not, it went to the western direction and was not heading towards here. I saw the eagle beast when I was going toward the fifth ring. It was about a week into the forest if I remember correctly. It has been thirteen days since then so I think, it should have gone quite far by now." Shirong answered.

"Thirteen days? And there have been no reports of it. ~phew~ that's a good sign." Clan head Lu took a breath of relief.

"Indeed, but the new beast though… I can't tell much about it except that if one of the Nascent Soul realm beasts has left the forest, then the power vacuum would be filled by the new Nascent Soul realm beast." Shirong said.

"I see. That does make sense, though I will still do my due duty and inform the royal court." Clan Head Lu replied.

"Of course, that is of no doubt," Shirong said.

"Before I go young master, is there anything you need? There is still some time till fully construct the tribulation platform." Clan Head Lu questioned.

"Hmm… I will like some food made with spirit beast meat and spirit herbs. I… need to restore my body's condition." Shirong answered.

"Ah, that is no problem. That shall be done without delay and if you need anything else, please do not hesitate to inform the servants." Clan Head Lu said before taking his leave.

Shirong sat in the hall for a bit and took a sip of the tea that was placed in front of him. He thought in the silence and called out for a servant.

"What are your orders, young master?" The servant asked.

"Tell the guards to bring in the servant that identified me when I entered the city," Shirong ordered.

"Yes, Young master." The servant replied before quickly going to do his task.

Shirong closed his eyes and meditated for a while before he heard a knock on the door.

"We have brought the servant, young master." A voice spoke.

"Mmm, come in." Shirong permitted.

The door of the hall opened and in came a couple of guards who brought with them the man who had recognized Shirong at the city gates.

"Leave us," Shirong ordered the guards, who promptly left the hall.

The servant looked at Shirong with nervousness in his eyes and anxiously twiddled his thumbs.

"You should have practiced better… you can't even hide your emotions," Shirong stated, seeing the condition of the servant.

"Wh-what do you mean, young master?" The Servant asked.

"Hmm… so we're gonna take this route. Alright, I'll play along for a bit." Shirong said, much to the surprise of the servant.

"Now tell me… how did you recognize me? I mean, I look vastly different from before and it is unlikely that just any servant like you should have been able to do this." Shirong asked.

"I-I… young master Shirong is just too impressive, I cannot help but remember his visage deep in my mind." The Servant hurriedly said.

"Ahahah! Nice try at flattery… But I want the truth ~whoosh~" Shirong said and gestured with his hand, making winds stir around the servant.

The servant could feel the power contained within the winds and gulped in fear.

"I'm telling the truth young master. Please believe me!" The servant stated.

"INSOLENT!" Shirong yelled before,



"AHHHH!" The servant cried in pain as Shirong cut his body in multiple places with wind blades.

"Now… if you don't want your neck to be the next part I cut, tell me how you recognized me." Shirong said and gestured with his hand again.

This time the winds got closer to the servants' neck and a faint cut could already be seen forming as a drop of red blood oozed out.

The servant looked on in horror, as he could not help but plead for his life.

"I'LL TELL I'LL TELL! Please spare me for lying, young master!" The servant said while knocking his head on the floor in a kowtow.

"My, My... things got really interesting while I was in the Avatar I see..." Lin Wu muttered upon his return.

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