Chapter140,Part2: 2 - Boiled Dragon

Chapter 140 Boiled Dragon?

Part 2

When she was *bambam* hitting Tino’s back.

“However, if you were going to do this, I wish you would have done it while I was hereee. When it’s such a special memory ――” (Liz)

“If Onee-chan was here, Onee-chan would have beat it, wouldn’t you? We have already killed so many dragons that we could even throw some away, so you don’t need to go after one.” (Sytry)

Well, if she hadn’t killed it, I wouldn’t have made it out alive though……

Tino opened her eyes as what Liz said made it seemed like she was ready to give up on the dragon for her lovely pupil. But maybe, Sytry wasn’t convinced and just said some speculation.

Sytry is someone who would be impervious to everything, but she doesn’t like to engage in head-on combat like that one. Up until now, when Sytry fought, Luke, Liz, or Anthem were usually in the front. She is fundamentally a rearguard.

“Eeeeh. Cry-chan, don’t you want to go to the Onsen again, together? I also want to fight against a dragooon!” (Liz)

“Un, un, that’s a no.” (Cry)

They said they were going to strengthen the security of the entire city, so a second one would probably not come.

In the first place, the large public bath was so severely damaged that they said it would be closed for a while, so we had to put up with the bath in our room during our stay. If a dragon comes to the open-air bath in our room, it will be game over.

Even though there was no way I was going to say “Un, that’s fine”, after being asked to fight a dragon, Liz looked at me, bent her lips, and pouted.

“Eeeeh!? It’s only just Ti, nooot faiiiiir. Cry-chan, haven’t you been favoring Ti too much lately?” (Liz)

“!?” (Tino)

“She is right…… Cry-san, who is more important, Ti-chan or me!? Please answer me clearly!” (Sytry)

“!?” (Tino)

Tino was confused when she sees Liz who can only think about the dragon in her head and Sytry who is playing a bad prank.

If you want to say something it should be something like this “ Eh? Eh? Am I being favored?”. If you let yourself be influenced by the common sense of high-level Hunters, it would become irreversible you know.

But fortunately, she seemed to be feeling a little bit better. You just need to forget about the bad things that happened.

Suddenly, Liz looked down at her pupil with a quizzical expression on her face.

“But, was Ti strong enough to beat a dragon with her bare hands? Don’t tell me, you’ve been cutting corners during my training?” (Liz)

“!? It-it’s not like that Onee-sama! Umh…… Ehm……” (Tino)

That was something I was wondering too.

Tino is talented and has been trained by Liz to the point that it can be considered torture. But still, she was just Level 4, moreover, this was her first dragon.

The reason why 『Dragon Slayer』 can become attached to your title is because Dragons possess strengths that are unmatched by no others.

This time, the dragon that was in the Onsen had a frivolous name and was probably the lowest class of Dragons, but even so, it wasn’t an opponent that could be defeated while being naked.

Tino’s lips trembled for a while, but then fearfully looked at me and said in a quiet voice.

“Uhm…… That…… After being taken over by Master’s mask, my body felt lighter ―― Or rather, I think I got a better understanding on how to move my body a little bit better.” (Tino)

Seriously…… It was true that that mask said it would bring out your latent potential, but does it have such an effect too.

Certainly, Tino’s movements were outstanding when she wearing the mask at that time. Even though it was only temporarily, she showed enough strength to be able to bite Liz when she would normally be unilaterally beaten to a pulp. Since she seemed to be conscious, it wouldn’t be surprising that Tino remembered how her body moved at that time.

O?, don’t joke with me. Bring out my latent potential too. Show me how serious you can be.

Finally, Tino shrunk and said as if she was begging for forgiveness.

“N-no, but I don’t want to wear it anymore………… Yes.” (Tino)

“Eeeeh. So there was an effect like that…… Cry-chan, can you lend it to me?” (Liz)

“!?” (Tino)

As ever, her desire for strength was strong.

As per her request, I hand over 『Over Greed (Evolving Devil Mask)』 that had been rolled up. As Tino’s eyes widened, Liz *shigeshige* fixedly observed it and put it on without hesitation.

Extending tentacles reached for the back of her head and fixated on her. Sytry watched the scene with great interest.

Liz, who wore the mask was silent for a moment, but then clicked her tongue loudly, forcibly pulled the tentacles apart, and removed the mask.

She returned the mask and shrugged her shoulders.

“Can’t use it…… I was told that it couldn’t draw it out because of security reasons as it would exceed its capabilitiesss.” (Liz)

“……!! N-now that you say it, Master too ――“ (Tino)

Tino looked at me as if she was flabbergasted, but she was probably wrong.

Rather, it was the exact opposite. You’ve seen it right, how unmotivated those fixation tentacles were when I wear it! It was a far cry from the tentacles that were stuck on Liz.

However, there was a lower and upper limit, eh. It seemed that this Relic is harder to use than you would imagine it. I guess it is exclusively for Tino.

There, Sytry *panpan* clapped her hands. With a big smile on her face, she said.

“Let’s set aside the mask for the time being and do our celebration. This time, I can grab the weakness of the other party, so I think I can rent their kitchen and push through most requests. It is a boiled dragon, a boiled dragon of an Onsen Dragon!” (Sytry)

You said it like it has been boiled in an Onsen……

However, I don’t have any objection. It is the Hunter’s way to overwrite the painful moment with a fun moment.

I looked at Liz, who was in a good mood over the growth of her pupil, and Tino, who was thinking about something and stood up in a relaxed mood.

“What’s the matter?” (Sytry)

“I will go get Gray and his friends. As we won’t be able to eat all the dragon with this number of people, and aren’t celebrations better with a large number of people?” (Cry)

Since I left the Imperial Capital, I hadn’t been able to get along very well with Gray and his friends. As I didn’t share a meal with them or saw them when we were in a town.

They seemed to be criminals and may have some kind of unknown background forcing them to follow us, but they were our coachman up until now. I could at least give them something at the end for their hard work.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading and thank you to Henri for you kofi!

Too bad Liz couldn’t power up with the mask because she would have become a monster! And lol at the difference between the tentacles that fixate on their head. Strongly fixated on Liz’s head while loosely (not motivated) on Cry’s head XD

What would Cry reaction be when he learns about Black and White escape! (Probably nothing much as he wanted to release them in the first place)

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