Shirong had already heard a little about the Sky Bright Daoist from the Emeraldine Sky Light Monk ape when they had asked about the inheritance. After all, they didn't want to vie for a single inheritance that was not good for them.

But after hearing that it was from an expert not of this world, they were impressed and ready to do whatever to obtain it.

And now that Shirong knew that the expert was merely one of the disciples of the Taiji Celestial, he was awed.

'Merely the disciple has such power, then what will the master be like?' Shirong wondered.

He had already seen some demonstrations of power in the illusion/movie that Lin Wu had shown him and was greatly impressed. He had not expected that there was a way to get a cultivation technique of the Taiji Celestial too.

But after hearing the words of Lin Wu, that the Sky Bright Daoist was sent to this world, more questions appeared in the mind of Shirong.

"Senior, if the Sky Bright Daoist was sent to this world, then where is he now?" Shirong questioned.

"That is something I do not know, either. Even when we were disciples under master, I didn't have much interaction with him. There were simply too many disciples spread across the universe, and most had never met each other.

Though if we do encounter someone else, we will be able to detect it. We have a rule to not go against our fellow disciples and even help them if possible. Though that is not mandatory, as there are often conflicts of interest that prevent that.

The Taiji Celestial was not naive so as to put a mandatory rule like that." Lin Wu answered.

What Lin Wu had said now was completely true, and he had not lied to Shirong. This was something he had learned from the inheritance of the Taiji Celestial in the past and even the system had said the same when it had added the information from the tomb to its data banks.

"Oh? That's different from I thought." Shirong replied before asking another question.

"Then how did you come here, senior? I mean, since the Sky bright Daoist had already finished the work assigned by Taiji Celestial here." Shirong said.

"I was sent by the Taiji Celestial because he had a bad premonition. Experts of their cultivation base can tap into the karma of the world and divine the fates. If they have bad premonitions, it is often true.

Thus, to attest that he sent several of his disciples to different worlds. I was sent there because he sensed that someone linked to one of his old enemies might arrive in this world.

But coming to a lower world like this is not possible for immortals or those above them. Thus, to attest that, I had to do some radical changes. I entered a dormant state and sealed my cultivation base.

Once sealed, I was sent to this world. Though I have no idea when that happened." Lin Wu spoke.

"What? Then did you come when the meteor fell into the Millennium forest?!" Shirong wondered if that was true.

But it also made him confused, as it was the spear that had fallen at that time. And looking at Lin Wu's size, he could very well tell that if he really fell like that, the impact area wouldn't just be the size it was before.

'No… if he fell, perhaps half of the Ling Kingdom would have been flattened from the impact.' Shirong estimated.

It was not as if there had never been any meteors falling in the Ming Dao world. Over the millenniums there had always been some meteors that fell. And they were always met with great anticipation, as they almost always contained some resources that were unavailable in the world or extremely rare.

The sects and powers of the world would jump on it right away.

Shirong had even read about a great meteor that fell into the Gui Continent three thousand years ago. It was all recorded in his clan, and even the other sects knew about it. After all, there were billions of people who had seen it fall.

When this meteor fell to the Gui continent, it had shaken the entire Ming Dao world!

Great Earthquakes happened and massive tsunamis ravaged the coasts. The powers of the Long and Hu continent were jealous that they were unable to get this fortunate encounter, as there was a rule that prevented them from intruding on other territories.

Still, some couldn't hold back and went to try their luck, which resulted in a war among the three continents!

It was one of the few wars that had happened after the rise of the guardian clans, as they would usually prevent anything on this level. But since this time they had an interest in this too, they looked away while also trying for some benefits.

In the end though, it was the Gui continent that came out on top and won. The experts of Hu and Long continent could only return in defeat. Of course, the ones that returned were only the strongest experts that survived the war. All others perished in it as returning from another continent was not easy.

Then there was also the fact that the meteor that had fallen was not simple either.

When it had fallen, it had flattened over two thousand kilometers of area and destroyed two entire kingdoms, and four sects!

With such a great loss, the Gui Clan wasn't going to just let others take the meteor. But when they got to it, they found out that the meteor was simply too hard to open. Only after two years of effort did they manage to crack it open.

What they obtained from it was unknown, but a few years after that, the Gui clan had obtained a new Pseudo Immortal spirit tool. Everyone was sure that the new Pseudo immortal spirit tool was either obtained from that meteor or forged from the materials that were present in it.

It was this very story that had actually made Shirong so interested in the millennium forest and the forbidden zone that had formed in the past. After all, the level of danger the Millennium Forest had seen was many times higher than that of the Gui continent, even though the devastation was contained.

The deaths of expert in the forbidden zone had made most of the people discouraged from trying. But then Shirong had gone and obtained the fortune from there.

Hearing Shirong's words, Lin Wu knew what Shirong was thinking, and he didn't want him to go on that route.

'Time for the changed story,' Lin Wu thought before speaking.

"Ahahha~ no, that wasn't me that fell back then. That was the spear. I definitely came a long time before that. As far as I remember, when Taiji celestial had decided to send me here, there were no Guardian beasts assigned to this world." Lin Wu replied, much to Shirong's shock.

After all, he knew the true story behind the formation and rise of the three guardian clans.

"You came before that? Then that wast over ten thousand years ago!" Shirong exclaimed.

It was really shocking to him since he knew that even the Immortal Ascension realm cultivators could only live for five thousand years at most. After all, since the rise of the three guardian clans, there had been more than a dozen Immortal Ascension realm cultivators that had been born.

A very small amount of them had broken though and ascended to the higher worlds, while most had perished after their lifespans ran out. Even the Ji clan wasn't an exception to it.

As far as Shirong knew, the current ancestor of the Ji clan, his great grandfather, was the disciple of the last ancestor of the Ji clan who was an immortal Ascension realm cultivator who had failed to ascend.

It was actually him who had given the Ji clan its foundation and his hard work was what made the Ji clan the power today. The current ancestor of the Ji clan had only stabilized the power of the Ji clan and made it so that there was almost no chance of it falling.

After all, there were plenty of examples of sects and other clans that had fallen into oblivion after their backing; Their Immortal Ascension realm ancestor died. Many powers would even try to hide this, but after a period of several thousand years passed, and the ancestor was not seen, everyone knew they had passed.

And yet, Shirong heard from Lin Wu that he was here over ten thousand years ago.

"How… how are you still alive then, senior?" Shirong couldn't help but question.

"Haha, even if I had stayed awake the entire time, I would still not have died. Once you are in the immortal realm or above that, ten thousand years is merely a nap. Not to mention I was in a dormant state, thus I wasn't even using my lifespan." Lin Wu stated.

Hearing about the dormant state made Shirong greatly curious. After all, if it was something that could be learned, many experts would want it. One could simply use it at the end of their lifespan and let their descendants collect fortune for them.

Then when it was the right time, they could awaken and use those resources to breakthrough, there by expanding their life again.

"Is it possible to learn this power?" Shirong asked in a serious tone.

"Not for humans… at least not all humans. Only certain beings can do it."

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