Shirong had taken residence in one of the many hotels in the city. There were plenty of them available currently, and more of them had even opened up to handle the influx of the people coming for the tournament.

Though Shirong wasn't exactly living in the room itself. He had instead chosen one of the private courtyards that were located in the compound of the hotel. The privacy was much better, and the cost was nothing to Shirong.

It was good for Lin Wu as well because he could leave Shirong with ease. When it was nighttime and Shirong was deep in cultivation, Lin Wu left the courtyard and went to the sites he had chosen.

It was a bit more simple for him now that he could fly as he could sneak in through smaller spaces and not need to maneuver through beams and other structures. By the time it was morning, Lin Wu had completed gathering all the data and had returned to Shirong.

He had learned quite a few things during his outing. For example, that the entire rivalry between the Ivory Heron kingdom and the Ebony Duck kingdom was fake and made up by none other than Ji clan itself.

That's right! They had set it all up as a marketing scheme to let people spend more money on things every year. Plus they did get to enjoy it, so it was not fully unreasonable either.

Though it was a rather well hidden fact and was kept under literate lock and key. In reality, the top powers of the continent already knew about this, but they couldn't care less. As for the weaker ones they would be unable to find it out.

Both of the kingdoms were actually pawns set up by the Ji clan from a long time ago, and they used them as one of the revenue streams. Ji clan needed massive amounts of funds every year to keep their members satisfied.

All of this was brought in from multiple sources, with the two kingdoms being one of them. Though Lin Wu didn't get how much revenue they actually got from this as that information was not found by him.

He could find it if he wanted to, but he couldn't be bothered, either. 

"Though with all this festive mood, there is one good thing… FOOD!" Lin Wu cheered.

His mouth couldn't help but water when he saw all the new dishes he had seen in the city. There were dishes with Duck as the main ingredient which was a sly way of mocking the people of the Ebony Duck Dynasty. Lin Wu found it to be both funny and delicious.

He hadn't got to eat much as he was mostly busy with the information collection, but he managed to take a few bites when he was passing by. He definitely didn't steal it from some random person who looked away for too long.

"I'll get it all tomorrow. Shirong is gonna spend a couple of days here anyway and wait for more information to come from the scouts." Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Yu Guowei had asked the new scouts to get the latest information about the swamp for Shirong, and thus had asked him to wait for a bit. Shirong also knew that rushing in would do him no good, thus he chose to wait.

Besides, two days wasn't much to him and he could tolerate that much. That time would pass away in the blink of an eye if he spent it in cultivating. Lin Wu only realized this in the afternoon when Shirong had still not woken up.

"Huh? He's really going at it… Guess I can wander for longer then." Lin Wu reckoned.

He left the ring and went around the city, taking in the sights and the snacks; though mostly snacks. He even went to one of the sites of the tournament and observed the fights. They were okay to him but the cultivators fighting were mostly at the Qi refining realm.

They felt boring to him after a while and he looked for better ones. 

"This is the schedule I guess…" Lin Wu said as he spotted the long list that was pasted on a board in the middle of the city.

There were easily thousands of names pasted on it and were divided according to the cultivation realms. Lin Wu though only wanted to see the Nascent Soul realm fights and perhaps the core condensation realm as well.

Though he was disappointed to find that for the coming one week there were only Qi refining realm fights. The core condensation ream fights were the end part of the tournament with there only being eighty contestants. As for the Nascent Soul realm, there were only four of them; two from each kingdom.

These fights were the main attraction of the tournament, with there being bets worth millions of spirit stones being made on them. They would be held on the final day of the tournament and would be attended by over twenty million people at once.

They had even made a special area for it outside the city as there was no space for that inside. Another reason why Lin Wu was interested in them was to gain information about their techniques and skills.

While he had obtained quite a few cultivation techniques and Qi skills from the various locations here, they were not really worth for him to learn. Thus he had just let the system analyze them and store them in its data banks.

While lounging around one of the battle stages, an idea appeared to Lin Wu.

"Should I… try to take a look at the Dread Coil Marsh myself?" Lin Wu wondered. 

He checked the viability of the plan and found it to be possible. The Dread Coil marsh was three hundred kilometers away from the city and Lin Wu would easily be able to cover that in less than two hours. Plus it was unlikely that Shirong would use him here, anyway.

There was literally no one who could challenge Shirong here or threaten him. Thus it was a good chance for Lin Wu to roam around.

"Dread Coil Marsh, here I come!"

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