Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 364 - Dramatic People?

"You can't do this Jiao. At most, you can compete for the resources, whatever you get you can keep or use for the city. But we will be claiming out share too!" The newly arrived Nascent Soul realm cultivators declared.

More of the others chimed in as they all heard the city mayor's words. To them, the city mayor was denying them their right.

"You think you all can tell me what I can do and what I can't?!" City Mayor Jiao scoffed.

"People of Jiao Dian city hear me! Now that you all have been struck by this disaster and need help to recover, these cultivators are denying you that. They are the very cultivators who own the businesses that you all are patrons of. 

They act all good when they want you to visit their shops and buy from them, but now you can see their true selves. They want to take everything for themselves and don't care about you all.

  You all must have already seen how they acted. Did anyone of them try to save you? The few that did are your true compatriots all the others are just parasites that want to drain you of your life and money!" City Mayor Jiao Announced in a thunderous voice.

As soon as his voice spread across the city, the people were enraged.

"Those insufferable crooks! I'll never buy from them!" 

"Banish them! Banish them from the city!"

"I just say slaughter them all! If they don't care for us, we don't care for them either!" 

The citizens started to voice out their opinions. Hearing all of their voices, the cultivators who wanted to enter the ruins felt furious.

"JIAO FAN! YOU DARE!" Suddenly another voice was heard coming from one of the city's corners.

It came from a luxurious villa that was still standing despite all the earthquakes and was covered in multiple formations combining into complex arrays. One could easily tell that it was not any commoner's residence and probably belonged to a powerful person.

Soon spirit Qi fluctuations that were strong enough to shake the nearby trees could be felt. 


A streak of light flew out of the luxurious villa and arrived at the site of the temple. Lin Wu watched on closely and felt intrigued. The man who had just arrived was none other than the second person who was at the Adult Stage of the Nascent Soul realm.

"Hahaha! Old Man Tiandi, you finally dare to leave that shell of yours?" City Mayor Jiao taunted.

"Don't go too far, Jiao Fan! You dare disrespect your elders?!" The Old man named Tiandi shouted.

"What elder?! You are so old and still stuck at the Adult stage of the Nascent Soul realm. I'm half your age and have already achieved it.

You all say I forgot the rules of the Jianghu, but it is you all that forgot the biggest rule… The one that has the biggest fist gets to rule!" City Mayor Jiao uttered in a fierce tone.

While all this was happening at the bottom, Lin Wu was having a great time watching it all. 

"Man, these people are good at drama." Lin Wu muttered as he bit off a large piece of roasted meat.

What Lin Wu was eating was nothing but the leg of a goat like spirit beast. The only difference was that he was eating the leg as if he was eating chicken drumsticks. Munching on the meat, he was able to finish it in two bites.


After finishing the meat, Lin Wu ate the bone as well and it crunched like crispy fritters. 

"Now then… why is this platform still stuck here?" Lin Wu wondered.

He looked at the formations and they seemed to be working, but the platform itself was not moving. At first, he had thought that the platform had triggered the temple and the pillars to appear, and was waiting for them to fully ascend to the ground. 

But now it looked like there was some other problem. Though Lin Wu was not disappointed as he got the chance to assess the situation in the city and got to see a little drama as well. The conflict below looked a bit childish to him, but then he realized he shouldn't care about it.

'The only thing that I need to care about is the backing of the city. These people shouldn't be hard to handle but if someone stronger appears it will get problematic hiding myself.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

He looked back at the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle who was still cultivation calmly and decided it was better not to disturb it for now. He didn't know if she would be pissed about being disturbed, even if she had told him to wake him up when they arrived at the location.

While Lin Wu would not say he was an expert with women, he had seen plenty of tutorials about women on the internet and had picked up tips on how to interact with them. One such tip that was heavily emphasized was that he should not wake up a sleeping woman.

Doing so would be no less than poking a sleeping lion. While the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle wasn't sleeping per see as she was cultivating, it was not all that different from sleeping. On top of that, most cultivators did not like to be disturbed while cultivating.

There were plenty of examples were people had been exacted become someone farted a thousand kilometer away from a cultivators residence and it disturbed them. 

In Lin Wu's case, he was weaker than the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle and definitely did not want to take the chance. Instead of that, he would much rather observe the people on the grounds and relax for a bit.

"Even if they do enter the temple and get the stone feathers inside, it's not like they can really escape. Rather, they will just be making my work easier. Oh, and there may even be a Specter Skull hound in there." Lin Wu justified to himself. Which was nothing but an excuse for him to be lazy for a bit more.

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