Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 427 - Flat Earther's Paradise?

Lin Wu watched on the hundreds of exploits of the Skull god. 

He was literally the same as a pirate, plundering and killing, except it was not ships that he plundered but rather entire planets and worlds. This also gave Lin Wu some new information.

"Huh… flat earthers would have a great time here… their life long wish gets to be fulfilled." Lin Wu said upon seeing the many flat worlds that floated in the space.

Not only were there planets, but there were also flat masses of land that floated around the space. Most of these were artificially made though and were run by strong cultivators. Though they were also called as worlds and were big enough to be called that.

An envelope of protective barriers surrendered them, thus allowing its atmosphere to exist normally unlike the planets that did so due to their gravity and revolution. This was also the reason why the words 'World' and 'Planets' were so often used interchangeably.

There were planets that were worlds and flat land masses that were worlds, too. Of course, seeing this, Lin Wu was greatly interested in whether the flat earther theories would come true or not.

He saw that when someone reached the edge of the world, they did not fall rather, they simply appeared on the exact opposite side of the world. This allowed Lin Wu to understand that there was additional consideration made in the making of these worlds.

There were even specific spatial formations that bend the space such that it allowed the edges of the world to be linked despite being separate. 

As for how someone left the world? It was simple, they could either go straight up or straight down. The bottom of the world was actually not inhabited and was just a mass of barren rock.

Of course, this was just one of the examples of flat worlds that Lin Wu saw and there were many more that used both surfaces of the world for living space. 

Lin Wu got to learn of artificial cradle worlds that were made by strong cultivators. These were made with the intention of rearing true talent that was completely uninfluenced by any other cultivator.

"Huh, never thought I'd get to see free range organically grown humans too…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

Lin Wu couldn't really understand the reason behind why the cultivators would make something like this thought.

'If they wanted talent, can't they just get their own world's people? What's the use in making a world with humans that know nothing of the world, not even that they are an experiment…' Lin Wu wondered.

It was also impossible for him to understand just how strong these cultivators were to be able to make worlds such as these as the Skull god avoided them entirely due to fear. This at least allowed Lin Wu to place the skull god in a power structure.

So far he had it as:

The Taiji Celestial> Artificial World making Cultivators> Planet owning cultivators> Skull god> The rest.

The Skull god fought many worlds and waged hundreds of wars, becoming the ruler of the worlds he found to be valuable to keep, while destroying those that were not worth in his eyes.

It was during this time that he officially came to be known as the 'Skull God'. 

"So the power and influence over multiple words is what gave him the title." Lin Wu said, thinking more. "But that's all it is… a title with no actual power behind it. There is no way he's actually a god." Lin Wu understood.

The memories continued to flow and ebb as Lin Wu went deeper and deeper. Eventually, he came across a memory that told him about the realms that existed above the Immortal Ascension realm!

"BINGO! NOW THAT'S SOMETHING WORTH WATCHING!" Lin Wu said in excitement as he hurriedly pulled the memory pulled out.

The scene in front of Lin Wu changed and as a surprise to him, he saw a young boy. The child seemed to be of ten years of age and was wearing blue Daoist robes. He was sitting in what looked like a large classroom and there were hundreds of other children such as him there.

'A school?' Lin Wu guessed, but upon seeing the cultivation bases of all the children here, he couldn't help but be astounded.

"WHAT THE FUCK! All the kids are in the Nascent Soul realm!" Lin Wu exclaimed in shock.

"What kind of a world is this? What level is it even at?" Thousands of questions poured into Lin Wu's mind as he watched the class proceed.

Most of the content of the class was cultivation guidance and theories that even Lin Wu knew, but some of them intrigued Lin Wu.

"This is definitely a high leveled cultivation world. At least far higher than this one." Lin Wu added.

While Lin Wu didn't know if this was an average school or some high class sect, either way, its standard seemed to be much higher than that of the Ming Dao world. Not to mention, just the children in this class could easily match most of the experts of Ming Dao world alone.

"Damn… just want kind of class fights must they have? A simple argument might lead to mountains upon mountains being eliminated." Lin Wu wondered.

He could tell that all these were truly children and not just cultivators that looked to be young. Thus conflicts and arguments amount them must be incredibly common as was in all school going children.

The lessons continued for hours upon hours, such that even Lin Wu was getting tired.

"Damn, hasn't it already been a day for them?" Lin Wu estimated.

But despite that, they kept on going and more time passed. This was the longest continuous memory Lin Wu had seen and was one of the bigger fragments in the river of memories. 

"At least the system is getting a lot of new data, aren't you system?" Lin Wu asked.


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