Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 462 - Recruiting Monkey Beasts

About five minutes later, a troop of monkeys was standing in front of the cave. They had been called here upon the orders of the Slim Arm Ape King and were now waiting for him to speak.

Some of them hung on the trees, some laid on the ground, some scratched their heads while some scratched their butts. Overall, they did all that was expected of monkeys. 

"Today, I have called you for an opportunity. The Crimson Eyed Emerald worm would like to recruit a few of you all to work for him." The Slim Arm Ape king announced.


Chattering among the monkey beasts could be heard as they were surprised. This was something that had never happened before, and they were wondering what they would be doing.

"What is it that he wants from us?" one of the smarter monkey beasts questioned.

"Why don't you tell them?" The Slim Arm ape king asked, Lin Wu.

"Alright." Lin Wu said before coming to the front.

"I want you all for doing more dexterous tasks that only you can do. It will involve taking care of spirit herbs, spirit fruits and many such things that only humans can do and of course, humanoid beasts like you as well. 

Don't worry, I'll be compensating all that decide to join me. All that do so, will get the opportunity to mutate their bloodline and make it stronger, just the same as what a few others have been able to." Lin Wu stated.


The Monkey beasts broke out in chatter again as they discussed among's themselves. Watching all this, Lin Wu felt as if he was watching a bunch of students dissuading amongst themselves after a common announcement.

It kind of reminded him of his school days when there would be a big announcement and they would all then chat about it.

'Hmm… seems like as the intelligence of a creature increases, their behaviors start to become more and more similar…' Lin Wu noted.

After about two minutes of chatter, ten monkey beasts came forward.

"We are willing to come!" They said in unison.

"Alright, that is excellent." Lin Wu said with a smile.

He did a quick scan with his spirit sense and learned that all of these monkey beasts were at the Early stage of the core condensation realm. While it was something that was a bit low if they wanted to mutate normally, Lin Wu would have no problem if he controlled the mutation manually.

"Are you fine with this?" Lin Wu questioned the Slim Arm Ape King.

"Yes." The ape king replied.

"Alright… what would you like as compensation?" Lin Wu questioned.

"For now… nothing. Though in the future I would like your help if something comes up that I can't deal with." The Slim Arm Ape answered, surprising Lin Wu.

"If that's what you want, sure." Lin Wu replied, finding the request to be a bit underwhelming than expected.

To the Slim Arm Ape king, ten core condensation realm beasts leaving his control at once was somewhat of a loss. He didn't really have that many beasts under him that were at that stage, just a little over a hundred.

Lin Wu taking ten of them was the same as reducing ten percent of his overall manpower. Though he was pleased that none of the more stronger Core condensation realm beasts decide to leave.

Otherwise, he would have to bear the pain of them leaving and his base weakening.

"Alright then. All of you are to report to the forbidden tomb, which I'm sure everyone should know. That is the place I live in." Lin Wu informed just in case someone didn't know.

"Okay!" All of them said in unison.

Lin Wu nodded his head and then turned to the Slim Arm Ape King.

"I'll take my leave then. I'll contact you if something comes up and you can do the same." Lin Wu spoke.

"Farewell." The Slim Arm ape king and the Demon Spine Ape King said.

"Farewell," Lin Wu replied before taking flight and leaving the territory.

Once he was gone, the Demon Spine Ape king looked at his father with doubt in his eyes.

"Why did you not ask for any compensation right now, father?" The Demon Spine Ape King questioned.

"Oh, I did. The request I asked of him would be more than any material compensation he could give us right now. You've already seen his strength and bloodline. In the future, he will be quite strong and it won't be that long either.

With him being in our favor, we will be able to have a trump card of our own as well." The Slim Arm Ape king explained.

"I understand, father…" The demon Spike Ape King nodded his head.

The Slim Arm Ape king looked in the direction of the Taiji Celestial's tomb and then in the direction of the Twin Lights Liger King's territory.


"Hopefully a situation like that never arrives…" The Slim Arm Ape King muttered to himself.


"Look! Master's back!" The Hook Winged Swan spotted Lin Wu who was flying in from the distance.

The High Wind Gale sparrow opened its eyes and confirmed that as well.

"He's back early. I thought he'd be gone longer…" he muttered to himself.


Lin Wu landed at the top of the Tomb with a thud and took a look at the two bird beasts that were sitting in their nests. He gave them a simple look and entered the tomb. 


Runes appeared in the air and surrounded Lin Wu, before teleporting him away to the main hall of the Taiji Celestial's tomb.

"Ah~ Home sweet home…" Lin Wu said, feeling the high concentration of spirit Qi in the air.


A few monitoring windows flashed by before Lin Wu picked one of them to view.

"There it is." Lin Wu said upon seeing the monitor window in which the monkey beasts could be seen.

'Now to just wait for them to come here. I'll mutate them and give them the information needed to get them started on all the tasks..' Lin Wu thought to himself.

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