Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 271 - No Response From The Clan?

By now it was morning and Shirong had woken up from his cultivation session as well. Since reaching the Nascent Soul realm, his speed had dropped greatly and knew that it would only keep on getting slower.


"Such is the way of cultivation… if going against heavens was easy anyone would do it…" Shirong muttered to himself.

But then his eyes opened and he focused over the Immortal Crystal Armament that was in his ring.

"But as long as I have you and there are other creatures in this world, my speed won't slow down…" Shirong said with a fierce glint in his eyes.

He then stood up and walked out of his room. A few servants were already there waiting for his orders. 

"Any messages for me?" Shirong asked.

"No, Young master Shirong." The servant replied in a respectful manner.

'Hmm… the king should have said something till now. Is he busy with something else?' Shirong wondered.

"Do you need us to do anything, young master?" The servant questioned.

"Call my carriage for me," Shirong replied.

"At once," The servant said before going to do the task he was asked to do.

Soon the carriage was brought to the front of the courtyard and Shirong quickly entered it.

"Head to the place we went to yesterday," Shirong ordered.

The place he was going was nowhere but the merchant that worked for the Ji clan. Shirong needed to wait for his clan's response to the report that he had sent. While he was free to proceed without seeing it, he reckoned in the current situation it would be better to wait and see their response.

He knew there were many changes currently happening in the continent and it was better to be cautious than to act blindly. After all, if he made a loss due to ignorance he would have no one but himself left to blame for it.

The roads of the capital city were still as lively as ever, with many people from all walks of life going about their day. Lin Wu watched everything and found that it was actually quite similar to his past life, the only difference being that these people were much stronger than the humans of his past life and that the animals here were quite deadly.

Listening to the people's conversations and gossip was quickly becoming his favorite pass time with the exception of the drama that happened around Shirong. For him, who was used to consuming a lot of entertainment media in his past life, this was the closest replacement.

"Hmm… though I need more snacks." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

He still had some fruits left and continued eating them while listening to the people. But he was not slacking by doing this either. His body was still cultivating with the Taiji Dual Unity scripture, and his spirit Qi stores were steadily increasing.

"System show me the avatar's data." Lin Wu ordered.



AVATAR CULTIVATION BASE: Peak stage of the core condensation realm

  -Spirit Qi required to upgrade = [12,951/24,000] units (liquid spirit qi)

BLOODLINE: 1. Crimson Eyed Emerald Worm (System Manufactured)

QI SKILLS: 1. Qi Amplification (Great)(Proficiency: Novice)

INNATE SKILLS: 1. Radiation Manipulation (Lesser) (Proficiency: Expert) 

2. Cellular Manipulation (lesser) (Proficiency: Expert)

3. Cellular Crystallization (great) (Proficiency: Intermediate)

BEAST CORES: 1. Fully Condensed (Crimson Eyed Emerald Worm)


"Hmm… should take me fifteen more days to gain enough spirit Qi for the upgrade. Though I'll still need to figure out how the Heavenly Tribulation will work for this body." Lin Wu spoke to himself.

He had even more spirit Qi than he did currently. This was the spirit Qi he had absorbed from the bandits that Shirong had killed. But Lin Wu had used it all up for practicing the Immortal Sky Shaker art to the first level. Also, converting the attribute less spirit Qi into wind attribute spirit Qi was not fully efficient.

Unlike the other types of energies, System was not able to freely convert this and it was one of the drawbacks that it will take a while to solve. The current ratio of conversion was not like the spirit Qi or vital energy when they could be converted between their forms in a ratio of 1:1. 

Rather for the wind attribute spirit Qi the ratio varied from 1:10 all the way to 1:100. This was a very wide range but Lin Wu knew he would eventually improve on it as his proficiency with the skill improves. All he had to do right now was to continue his routine and steadily improve himself.

While Lin Wu was dealing with his cultivation matters, Shirong had just reached the Shop where the merchant stayed. He stopped the carriage outside the narrow alley and walked into the shop. 

"The will of Ji is absolute." Shirong muttered the password before the door.

It was the same old man who opened the door for him after he said the password. Shirong looked at him for a second before heading in.

"Has there been any response from the clan?" Shirong questioned.

"No." The man simply answered.

"Nothing? No latter, no jade slip or document?" Shirong asked again.

"No, absolutely nothing. There have been no signs of activation in the teleportation chamber." The merchant replied.

"Hmm… strange. How long is the usual response time for this teleportation formation?" Shirong questioned.

"When I use it, the clan responds in three to seven days. The letter or report reaches the clan within a day or at most in two days if the spatial channels are turbulent." The old man answered.

"I see… well, inform me if anything comes. I'll give you the authority to send a report to my courtyard." Shirong said before leaving the shop.

'Hmm… how long since I wait here? The king should organize the banquet by tonight or tomorrow, but I don't know when the clan will respond.' Shirong thought.

He returned to the carriage and ordered the driver to take him to the Royal place. While in the carriage, Shirong made up his mind.

"Five days it is. If I still don't get a response after that, I'll leave the city and head on to the Marsh…"

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