Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 272 - The King's Decision?

In the royal court of the Ling Kingdom, a plethora of people were currently sitting. The king sat at the head of the hall on his throne while the highest ranking ministers sat beside him.

But they were not as eye-catching as the man who was sitting near the wall to the left of the king. He was wearing blue robes with a crane motif on its back and had his eyes closed.

If one looked at him, they would think that he was an erudite man, detached from the worldly desires. This man was none other than Shirong. 

He had chosen to go to the royal court to speak with the king about some matters. Once they were done, he had nothing left but to sit there for a while. Since they had been discussing about what to do about the bandits and the Shadow dagger pavilion, Shirong simply listened with his eyes closed.

"Your majesty we have already set up the squads that will be investigating the Shadow Dagger Pavilion and their involvement in the bandit attacks." One of the ministers spoke.

"We were also able to find the link between the recent kidnappings of rich nobles and merchants for ransom. They are supported by the Shadow Dagger pavilion as well." Another minister said.

"Hmm… and how is it that these bandits find out about the travel routes of the nobles and merchants?" The king asked.

"My king, the travel routes of the merchants can be daily found as they trade on those routes, but in the case of the nobles, we suspect that someone from the Postage department may be involved.

All the nobles that were involved sent letters to their location of travels which mentioned the route they would be taking and when they would be coming. If someone was leaking details from there, it could be possible that they are part of the conspiracy as well." The adviser spoke.

"Then it is decided. Dissolve the current administration of the postage department and set up a new one. Make sure that you only fill it with people who have been vetted beforehand. As for the ones who are suspended, investigate them thoroughly and find out the traitors." The king ordered.

"My king! If we dissolve the postal department without a notice, there will be great lapses in the delivery of letters and packages. Even the royal decrees will find it hard to spread." A minister spoke in an anxious note.

"There is no other choice. We cannot let this continue. If we have to take such a severe step, then so be it. As long as you all are fast enough in setting up the new department there shouldn't be a lapse." The King affirmed.

Silence descended on the court as everyone thought over the king's orders.

"As you command, my king." The ministers finally accepted it and got to work.

Lin Wu was listening to the entire thing while munching on some fruits. 

"Bah! This is boring. Now it is like I'm watching one of those parliamentary debates from my past life." Lin Wu said, feeling bored.

"I'll just read, I guess…" He muttered to himself and opened a window that showed the information that had been collected till now. 

Lin Wu was now reading about the different kinds of formations that existed in this world. The system had collected a vast amount of information, and he now had plenty of things to learn from.

He was just waiting for the night to come again so that Shirong would cultivate and he could go out. 

Then… as if his wishes were answered, Shirong stood up from the seat he was sitting on. The king and the other ministers noticed this and looked at him.

"You're leaving, young master Shirong?" The king asked.

"Yes. I'll go cultivate as I don't think there is a need for me to stay here anymore." Shirong replied.

"That is understandable. Forgive me that we aren't able to hold a banquet in your honor tonight." The king said.

"No need to apologize, King Huo. I understand that there are far too important things that need to be dealt with before that. I would do the same thing if I were in the same place." Shirong replied in a calm tone.

The king nodded his head and directed the servants to take care of young master Shirong. 

Shirong quickly returned to his courtyard and got engrossed in cultivating, giving Lin Wu the opportunity to leave once again.

"NICE! I'll have even more time now." Lin Wu said as he waited for Shirong to enter his deep state of cultivation.

Once he was there, Lin Wu quickly left the ring and crawled away. He opened the map window and picked his next target.

"Hmm… we already got stuff from the royal library, so I guess we should check out the public library now. There should still be some things that are not present in the Royal Library." Lin Wu said before he entered the ground.

Thankfully, the public library was not protected by any formations thus it was much easier for Lin Wu to get there. Upon reaching there thous, he found out a lot of people currently reading in it, or looking for books.

The public library was thrice as big as the Royal library and definitely contained more books than the Royal library. To Lin Wu's luck, the library was constructed such that there was a large crawl space below the floorboards of the building.

Lin Wu was able to easily get there and scanned the entire building. But it was then that he realized that the large size of the library was not due to many books, but rather due to multiple copies of the same books.

"Uff… I should have expected this from a public library. Obviously, there would be more than one copy of a book here so that many people can read it." Lin Wu muttered to himself as he shook his head.

"System, begin your scan." Lin Wu ordered.

But when the scan was finally completed, he found something rather surprising.

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