Rise Of The Worm Sovereign

Chapter 784 Reeling In Shirong

The doubts in Shirong's heart faded away upon seeing the spear that Lin Wu had just formed. Shirong knew Lin Wu was telling the truth since the true shape of the spear was only known to him and no one else had seen it.

All those that had witnessed the spear had either died to it after all. Of course there were some exceptions like Zhu Tianying, but her being a beast, Shirong never considered it in his list.

With this belief clarified, Shirong was far more inclined to believe Lin Wu now.

Shirong couldn't move his eyes from the new spear but still spoke, "how did you make it? This one has the same shape… but none of the properties. This much I can tell."

"Of course, it doesn't." Lin Wu replied. "This merely has the form of the spear and is not a true immortal weapon. At most it would be a spirit weapon."

"Then how did you make it? I know for sure an immortal weapon can only be made when one is above the Immortal Ascension realm… in one of the Immortal Tribulation realms." Shirong spoke, his knowledge surprising Lin Wu.

"Oh? So you know about the Immortal Realms too. That's impressive." Lin Mu praised. "…That will make things easier to explain."

Shirong looked on in interest, finally withdrawing his gaze from the spear and looking at Lin Wu. He still felt the pressure from Lin Wu, but it was considerably lighter than before. Though the fear that he felt from him was still there.

"For me to tell you how I made that spear, I must first tell you about myself," Lin Wu said.

"Please do tell," Shirong said, with great curiosity.

He was of course not going to give up on learning from a being that was possibly far beyond his understanding. He even wondered if he was going to get knowledge that was beyond this world and provide him a greater understanding of the cultivation.

"I have existed for far longer than you can imagine. I used to work with my master, the Taiji Celestial. He was a cultivator far beyond your understanding… belonging to a cultivation realm even beyond the immortal realm.

He was someone who had a dark past and wanted redemption for his actions. And to do that, he left several inheritances across the universe in thousands of worlds. In doing so, he also stopped the rise of several evil beings that could threaten such world.

Of course his work didn't stop there as he would personally act when beings too dangerous for the universe were born. He would also get rid of cultivators that destroyed life unnecessarily.

And with the inheritances that he spread around, he gained a lot of disciples. Of course… gaining his inheritance was not an easy task and one needed to go through tough trials. All those that went through it would gain great power though.

The inheritance didn't differentiate between races either. As long as one had a certain level of intelligence they could all take the trial, whether they be a human, a beast, a demon or any other race.

I was once among thousands of such disciples." Lin Wu explained, stunning Shirong.

Lin Wu took a pause here as he knew that just words would not be enough for Shirong.

'Time for the movie.' Lin Wu thought as he waved his tail.

Just like with Long Qingao, several runes formed around Shirong and entered his mind. A great illusion formed in his mind as his consciousness was transported into an imaginary realm.

There he saw the rise of the Taiji celestial and the different events that happened.

Of  course… all of them were modified and changed according to Lin Wu's propaganda needs.

"That'll take him a bit to go through…" Lin Wu muttered.

The movie that Lin Wu got system to show to Shirong was far longer and complex than the one he had shown to Long Qingao. After all, it was easier to fool the Long clan envoy as he had no previous contact with Lin Wu.

But that was not the same with Shirong. The man had seen a lot more than others and knew greater secrets about the spear which could easily link to Lin Wu.

Then there was also the fact that Shirong had actually fused with the avatar of the Skull God temporarily. The system had warned Lin Wu that there was a great chance Shirong had gained a part of the memories too.

But there was no telling which part of the memories Shirong obtained. Thus Lin Wu decided to be extra cautious and covered all the bases, making as many scenarios as possible.

And it was not as if this was disadvantageous to Lin Wu either. Rather it was advantageous for him and made things easier since he now had an example of an antagonist to paint here. It was even one that Shirong had suffered from too, making it that much better.

About thirty minutes passed before the movie finally ended.

Shirong's eyes gained their usual liveliness and he trembled slightly.


He stabilized his footing by using the dormant spear in his hand as a support.

"That was all…" Shirong found it hard to express his thoughts.

He had never expected there to be such a great expanse beyond his world and that there were so many great dangerous.

From the memories of the Skull god, the system had formulated terrifying boogeyman's that  had cultivation bases that would terrify even the ancestors of the Long clan, not to mention Shirong.

Still, it had done exactly the work that Lin Wu wanted and given Shirong enough to think about.

Five minutes passed as Shirong caught up with his thoughts and somewhat sorted them out.

"Damn… this will take a lot more pondering to go through," Shirong muttered to himself.

"You will have plenty of time to do that on your own later. For now it is best we continue our conversation." Lin Wu spoke.

"Of course, senior!" Shirong said, changing the title that he used for Lin Wu.

Lin Wu noticed the subtle change and couldn't help but grin.

'Looks like subliminal messaging really works.' Lin Wu thought to himself.

He had gotten the system to add plenty of his footage into the movie. All his moves and power in it were greatly exaggerated. The system had done its best to extrapolate the data from the Skull God's memories about strong cultivators, but without the real life data it was still not enough.

Thus Lin Wu turned up the 'CGI' to 200% and let the system take a page from the great explosion cultivator Michal Bay's cultivation manual.

With that freehold, the system used all its computational AI cores and came up with an award winning movie, that would move the worst critics to tears. Of course, the reason for the tears could be either due to the either sides of the spectrum.

"As time passed, the Taiji Celestial knew that he alone was not enough to handle the worlds. More problematic worlds started to pop up with threats that he alone could not fight.

Additionally, personal problems of his rose up as well, making it difficult for him to act personally.

Because of that, he ended up sending his disciples to the different worlds. We were instructed to make his 'tomb' and pass on his inheritance to those deemed worthy. The main inheritance belonged to the Taiji Celestial himself, but we were also given free rein to pass out our own inheritance.

You see, the inheritance of the Taiji Celestial isn't really a rigid cultivation technique that must be the same for everyone. Rather it is very adaptive and focuses on evolving your own techniques if you've had them while also adding new abilities.

It is the top of the top technique that nothing in this world can compare to.

All the disciples had their own interpretation of the technique and this ended up with them making many derivations and sub-branches of the technique.

Still… the requirements for passing the Taiji Celestial's true cultivation technique were far too great and very few could obtain it. And yet, the problems of the world didn't reduce it at all.

There was a lack of people to address it and several worlds were lost despite the fact there being an inheritance on those worlds.

Thus we decided to pass out our own inheritance in the world as well. The requirements for them were far lower than those of the Taiji Celestial's own inheritance and this increased the number of experts.

While they might not have the same level of power as those that had the true inheritance, it still increase the overall number of experts in the world and made it easier for them to survive.

The Sky Bright Daoist was one such disciple too and he was the one originally sent to this world to set up the tomb and his own inheritance." Lin Wu explained in detail.

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