Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 616 - Checking The Tian Clan Repository

Lin Wu could see several pill bottles and preservative jade boxes kept on the table. There were individual locking formation carved onto the table which would prevent one from just taking them casually or even knocking them down by accident.

Of course, the locking formation was nothing for him and the system had already decrypted it the instant it saw it.

"Hmm… not really useful for me anymore." Lin Wu said, seeing the items in the table.

While the pills and resources kept in the jade boxes were helpful for cultivation, for Lin Wu, that was still a minuscule amount at this point. Not to mention, he was already at the Dao Shell realm and the spirit herbs kept in the boxes would have no effect on him.

'Plus, taking them just like this would not be good later on. Would certainly make everyone suspicious as to how the items disappeared.' Lin Wu thought before looking at the book shelf instead.

"Now this… is useful." Lin Wu said as his spirit sense got to checking them and the system recorded.

Since Lin Wu simply needed to copy and record the information, there was no problem or conflict of interest here. None would be the wiser after he left this place. 

"Damn, these books are dense!" Lin Wu said as he felt the information coming from the books being more than what was physically gritting on them.

He knew that this was another method of storing a large quantity of data without the use of jade slips. In this, special paper that had been treated with word condensation liquid were used.

It would allow multiple layers of information being stored and could almost rival the storing capacity of a jade slip. While it seemed better to save such information in a jade slip so that it could be easily learned and transported seemed normal, there were still some aspects that were better learned from books.

There was the aura and intent that was often hard to put into the jade slips due to how volatile they were. But such books could help in storing that and would be helpful with techniques that needed the intent behind the words at all times.

Lin Wu actually ended up spending the rest of the night in this task, before he was finally done. He got to learn a lot of new things, but knew that it was best to leave before it was too late and others wondered where the patriarch was.

"Alright system, wipe his memories and replace with the fabricated ones." Lin Wu ordered.



REMINDER: A direct memory modification might lead to brain defects and cognitive degeneration in the long term.


"Huh?" Lin Wu was surprised seeing this warning.

"Well… if he dies, he dies. At least the cause would be something unrelated to me and undetectable by others." Lin Wu said.

With that done, Lin Wu gave the go head to the system and controlled the man to leave the repository.


The door of the repository closed automatically on his exit and he was now free to drop off Tian Aiguo.

"Just leaving him in the bedroom should be fine." Lin Wu picked and brought the man there before putting him in some extra sleep.



NOTIFICATION: Memory fabrication completed; injection successful.


"Perfect." Lin Wu said, using seeing the answer.

With everything done smoothly, Lin Wu left the area of the Tian clan and appeared back where he had left Tim at. The beast was still deep in sleep and didn't seem like would wake up that easily.

'Though food should help rouse him,' Lin Wu thought.

He felt good at having completed this task as well and decided to look through it now.

"I can finally satisfy the itch!" Lin Wu said with excitement.

"System, show me the analyzed information!" he ordered.


In the next second, a few windows opened in front of him and Lin Wu could see various titles and information on them. Lin Wu quickly changed the filters to new and unlearned information and started to read.

"Oho?! This is interesting." Lin Wu said as he got to learn more about the Tian clan.

The first thing he learned was the true situation of the Tian clan. 

Apparently, there were eight branches that had split off from the main Tian clan. Of these eight, only three were officially known by the other powers and sects, while the other five were also Tian clan branches, but they pretended to be separate.

Tian wasn't really a rare surname in the Ming Dao world and also had multiple meanings with pronunciations. Plus, there would always be some clan that claimed to be part of the Tian clan, just to get some benefits and reputation.

They could very easily claim that they had a long lost bloodline as there were often clansmen that would leave behind their children outside the clan. This was either due to choice or ignorance about the issue.

There were chances that someone would just not be told that they were father for a Long term.

The Tian clan's branches were spread all over the Long Continent as well. The location of the main clan was securely guarded and Lin Wu only figured it out after piecing together information from various sources.

The actual location wasn't mentioned anywhere in the records clearly, probably due to the fact that they didn't trust the clan to have that secret easily.

"Looks like my decision turned out to be right." Lin Wu said as he looked at the derived location.

It flickered on the map and pointed to the southern part of the Long Continent. It was quite far from where he was at the moment, and it would take him a long time to reach that place.

"That all will come later. For now, I need to figure out the power structure of the Tian clan." Lin Wu said as he observed the rest of the information.

By the time it was afternoon, Lin Wu was finally done with his research, having learned some astounding things.

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