Lin Wu had engrossed himself in cultivation because of which he had not paid attention to what Shirong had experienced upon reaching the city. Thankfully, because the system was always recording everything, he got the gist of it quickly.

"Hmm… this is indeed strange. It should have been close to impossible for the servant to recognize Shirong. There were hundreds of people out there but only this guy identified him… this is suspicious." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Lin Wu thought of potential methods that could have been used for it and became a bit confused.

"It couldn't have been something they marked him with or the system would have detected that. His body also changed greatly so the only thing that should have been the same would either be his spirit Qi signature and his soul." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Lin Wu was leaning towards the first option, and the second one was rather unlikely. Even if tracking one's soul was possible, he was sure a tool that could do something like that wouldn't be in the hands of a mere servant like this.

The servant was quivering on the ground and begging for mercy while Shirong watched.

"Now then… tell me in detail how you identified me and who's behind you," Shirong spoke.

"YES, YES!" The servant said before removing a talisman from his pocket.

As soon as Shirong saw the talisman, he recognized it.

"A Qi tracking talisman? How did a puny servant like you get this?" Shirong questioned with a fierce look.

"Elder Pei gave this to me and instructed me to inform her whenever you were nearby. I thought she was… ahem… interested in the young master and thus wanted something like that. She paid me to keep silent about this and I just informed her whenever the young master was in the mansion.

I never did anything more than that, I swear. The talisman would detect whenever young master Shirong was in the nearby area and would inform me." The servant spoke.

After hearing the servants' words, Shirong was bewildered, to be honest. Even Lin Wu hadn't expected something like this.

'This elder wanted to keep an eye on Shirong huh… still it doesn't seem all right.' Lin Wu thought.

"Who's this Elder Pei?" Shirong questioned.

He felt like he recognized the name but didn't know the face of the person. 

'I should have seen her at the banquet or even before that.' Shirong thought.

"Elder Pei is one of the external elders of the Lu clan. She's mostly busy with training the junior members of the clan and is not seen as much." The servant spoke.

"Is that so…" Shirong said before calling out. "Guards!"

The door of the hall opened immediately and in walked two guards.

"What are your orders, young master?" The Guards respectfully.

"Call the clan Head and the other elders for a meeting," Shirong said.


"Calling all of them together for a meeting is beyond our capability, young master. May we know in what capacity are you inviting them, so that we can inform our superiors." The guards spoke as beads of sweat rolled off their foreheads.

Calling an entire meeting with all the elders and the clan head was no small matter and few people in the clan had such authority. Even the elders themselves couldn't often call for a meeting on their own and needed the agreement of others. 

"I call them with my authority as the Heir of the Ji Clan!" Shirong declared.

"YES, YOUNG MASTER!" The guards spoke before hurriedly going away.

The servant was now shaking in horror and didn't know why the situation had progressed to this point. His day was going normally, and he had been assigned to take part in the construction of the Tribulation platform. The wages were better than his normal and could even reach three times as much as before on some days.

But now, here he was, kneeling on the floor, unable to move due to fear, while a big shot stared daggers at him. Lin Wu enjoyed the show and anticipated more drama in the coming few minutes.

"Oh! Here they come!" Lin Wu said as the doors of the hall opened again.

Forty people walked in, including the clan head Lu. The clan head had a serious expression on his face and was wondering what could the young master be calling them for. 

'I just left him half an hour ago, what changed in this time?' Clan Head Lu wondered.

Upon entering the elders and clan head Lu saw the servant who was kneeling on the ground and bleeding from multiple places. His robes had been drenched in blood while Shirong sat on the couch on the other end of the hall, drinking tea calmly.

His bald head and hairless face pulled some strange looks from the elders, but they knew better than to show any outright expression on their face. If they did, and it was mistaken as ridicule or an insult, they wouldn't be able to answer to the power behind Shirong.

"What's the problem, young master Shirong? And why is this servant here in this condition?" Clan Head Lu questioned.

Shirong looked up at the people who had just arrive and waved his hand.



Winds started blowing in the hall as the doors of the hall were shut due to them with a loud thud.

"Young master!" Clan head Lu called out anxiously.

He didn't know why the young master was acting like this, and it was only making him worry more.

"I called you all here to tell you that the Lu Clan has a traitor!" Shirong declared.

"TRAITOR? Who is that and what did they do?" The other elders questioned.

"A certain elder called Elder Pei, apparently asked this servant to keep tabs on my location. She told him a different reason than was intended, but they cannot fool me." Shirong answered.

"Elder Pei? Why would she do something like this?" Clan Head Lu wondered.

The others had a similar reaction, but Shirong's brows only furrowed more.

"Where is she?"

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