Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 312 - Dread Coil Marsh?

Lin Wu dug through the ground and made his way to the Dread Coil marsh. Along the way, he could see the change in the soil as he got closer to the marsh. 

The soil was normal before, but as he approached the marsh, it started to get more sticky and mushy. Only when the soil was completely changed did the Dread Coil Marsh start.


The mud was pushed apart as a large head emerged from the ground. This was none other than Lin Wu.

"So this the Dread coil marsh…" Lin Wu said as he looked around.

There were strange twisting trees that coiled around each other. The soil here was black where it was a bit dry while in the rest of the places it was mostly mud. There were puddles of water everywhere and if one looked far, they could see large bodies of water.

That was evidently the main area of the Dread Coil Marsh. 



Eerie sounds could be heard coming from around him as wind made its way through the twisty trees. The loops and hoops that were formed by the branches were why the wind made such a sound.

"Definitely a creepy place." Lin Wu stated.

He spread his spirit sense around and checked his immediate area, finding a few beasts. But these beasts were mostly insect type beasts that lived in the mud or below soil. They weren't even spirit beasts, being normal beasts.

"System scan the area and update the map." Lin Wu ordered.



SCANNER ACTIVATED: New parameters found


NOTIFICATION: Please check the relevant windows for detailed information.


Lin Wu saw a lot of markers pop up but they were not comparable to the Millennium forest. In fact, they were less than that even if the area of the Dread Coil Marsh was larger than that of the forest.

The Dread Coil Marsh extended from the west of the Ivory Heron Dynasty all the way to the western coast of the Long continent. It came under the territory of three kingdoms, one of which was the Ivory Heron Dynasty.

The other two kingdoms were the Burrow Light Kingdom and the Bing Kingdom. Both of these kingdoms were located along the coast and were quite affluent due to the rich trade that happens between the coastal nations.

Though around half of these kingdom's land was taken up by the Dread Coil Marsh. The marsh also prevented them from trading with eastern kingdoms directly, and they either had to take the long route or just use the sea route.

This was the reason why sea trade had flourished so much for them. Lin Wu had learned all this from the information he had collected over the past few days.

But now that Lin Wu was looking at the map, he found it to be a bit strange. The number of beasts on the map was far too less than there should be. From the information he had, there were a ton of beasts in the Dread Coil Marsh.

But in his map, there was not even a quarter of them shown. Lin Wu knew that the system had only scanned a part of the Marsh as that was its current limit, but even then the number of beasts was pathetically less.

"System is there some problem? Why is the number of beasts so few?" Lin Wu finally questioned.



ANSWER: There is interference in the entire Dread Coil Marsh. While the system can still scan the area, the strength of the scan will be less. If the host want's the system can do a concentrated scan of a shorter area.


"Hmm… strange place indeed. Even the system is affected by it. What could be this interference? Could it be the same as that of the Taiji Celestial's tomb?" Lin Wu wondered.

Lin Wu thought for a bit and came to the conclusion that scanning the area manually would be the best choice for now. He didn't know why but he felt a bit apprehensive about Shirong coming here.

"Better figure out what's the problem here before heading back…" Lin Wu muttered.

Having made up his mind, Lin Wu roamed around the Dread Coil marsh while letting the system scan the area. He saw a lot of things there as the topography of the Marsh changed accordingly.

There were other types of trees here too, and not just the strange twisting and coiling trees. There were some trees that were filled with thorns that were like swords, while some were large like walls and spread horizontally.

These wall like trees often crisscrossed making a maze like area. Lin Wu though just plowed through them, making a clear road for himself. Seeing the sun was difficult, as well as the sky above the Marsh was mostly cloudy, and the leaves of the trees also prevented most of the light from coming down.

Lin Wu had to fully extend his head above the trees to actually even see the sky. Though this also helped him in taking a wider look around the Marsh. In the time that he roamed, Lin Wu encountered some beasts that were native to the marsh.

One of them was a mud crab that had large claws. The mud crab was called as the Dread Coil Crab and was bigger than a dog in size. 

Then there were the countless different types of insect beasts that flew and crawled around. These ones though, did not dare to come close to Lin Wu and kept a good distance between them.

They were much more sensitive to the bloodline of Lin Wu, as he was also an insect type beast like them. 

Lin Wu of course, ate all the beasts he came across to increase his list of raw bloodline data. They weren't really anything interesting and didn't seem worth it for Lin Wu to assimilate and use. A lot of them didn't even have innate skills.

"Even the beasts are strange…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

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