Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 273 - A High Grade Cultivation Technique?

"Never expected that I would see the trope of a powerful technique hidden in trash books myself." Lin Wu said feeling shocked.

Since about ninety percent of the books were already scanned and analyzed by the system in the royal library, this scan was completed rather quickly. But then the system gave him a notification suddenly.



NOTIFICATION: High grade cultivation technique found

NAME: Undaunted Sapphire Body Art

DESCRIPTION: The user of this technique can gain unique meridians called as the sapphire meridians. This changes the spirit Qi properties of the user and allows it to bypass many kinds of restrictions, thus the name undaunted.

NOTE: Please view the relevant window for detailed information.


Looking at the description of the technique, Lin Wu knew that this was something good. While it was not a top grade technique like Shirong's Immortal Sky Shaker Art, the effect that it had was still quite amazing.

"Hmm… this seems like a good choice to learn next. Alright system, begin the analysis for it and make it compatible." Lin Wu ordered.



NEW TASK ADDED: Cultivation technique analysis 

ESTIMATED TIME OF COMPLETION: 26 hours, 35 minutes, 18 seconds.


"Oh? That's a decent speed. At least it has a time of completion this time unlike before when it just told me to wait patiently." Lin Wu chuckled.

"Buuuut… where is the technique actually placed in the library? Lemme see where the 'jade was hiding among trash'." Lin Wu said, before checking the marker on the map.

It took him to a rather unexpected place in the library. 

"The desk of the librarian?" Lin Wu said, before seeing the small note that was written on it.

"Please put overdue books here." Lin Wu read. "Huh? What the hell…" Lin Wu felt surprised.

The cultivation technique was written in a booklet that was trapped in the overdue book compartment. The compartment was built such that a box with a slot was placed beneath it and on the top of the compartment, another slot was made. 

These two slots aligned so that when one put a book in, it would enter the box directly. This box could be taken out by the librarian so that he could put them in their respective places on the bookshelves.

But the booklet that contained the Undaunted Sapphire Body Art had fallen behind this box.

"Hmm… I guess someone put this book when the collection box was not there and it fell down directly. But then when the librarian put the box back in, the booklet was pushed back to the very back and has been stuck since then." Lin Wu analyzed.

He saw that a thick layer of dust had collected over the book and the interior of the compartment, which meant that whoever took care of this had not cleaned it in a long time. 

"Well, I guess the technique was really hidden in 'trash'…" Lin Wu chuckled to himself as he pierced a spike through the bottom of the compartment and stored the booklet in the inventory.

'No way I'm gonna leave this here for others… this is mine now.' Lin Wu thought to himself as he withdrew the spike.

But Lin Wu still wondered who put the book there. He reckoned that whoever found the technique probably thought it to be fake or something and thus put it back. If Lin Wu did not have the system verify it for him, he probably would have thought the same.

Now that system had a large Data Bank, it could easily cross reference and extrapolate data to form conclusions. 

"Hmm… let's see what's actually written in the booklet. I saw the description made by the system but I want to see what the author actually wrote…" Lin Wu muttered to himself before opening an info window.

Lin Wu started reading the things written in the booklet with interest.

According to the booklet's contents, the Undaunted Sapphire Body Art was made by a female cultivator by the name of Lan Baoshi. She was a hidden genius who had been abandoned by her clan because her husband-to-be accused her of adultery.

She was hunted by the groom's clan and barely managed to escape their clutches. Because of this dishonor, the groom's clan demanded compensation from her clan, which was so great that their clan eventually collared after a few years.

But what her clan didn't know was that she had been falsely accused so that the groom's clan could usurp their businesses. Swearing to take revenge, she cultivated for many years before she reached the Dao Shell realm.

It was then that she had a bout of enlightenment and created this technique. But alas, her clan had already perished to the annals of time and when she went to take revenge she found out the man she wanted revenge on had also died a long time ago.

She wanted to massacre the man's clan but could not bring herself to kill the innocent. Hundreds of years had passed since that day and the people from back then did not exist anymore. If she were to kill these people, all she would be doing is sowing bad karma that would only hurt her in the future.

Thus instead of that, she chose to pass on the technique that she had created. Still, it was as if the heavens were against her and a tragedy happened. Even after all these years, she had been unable to resolve her hatred with the groom's clan and thus a heart demon was formed within her.

This heart demon eventually led her to a Qi deviation and finally to her demise.

She wrote the final parts of the booklet on her deathbed, as could be seen from the bad writing on the pages. Not only that, but the ink used for it was actually her blood.


"I guess this is what happens in a cultivation world. She should have just taken her revenge and prevented the heart demon, but what can I say now that she is gone…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

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