Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 461 - Meeting With The Ape Kings

The two ape kings looked at Lin Wu a tad bit awkwardly. 

"So what is it that you wanted to talk to us about?" The Slim Arm Ape King questioned.

"Well, it was mainly two things. The first being that I will be acting against the Olive Viper King soon, probably in ten days. As soon as I get some things on my end ready. As for the second thing… it's about the Olive Viper King's recent inactivity." Lin Wu said before explaining all that he had seen and his talk with the Split Thorn Horn beetle king as well.

Twenty minutes later, Lin Wu was done speaking and the two ape kings had a serious expression.

"Hmm… we should get things ready on our end as well." The Slim Arm Ape king replied.

"My subordinates are always ready for a fight!" The Demon Spine ape said as a gush of hot steam came out of his nostrils.

"As for the Olive Viper King having a new mate and descendants… I think I may know the reason why. Certain beasts have restrictions on who they can mate with and most of the time it is obvious as they remain in their own species.

But sometimes, they reach a point where their own cultivation or something else restricts them from having offspring. I reckon his mutation must be the reason behind this, and his desire to have more offspring led him outside the millennium forest to find a mate.

Of course, the mate would also have to be strong enough to match his cultivation base, which made it impossible for him to find one in this forest." The Slim Arm ape answered.

"I see… though I doubt we would need to worry much about the lizard beast. From what I know about her species, as long as we don't harm her eggs, she won't do anything. She'll be fine even if we kill the Olive Viper king." Lin Wu spoke.

It was at this point, the Demon Spine Ape kin questioned, "but father, doesn't the forest have a restriction on the nascent soul beasts? We all should have felt it if the mate of the Olive Viper king entered the forest."

"Ah, about that. He has found a way to hide her spirit Qi fluctuations. This effectively makes her invisible to our senses. Only when you are close to her, would you be able to sense her, though seeing her is still normal." Lin Wu explained.

The two ape kings were once again surprised that something like this could be done.

"Hmm… seems like we do need to take the Olive Viper king a bit more seriously. If he has abilities like this then he may have even more." The Slim Arm Ape stated.

"You don't need to worry much about the Oliver Viper King himself, I can handle it on my own and will prevent him from causing too much damage, we don't want a repeat of the Silver Beak Sky Soar Eagle. All you need to do is to handle his subordinates that will definitely rampage when we attack them." Lin Wu suggested.

The Slim Arm ape king thought to himself and nodded his head.

"Plus, we will need to keep the Twin Lights Liger King at bay. If they decided to interfere, it will get problematic. Plus, we will need to keep all this secret as if he finds out that we are doing all this, he will take this as an attempt at a rebellion." The Slim Arm Ape king added.

"Exactly." Lin Wu said, not telling them that once the Olive Viper King was dealt with, Lin Wu himself would not have any problem dealing with the Twin Lights Liger King either.

'I'll have to either get him under me or kill him… there is no other way. This forest will be mine since I am the owner of the Taiji Celestial's tomb now.' Lin Wu thought to himself with determination.

With that done, Lin Wu talked a few more things with the two ape kings. It was only that he got to take a closer look at the demon spine ape king and the familiar aura he felt from him.

'It's definitely a derivative of the Dark element… but what is it? It has some similarities to the Shadow element but does not have the same corroding vibe to it.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

'System, have you completed the analysis?' Lin Wu asked in his mind.



ANSWER: The analysis has been completed. The elemental spirit qi found to be emanating from the Demon spine ape is another derivative of the Dark element, the Demonic Qi. The concentration of Demonic Qi is quite less in the Demon spine ape as of now, but all of his attacks should contain a fraction of it.


'No wonder those flames were able to hurt me back then… they do contain the demonic Qi…' Lin Wu thought to himself.

Demonic Qi was a type of Qi that was derived from the dark element and was combined with the traces of the Demon path Dao. This made it a very strong type of a Qi that most mortal elements could not stand against unless the user was very strong.

'The demon spine ape might be far stronger than the other beasts if he can use Demonic Qi. Though it doesn't seem like he has full control over it as of now. But as his cultivation base increases, I'm sure he will obtain some innate skills and learn how to use demonic Qi.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

Having learned this, Lin Wu was nearly done with the meeting and thought that it was now time for him to leave.

"I'll take my leave for now. You already have the communication jade slip so you can contact me if needed." Lin Wu spoke.

"Oh, aren't you going to take some monkey beasts with you?" The Slim Arm Ape king questioned.

"Oh… I almost forgot.. Yeah, I may as well take a few if you can call them," Lin Wu answered.

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