Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 155,Part1: 1 - Strange Grief Wants to Retire ④

Chapter155,Part1: 1 - Strange Grief Wants to Retire ④

Chapter 155 Strange Grief Wants to Retire ④?

Part 1

Dressed in black armor, a group of people riding horses surrounded the city of Surus.

On the flags that were fluttering in the air were three swords interlocking ―― It was Count Gladys’ coat of arms.

Riding a battle horse, the leader of the group, a man in magnificent armor descended to the ground and looked up at the wall.

“What is this wall………… What happened……” (Gladys Knight Order Leader)

“What a very, late arrival……” (Sytry)

“!? Who is here!?” (Gladys Knight Order Leader)

“To think the first thing you say is “Who are you”…… Isn’t that too rude to the people who did your work for you? Well, it was 『A bonus』 while we were on our vacation, though.” (Sytry)

The commander and his men who were lined up behind him, drew their swords in unison at the shadow that appeared from the gate.

When Kilkill-kun was all excited and was raising his body up and down, Sytry smacked Kilkill-kun’s arm, and responded with a smile.

She took out a request form from her pocket and threw it on the ground. The Commander’s eyes widen at the sight of the request form with Gladys’ crest on it.

“If it is only at this level, then there isn’t even the need to cooperate with you. As you were too slow, we have already crushed the Barrels.” (Sytry)

“Cooperate…… Don’t tell me…… You are a Member of 《Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei)》!?” (Commander)

“Yes. I am the one who is in charge of the negotiation for 《Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei)》, my name is Sytry Smart. I have heard a lot about the valor of the Gladys army.” (Sytry)

Her short pink-blonde hair was swaying in the wind, and her calm demeanor didn’t make her look like she was engaged in a life-threatening line of work.

The commander’s eyes widened at her calm and enamoring smile. His subordinates, who had their swords drawn and ready, were also flustered.

I had heard that we had made a nomination request to a Treasure Hunter. It was a shame to cooperate with people who didn’t care for public safety and did nothing but search for Relics in Shrines, but Gladys’ army doesn’t let their personal feelings get in the way on their missions.

I didn’t know what was going on at all. I was sure that the Hunters hadn’t even arrived at the Gladys territory yet.

It was only a day ago that we had received information that a group that seemed to be the Barrel Bandits Group was about to leave Gladys territory.

We didn’t have the time to wait for the Hunters. We couldn’t withdraw after being belittled by the bandits, so my men and I came on a forced march, and when we finally arrived at our destination, the fact that the Hunters were already there made us seem like we were being mocked by sly foxes.

However, the request form is genuine. Picking it up from where it had been rudely thrown on the ground, the Commander wondered what to ask, and at the end, asked while twisting his eyebrows.

“…… Why are you in such a place? We have been waiting for you for a long time.” (Commander)

“We did an ambush. If I have to say, it was more guiding them than an ambush…… However, do not worry. The Barrel Bandits Group has been rounded up. Every single last one of them.” (Sytry)

Impossible. The commander, who was known for his valor in Gladys territory, was stunned by what she said.

The Barrel Bandit Group is a cautious and audacious group. They had repeatedly repelled the Gladys Knight Order as if it was the easiest thing in the world, despite them being known for their strength.

In particular, we had almost been overwhelmed many times by their cautiousness.

Whenever they attack a city, they always dispatch an advance team to assess their enemies’ strength and never challenge an opponent they cannot beat. Since they are a group of wandering bandits, they do not have a home base, but even their temporary base couldn’t be found.

Even when we tried to organize a large-scale subjugation force to attack them, they quickly escaped. I don’t know how they got their hand on it, but they even had a tool that could create walls.

They were really an infuriating group of bandits.

They were the ones who had tarnished the name of the sword of the empire by ransacking Gladys territory when that territory was feared by every criminal. This wasn’t the time to put our pride as a knight first.

Anyway, there was no sign of the city being ransacked. But there was no doubt that something had happened.

My men touched the rocky wall that surrounded the city and looked at each other. The wall was similar to the one that had often blocked Gladys’ forces when they were pursuing the Barrel Bandit Group.

“What is this wall……? I thought this city didn’t have such a huge wall surrounding it.” (Commander)

Surus is a famous tourist spot because of its Onsen. They shouldn’t have such defensive measures.

At the Commander’s question, Sytry put a finger to her lips, wondering.

“They were so careless that I had asked the Barrels to make it for them. Well, it needs to be reinforced, but it should be enough for now. Don’t you know about 《Infinite Variety’s (Senpen Banka)》 foresight?” (Sytry)

Of course, I knew it. However, I still can’t believe it even when I see it.

Making an ambush was still acceptable. However, how could a human manipulate circumstances to this extent? Moreover, how did 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 know about the Barrels’ movements, while having so little information available?

My men looked at her half in disbelief. The Commander felt the same way, but he quickly came to his senses and took off his helmet to show his appreciation.

“………… I see. We will confirm the details with you later ―― But for now, we thank you. So…… Where is 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》?” (Commander)

“I am sorry. Cry-san is in the middle of his vacation…… However, I will relay his message.” (Sytry)

“………… Fumu. Wait, what?” (Commander)

Sytry said with a smile to the Commander who had a nervous look on his face.

“The only thing I didn’t expect was that Gladys’ army wouldn’t make it in time. They really are useless, was what he said. Ah, that’s right. About the bandits, unlike the previous information, there were about three hundred of them, you know. However, this was still within the margin of error……”? (Sytry)


The city was in an uproar due to the bandit group attack and the sudden frog transformation.

As usual, I left Sytry to deal with the late arrival of the knight order and told her to handle the post-processing, and returned to the inn with Luke and the others who had finally joined us.

I feel bad for Sytry, but when I do it, I would immediately piss people off, and also it couldn’t be helped as I don’t understand the situation.

It had been a long time since I had seen Luke or Anthem.

We had known each other since we were childhood friends and before we became Hunters, and we used to see each other almost every day, so it was really unusual for us to not see each other for more than a month.

When we entered the inn room, Luke took off his creepy mask and this was the first thing he said to me.

Like fire, his crimson eyes really represent his personality.

“Cry! This time was too boring! The biggest one wasn’t much either, what’s wrong? Are you feeling sick?” (Luke)

Luke’s appearance was as usual. He didn’t have any serious injury, and his well-dressed cloak was almost spotless. It seemed that raiding a Level 8 Shrine had gone off without a hitch.

But still, what a terrible thing to say. I wonder if the occupation of the city by the bandits is something like a welcome party for Luke.

TL notes:

Thanks for reading! Thank you Peter for your donation!

Haha so funny when Sytry relayed Cry’s message! No wonder Cry has people who have a grudge against him despite doing “nothing”! XD

Finally, we will have the whole team interaction, Luke asking if Cry is feeling wrong because the enemies weren’t strong was so funny! Wait for the next part for more!

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