Shirong didn't know if Elder Pei would arrive along with the rest of the elders and thus he had cut off their route of exit. But now it was quite obvious that the elder wasn't here.

"I think she should be training the disciples at the grounds." One of the elders spoke.

Clan head Lu looked at the guards and spoke, "bring Elder Pei to us."

"No," Shirong interrupted. "Let's go meet her ourselves. I want to see what she acts like; first hand." 

The elders looked at the clan head for approval, to which he nodded.

"Let's go, we'll see it ourselves." Clan head Lu said.

Shirong gestured to the guards to get the servant and followed the rest to the ranting grounds. It was behind the mansion and was populated with disciples training and cultivating.

Though most of them were practicing their martial skills and the instructors would guide them while correcting their mistakes. Sounds of punches and kicks echoed, and Shirong could hear them from afar.

The large entourage that was approaching the training grounds consisted of the most powerful and influential people of the clan, and thus everyone was shocked to see this. The disciples were stuck in their positions as they saw the clan head with expressions of awe.

It was not every day that they got to see the clan head and many of them were not even qualified to come close to him. Only the main members of the Lu Clan could do so. Many times even the grandchildren of the clan head didn't get to meet him due to how busy he was.

Now that he was here, the disciple got nervous, which was increased by a few more folds seeing the rest of the elders. 

Shirong on the other hand, received strange looks from nearly everyone. His bald head shined in the sun while his stick like figure looked like it would be blown away by a slight breeze.

If it were not for the presence of the Clan head and the elders, perhaps they would have chuckled seeing this.

The guards were following at the very back and thus they did not get to see the bloodless servant that was being carried along. Otherwise, they would have gotten different thoughts instead.

"What do you think the clan head and the elders are here for?" someone questioned.

"It should be to assess us, right? Maybe they are here to pick the outstanding disciples." A teenage boy commented.

It was now that clan had Lu spoke up. "ELDER PEI! PRESENT YOURSELF TO US!" 

His voice rung out like thunder as the disciple flinched in shock.

"Why are they looking for Elder Pei?" A girl wondered.

The door of one of the small pavilions that were built along the training grounds opened as out walked a woman. She looked to be in her late twenties and, from what Lin Wu could sense, was at the Mid stage of the Core condensation realm.

"So she is Elder Pei…" Lin Wu muttered to himself as he assessed her with his spirit sense.

"Clan Head, Elder! Eh-what are you all doing here together?" Elder Pei questioned.

"Well, you have some explaining to do. Particularly something to do with me." Shirong stated.

"And who's this, if I may ask?" Elder Pei asked, unable to recognize him.

"Maybe you'll recognize this servant instead." Shirong spoke before ordering the guards, "bring him." 

The guards came forward with the servant in their hands.


They threw the servant on the ground and he cried in pain. As soon as Elder Pei saw the servant, her eyes went wide. Shirong noticed the change in her expression and knew he had hit the nail head on.

"So you do know him… then you must be the one who ordered him to track me too… getting a Qi tracking talisman too, now that is not something I expected. Tell me, who is behind you and I will spare you." Shirong threatened, not caring for the presence of the Clan head.

If someone else were to behave like this in the clan, their head would have rolled on the ground by now. Such insolence and disrespect would not be tolerated by the clan head nor the elders. But Shirong was the one exception. No one would dare to deny his requests, that too when the situation was in his favor and it was their clan that was proving to be on the side of the fault.

Elder Pei watched on for a second before she pulled out a talisman in a flash and activated it. 


Barriers appeared around her, blocking Shirong and the rest from approaching her.


He knew that this time they had messed up, and it was just as Shirong had said. They had a traitor in their clan. Now the only question that remained was who were they serving. 

Their motive, on the other hand, could be guessed rather easily as there would be many people who would like to keep an eye on the heir of the Ji clan. Besides, after the fact that Shirong was hypnotized was discovered, Clan Head Lu had already been apprehensive about it.

He knew if the alliance between their clan and the Ji Clan were to be ironed out; they needed to be prompt or miss out on the chance.

Elder Pei paid no attention to the clan head and took out a square plate from her spatial storage treasure before spitting out a mouthful of blood on it. Her complexion turned paler as she gritted her teeth and looked on in fear.

"A teleportation talisman! That's a teleportation talisman!" One of the elders recognized the square plate.


Clan head Lu attacker the barrier but it was blocked by it rather early. He looked at the disciples nearby and knew that he couldn't use his full strength or his juniors would get injured in the process as well.

"Not so fast!" Shirong said before speeding ahead, his fist glowing in a green light.

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