Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 615 - A New Method Of Control

Lin Wu himself went back underground and followed from there. One of the restrictions that Lin Wu had in controlling the man like this was that the range of this was very short. Lin Wu not only needed his spirit sense for it to work, but the cellular manipulation link that his body had with his crystals was also needed.

With just his spirit sense, he would not be able to control the man, not to mention if he went past a certain limit, the crystals that were detached from his body would become lifeless.

This was something Lin Wu had only gained recently after his upgrades to the innate skills. Being able to control his body parts as crystal when they were detached was only possible in the Crystalline form, though.

He could not do the same in the organic form and would just end up injuring himself instead.

"For now, this will have to do. Thankfully, as long as I hide underground, just below Tian Aiguo, there won't be anyone that really sees me." Lin Wu muttered to himself as he controlled the man to walk further and further.

Lin Wu had to be sure that the man was walking in the proper gait or it would look very suspicion. The patriarch of a clan with Nascent soul realm cultivation suddenly walking like a drunk would be an alarming sign.

While Lin Wu didn't know what kind of a personality Tian Aiguo had or how he behaved while drunk, he safely assumed that he simply did not do that. It was more safe for Lin Wu to make sure that the man acted normal.

Even if the man had his eyes closed while walking.

And Lin Wu's guess turned out to be true a few minutes later.

"Huh? Is that… the patriarch?" One of the clan members questioned.

His companion who was standing by the side, turned around and saw that it really was Tian Aiguo.

"What's he doing here? Were we informed of this?" the comparison questioned.

"Hmm… I don't think so. Maybe he's here for some personal task? If it were an official issuing of weapons, we would have been informed." The clansman answered.

They did notice Tian Aigou's closed eyes but didn't question it. For them, it was just the patriarch being deep in thought. Which was understandable, considering the amount of work he needed to do.

His mind needed to be working at all times and thus he made the most efficient use of his time… or so they thought. 


"Oh, he's not coming here." The clansman said, seeing that Tian Aiguo turned into a different corridor.

"Isn't that… the forbidden repository?" The second clansmen recognized.

"Shush!" The first one hurriedly shut his comparison mouth shut.

"Are you looking to get us in trouble? You know we are not supposed to question something like that and neither know about it. We best look away!" The man stated.

His companion, whose mouth was still shut, nodded his head and only after did his mouth was freed.

Lin Wu who had been observing everything, took a breath of relief.


"I almost had to get rid of them." Lin Wu said to himself.

"Thankfully, they know better than questioning things like these." He added.

Lin Wu turned his focus back to the patriarch and finally got him to enter the outer chamber of the repository.

"Now to see if he can directly enter the actual forbidden repository or not…" Lin Wu said as he controlled the man to put his hand on the door handle.


The moment he did, runes appeared in the air and quickly formed into a formation that spread on the door. Lin Wu got the system to restrain the spirit Qi in the air, so that no one else was alerted about this opening.

While Lin Wu could not access the repository, just stopping some spirit Qi fluctuations was an easy task for the system. Plus, he could simplify it even more by using radiation and just filling the are with it.

Any spirit Qi that came into contract with it would be neutralized. Though there was also the off chance that it might damage the formation array and bring more trouble. Since the damage to a formation array could be perceived as an attack, which would result in an alarm ringing.

'The moment of truth…' Lin Wu watched as the formation array scanned Tian Aiguo.

He didn't know if the formation could be activated passively with just the man being there, or if it needed his actual control. Lin Wu wanted it to be the first option, as the second would mean, he would have to temporarily merge with the man.

That was not a task that was possible for him anymore, simply due to the fact he had become far too large now. Even after shrinking his body to the maxim, Lin Wu was still thirty meters long and thus could not hide as an armor or a spear like before.

'Well technically, I can still disguise as them… but just extra large.' Lin Wu thought to himself.


While he was thinking all this, the formation array finally completed its work and the color changed.


"BINGO!" Lin Wu exclaimed as he saw the doors open. 

His tactic of using Tian Aiguo had worked, and just the passive presence of the man was enough for the repository to open.



FORMATION ARRAY: Access obtained


"Nice!" Lin Wu said as the system did the task it was assigned.

With the system having taken over the formation array, Lin Wu quickly 'entered' the repository. The moment, his spirit sense looked inside, he could see two things there. One was a book shelf that was located along the back wall.

While the second was a wide table that was kept in the center. The room was smaller than the other repositories and even some basic storage rooms.

"Now let's see what's hidden here exactly…" Lin Wu said as his spirit sense got to work.

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