Chapter140,Part1: 1 - Boiled Dragon

Chapter 140 Boiled Dragon?

Part 1

“My humblest apologies!!” (Ryokan’s staff)

“Hahaha…… It’s fine, it’s fine. Well… I think this is something that can happen pretty often, yeah.” (Cry)

Apparently, it was the first time a dragon invaded the Onsen.

It seemed the dragon was an endemic species that originally lived in the mountains outside of the town. They said it had been twelve years since it had been spotted in this town, and that it was the first time it had been inside the Onsen of this inn.

Of course, it’s like this. There was no way you can have an Onsen where dragons can come and go as they wish.

It seemed due to some group of bandits, they had few customers, making their lookout negligent, but I smiled and forgave the innkeepers, who gathered here and were on their knees while looking as if they were about to get killed.

Accidents are common for Hunters. I would never let my guard down as I already had the chance to experience a wandering Dragon, a wandering Giant Oni, a wandering Cyclops, and a wandering Treasure Shrines. I am way too unlucky.

It happened to me so much that I would sometimes wonder about a disillusion that should be impossible, such as “Is it possible that those things are drawn towards me?”.

If their customer hadn’t been a Hunter, it would result in the death of many people, but in reality, no one died, so just be careful from now on.

Now that we have defeated the dragon unscathed, all I have to worry about is Tino’s mental health.

Tino had a tired look in her eyes even after getting dressed. I called her out several times, but she won’t smile like she usually did.

Since it was a sudden battle, I think it was unavoidable to fight while being naked, I tried to avoid looking at her as much as possible, but at Tino’s age, the shock she received must have been great.

Liz doesn’t care at all about things like this, so it seemed that my senses had become numb due to her.

“I know…… Let’s have a boiled dragon for today!” (Sytry)

“Eh!? The dragon…… We are going to eat it!?” (Tino)

Tino, who was depressed, raised her face when Sytry was smiling and raising her hand high.

Dragons weren’t very common to be seen as food. As they were rare, their blood, flesh, and bones would all sell for a considerable amount of money.

However, our Party didn’t think much about profit, so it was a regular event for us to eat parts of a dragon we hunted on the very same day.

I don’t remember how it all started, but our “Wild kids (Luke and Liz)”, would eat anything, from centipedes to spiders, so dragons weren’t so bad.

“Neee… Cry-san. Cry-san also likes dragons, don’t you? Today is Ti-chan’s first success on a dragon hunt, you know!” (Sytry)

Sytry talked to me in a cheerful voice. Tino was stupefied.

Apparently, it was a strategy to make Tino forget about her bad memories by putting a positive spin on them. Maybe there was a possibility that she was just being honest, but I went along with her with all my might.

“Un, un… Dragons are delicious, right. I am looking forward to it.”

Not only dragons but all of Sytry’s foods are delicious, but I don’t think it is necessary to do the same thing as what we did when we camped out in the middle of nowhere, but I won’t point that out. I felt like she didn’t need to cook as we stayed in a Ryokan, but I won’t say that either. Let’s go with a flood of compliments.

“Tino is so strong. Well done… Well done…” (Cry)

“M-mu…… Much obliged.” (Tino)

Tino turned her head down and answered in a soft voice. Her voice sounded embarrassed but happy. One more push, it is.

Sytry rides on and gives further follow-up.

“To fight a dragon just like that without any weapons or armor ―― Ti-chan was very cute, wasn’t she?” (Sytry)

“Un, un, you are right………… Eh?” (Cry)

“………… Uh.” (Tino)

Tino, who had just started to recover, was trembling again. She looks down and trembles with her face bright red up to her ears. And she quickly distances herself from me.

No, I didn’t see. I didn’t see, you know. It’s true. Moreover, there was no time for me to slowly watch the spectacle when a dragon was rampaging. I didn’t show it on my face and didn’t take any concrete action, but I was really restless at that time.

Sytry winked at me furtively. I wanted to complain, but Tino was nearby, so I had no choice but to give a small sigh.


“Eh…………? Did a dragon appear in the Onsen?” (Liz)

When Liz returned from her Onsen Dragon search, she was surprised when she heard what happened.

She went to the mountains to look for it, but apparently, she came up empty. And yet, a dragon appeared in front of us when we weren’t even looking for it, life really is unpredictable.

Tino sat upright on the tatami mat in the room, while shrinking her body and looking up at her Shisho.

She looked somewhat anxious, but I wonder if she was thinking she will get yelled at because she took her prey. Liz won’t do that, you know.

Liz was listening to me with a serious expression, but when she heard that Tino had won after a fierce battle against the Onsen Dragon while being naked, she smiled like a flower and jumped on Tino who was sitting upright.

She hugged Tino, who let out a short scream, and *guriguri* stroked her head.

“Kyaaa! Congratulation on your first dragon, Tiii! You are also finally a 『Dragon Slayer』” (Liz)

“Eh? Eh???” (Tino)

“Tonight we need to celebrate this by eating the dragon! Right, Cry-chan?” (Liz)

“Un, un, you are right.” (Cry)

“Eh? Eeeh? I-Is that how it is?” (Tino)

Tino was greatly confused by her Shisho’s joy and looked at me. It was the first time I heard this, but I guess that’s how it is since Liz is like that.

Liz is in a better mood than she had been in a while. She must be proud of her pupil’s growth. And it also showed Liz’s growth as a Shisho.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading!

Sytry really likes to tease Tino, always reminding her of Cry seeing her naked!

But, when a Party first thinks about eating the dragon before selling it, you know it can only mean that the party is OP.

Tchao à plus!

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