Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 428 - What Is Above Immortal Ascension Realm?

While Lin Wu was getting bored in the lecture, the system had sent out several notifications regarding the analysis for cultivation techniques that Lin Wu had obtained previous.



TASKS COMPLETED: …(see list)



"Oh my, just this lecture managed to speed up the system's analysis by this much. Guess this was not a waste at all and was rather a bargain!" Lin Wu understood. 

Now, in addition to the Immortal Sky Shaker art and Undaunted Sapphire body art, Lin Wu had a hundred more cultivation techniques that he could use if need be. But Lin Wu knew that the system had already ranked them according to the benefits. And since they didn't pick the system's attention, Lin Wu decided to put them on the back burner.

"If need be, I'll let the system do a further analysis and see if anything can be made from all the weaker cultivation techniques…" Lin Wu muttered to himself.

And just as he did this, he heard a sentence that pulled his full attention.

"Teacher, what realms lie above the Immortal Ascension realm?" The child that Lin Wu had seen at the start of the memory questioned.

"Ah! Here's the part I came for!" Lin Wu said as he watched it with his full focus.

"You kids shouldn't worry about the realms that exist above the Immortal Ascension realm for now. Remember, if you want to graduate to the next grade you have to reach the Dao Shell realm first." The Teacher sternly spoke.

Lin Wu tried to estimate the cultivation base of the teacher but was completely unable to do so. To him he the teacher looked to have no aura or spirit Qi fluctuations, which only happened if the man was a common human or had a cultivation base that was many times above Lin Wu.

"System, you got any guess as to what realm he's at?" Lin Wu questioned.



ANSWER: The Teacher is above the Immortal Ascension realm.


Seeing the answer, Lin Wu didn't know whether to laugh or not.

"You've learned to joke now too, huh? System…" Lin Wu said with a knowing tone.

The system didn't reply to him though and Lin Wu just focused back on the class.

"Please~ Teacher~ We'll be good students and do our best to reach it!" the child said, while giving the teacher a pleading look.

The stern teacher looked at him for a while before softening.


"Fine… But I won't be giving any details about it as it will only disturb your Dao hearts!" The Teacher replied.

"That's fine teacher." The child said.

"YAAYYYY!!!" Upon hearing the answer from the teacher, the rest of the class couldn't help but shout out in excitement.

Seeing this made Lin Wu smile wryly.

"Man, if I didn't know these kids could causally slap a dinosaur to death, I would have definitely thought this was just a normal class." Lin Wu said to himself.

The teacher then glared at the students, prodding them to become silent.

"Now then, listen carefully as I'll only say this once." The teacher warned before taking a deep breath.

"You all must know the Immortal Ascension realm is one of the Ascension realms and has no specific stage within it. The Ascension of a cultivator depends on many factors but it's chiefly due to two; first, their comprehension and second, the world they live in.

Our world is in the Immortal Realm and as such, the second factor does not apply to us. In the Mortal worlds though, when a cultivator reaches the Immortal Ascension realm, they must comprehend the Dao using their Dao embryo and make it grow.

Only when it reaches a suitable level where the world determines that it is at its limit does it allow one to ascend. Of course, different worlds have different conditions on this and some can only support the ascension of only a few Immortal Ascension realm cultivators every few millennia.

Mortal worlds need to use their own energy to make the Immortal Ascension realm cultivators ascend and open the gates between the greater void and the Grand Void, allowing the cultivator to cross over.

Once they successfully cross over, they arrive in a place called as the Ascendence platform. These are nothing but the linking gates that connect a lower world with a higher world. 

You all must remember the field trip we took two months ago. That place was the Ascendence platform. That is where the cultivators from the lower worlds arrive into ours. Of course, there are many such platforms in myriads of worlds.

Some worlds have definite links, while some are random. The mortal worlds that are not linked with an Ascendence platform either randomly form a link with the closest platform, or forcefully push out the cultivator into the Greater Void.

The second situation only happened, if the said mortal world has been isolated for a long time and is located extremely far from an Ascendence platform. 

Only when they successfully reach it are they considered to have broken through. It is at this point that their cultivator base starts to progress and they become what is known as False Immortals.

At this point, if their talent is high and their foundation stable, they will have their first Immortal Tribulation. There are seven such tribulations and each one varies and also gives the sub realms their names.

The sub realms of Immortal Ascension realms start from the First Tribulation Immortal, second tribulation immortal, all the way to the Seventh Tribulation immortal.

Each tribulation can be taken independently and at anytime a cultivator wants. Since they correspond to a specific element, they could undergo the tribulation of that specific element.

For example, if a cultivator has an affinity with the fire element, they might want to undergo that tribulation first, thereby increasing their strength. And if they are not confident with a certain element, they might take it later.

Such are the realms above the Immortal Ascension realms." The teacher concluded the lesson, enlightening the children and Lin Wu as well.

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