Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 365 - A Battle Of Despair?

Lin Wu watched on as a battle erupted in the middle of the city. The participants of the battle were none other than the City Major Jiao and the other cultivators.

There were two parties in this that could be seen. On one side were Old Man Tiandi and the other cultivators who belonged to the organizations of Jiao Dian city. On the other hand, there was Jiao Fan along with his subordinates and a few other rogue cultivators of the city that did not belong to any of the powers.

These were the cultivators who had helped save some of the people during the quake and many of them included the hidden cultivators as well. 




Blades and swords flew as explosions happened everywhere. The Nascent Soul realm cultivators fought in the sky while the rest fought in the toppled remains of the buildings around the temple.

"I'll give you one chance Jiao Fan! Stop this and let everyone take this equally and you may still hold the seat of the mayor tomorrow." Old Man Disposition up.

"Hah! Do you really think I care for your words? Your time was over a long time ago Tiandi, you may as well die right now and become fertilizer for the plants of my city.

At least that way you will be of some benefit, rather than being the leech you and your clan have always been." Jiao Fang uttered scathingly.

"You!! I'll kill you and your entire clan if I have to. Today we shall settle our centuries long differences for once!" Old Man Tiandi declared as his aura started to rise.

Old man Tiandi lifted his hand as it started to glow with a golden light. It then formed an illusory gauntlet that wrapped around his arm. The gauntlet started to enlarge and soon reached a height of over ten meters.

"Take my Thousand Geng Fist!" Old Man Tiandi attacked Jiao Fan.

The air rippled under the force of the attack as the spirit Qi contained within it burst out. The attack was very strong and contained the entire power of the cultivation base of Old Man Tiandi. The people who were unfortunately nearby were affected too.

"GAH!" A cultivator who was on the side of old man Tiandi shouted as the winds from that attack sent him crashing into a collapsed building

"NOOO! My Legs!" Another cultivator who was on the side of Jiao Fan uttered in pain as his legs were crushed.

Jiao Fan saw this and gritted his teeth. More and more people were injured under the attack of Tiandi and this was when it had not even reached Jiao Fang.

"Tiandi, YOU DARE!!!" Jiao Fan yelled in rage.

Clasping his hands together he condensed strings made out of spirit Qi in his hands. The strings were hundreds of meters long, but now they were being tightly compressed into a much smaller volume.

In less than two seconds, the strings condensed into a long mace. The head of the mace was like that of a bull's skull while its handle was made out of a bull's femur. Jiao Fang lifted the mace up and met Old Man Tiandi's Thousand Geng Fist.


A sound that was similar to that of a bronze bell being rung was heard.





The debris and fragments of collapsed buildings were all sent flying as more people were injured from that. Thankfully, most of the commoners had already moved away from the area where the battle was happening and the ones who got injured were the other participants.


Finally, the momentum of the two strikes ended as the two men were evenly matched. 

"This isn't the end yet!" Old Man Tiandi taunted as he flipped back, punching with the illusory gauntlet again.


More and more blows were exchanged between the two as the other smaller battles raged. In less than five minutes, half of the participants had either been killed or incapacitated. But if one compared the number of people affected, they would realize that the ones who were on the side of City Mayor Jiao Fan were less in numbers now.

"Hahah! See that Jiao Fan, your days as a mayor are about to end! Who will you rule over if you don't have any subordinates and citizens left?" Old Man Tiandi mocked.

"Dammit! This old corpse!" Jiao Fan cursed.

He realized that he had underestimated old man Tiandi. While he himself was able to go against him on equal terms, the other cultivators who were on old man Tiandi's side were still stronger than the others if compared to Jiao Fan's.

Most of the people following Jiao Fan were either his subordinates or guards and thus could not be compared to those from the cultivator clans and organizations. The citizens who were watching from afar were also filled with dread now.

They did not know what would be happening to them after this battle ended. If the city mayor Jiao Fan won, they may have a chance and recovering from their old lives. But if that did not happen and Old Man Tiandi won, the best case scenario for them would be that they would be left destitute.

But in the worst case, they may be taken as slaves instead. They had already said words against old man Tiandi and his followers, thus their future was not bleak. The commoners knew very well how cultivators could act once they were forced to reveal their true selves.

"Will the city mayor win, mother?" A child who seemed to be of around eight years of age asked his mother.

His face was covered in dust and blood, evidently from the collapsed building. But the blood did not seem to belong to him. The woman standing beside him looked at him with a forced smile. 

"Yes, yes, he will." She answered to placate the child; fully knowing that the current situation may sway either way.

But just as the people were falling in despair, another shock was about to be delivered to them.

"What is that in the sky?!" 

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