Strange Grief Wants to Retire ~ The Weakest Hunter Dreams of a Hero ~

Chapter 155,Part2: 2 - Strange Grief Wants to Retire ④

Chapter155,Part2: 2 - Strange Grief Wants to Retire ④

Chapter 155 Strange Grief Wants to Retire ④?

Part 2

“No, because this time we are on a vacation.” (Cry)

“I see…… So it wasn’t a trial. Then, it’s normal that it was only up to that point…… Well, it was just right for preparatory exercises.” (Luke)

When Luke *unun* nodded his head as if he was convinced of something, Liz-chan, who had come back after finding our friends instead of Onsen Dragons, pouted her lips.

“Why are you so bossy…… Luke-chan. Wasn’t the one who beat most of them Lucia-chan?” (Liz)

“Aaaah? I was the one who beat the biggest one, so of course, I’m the MVP. Besides, Liz, you didn’t do anything.” (Luke)

“Eeeeh~, Luke-chan, don’t tell me, are you trying to take credit for Lucia-chan’s work? That’s so laaaaame~!” (Liz)

Each time they fought in a large-scale battle like this one, Liz and Luke had the tendency to compete on the one who had the most number of prey killed. There is a part of them where they take pride in the number of corpses they create.

And it usually goes to the same conclusion where Lucia, who isn’t interested in it, would become the winner. As magical attacks have an extraordinary range of attack……

Luke became thoughtful for a moment at what Liz said, and then immediately exclaimed with a frustrated expression.

“……………… Indeed, it wasn’t like he was particularly strong compared to the others. Shit, okay, Lucia, you are the MVP this time! Not bad! Next time I won’t lose!” (Luke)

At the sudden loud voice, Lucia, who was lying on the tatami mat, looked up while breathing roughly.

“Kuh…… Luke-san, you are too noisy. Please give me some water, Leader.” (Lucia)

“Are you alright?” (Cry)

“…… It is just… I just used too much power……” (Lucia)

She exhaled out a small breath and answered. Her voice sounded painful and her face was pale, but she was probably fine. She didn’t have any noticeable injuries.

Her hair was much darker and her eyes were much shinier and darker than mine. Her thin features are so fragile that she doesn’t look like a Hunter.

In fact, Lucia is a little prone to getting sick. It’s not that she’s sick or lacking in physical strength, the cause seems to be her huge amount of magic power, but it was always the case that she stays quiet after using magic continuously, such as after a hunt.

Lucia sat up and poured a glass of water from the jug I gave her, quenched her thirst, and turned her cold eyes towards me.

“If you are worried about me, can you, please, not let them unnecessarily take over the city or something similar?” (Lucia)

“A lot of things happened, you know. Well, now that you are here, let’s find an Onsen and a Ryokan where Anthem can get in and slowly soak in the water and take a long rest.” (Cry)

Even though he was used to it, I feel sorry for him for spending the night out in the open.

Fortunately, this is an Onsen resort. There are probably bathhouses where Anthem can get in. …… In the worst case, we can have Lucia dig one up for us.

“Hasn’t Leader been taking a long rest up until now…” (Lucia)

“…… Aaah, right…… Tino turned into a frog, there is a spell to bring her back, right?” (Cry)

“………… Of course, there isn’t a magic that can bring her back to normal, you do know that it was already pushing to change people into frogs…… Was there any magic that could turn her back to normal in the book I got from you, Leader?” (Lucia)

In the bottle, Tino-kaeru heard what she said, blinked her eyes, and *kerokero* croaked while jumping up and down fretfully.

Poor her…… No, no, no, sure there was no magic to bring her back to normal in the book I wrote, but this isn’t funny.

While *kusukusu* giggling, Liz lifted the bottle, doesn’t she know how to show mercy?

I thought Lucia was on good terms with Tino……

As I froze with a smile on my face, Lucia gave a small cough and said.

“However, don’t worry. There is no magic to bring her back to normal, but…… If you kill her, she will return to normal.” (Lucia)

I cannot not worry. Tino’s sorrowful squeal echoed through the air.

What should I do? Do I have no choice but to tell Tino’s parents that my Imouto has turned their daughter into a frog?

I am too ashamed to face them.

“I-it’s alright, Tino. I will take responsibility and take care of you……” (Cry)

“………… Don’t be silly, here!” (Lucia)

Lucia lifted her thin arm and *pachiri* snapped her fingers. The bottle that Liz was holding and where Tino was, suddenly burst into flames.

Her appearance was exactly what I imagine a witch to look like.

Burning an object with a *pachin* snap of a finger was an idea I had written in volume one of “Cool magic I had thought of”. Lucia, who was in training, struggled for about a month to create this magic. It is one of my bitter memories as I had been punched in the face for laughing so hard when she told me it took her a month to create it.

The sudden carnage made me speechless.

The moment Tino’s cry disappeared in the flames, a human Tino appeared to extinguish it. Liz caught the suddenly appearing Tino with both of her hands.

She was dressed as she was before she turned into a frog. A light blue yukata and a neatly tied obi. Traces of tears remained under her eyes.

…… So that was what she meant when she said she would return to normal after killing her.

Come to think of it, when Tino changed into a frog, everything she was wearing also disappeared…… I wonder what is the logic behind it.

Tino looked at me, then at Lucia, then at Luke, and finally understood what had happened, and then she put her arms around Liz’s neck and hugged her.

“O-onee-samaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~! I waz zo zcared, I thought I waz going to be a frog forever!” (Tino)

Liz tightly hugged Tino as she cried with her tears *poroporo* streaming down her face.

“Yosh, yosh… Ti, you are going to have frog training until you don’t turn into a frog anymore, understand.” (Liz)

“Masteeeeeeeeer~! Please help me! Lucia Onee-samaaa~!” (Tino)

“Ti is still the same as usual, eh. …… Yosh, Cry! Let’s go to the Onsen! See, I even brought you a float ring too!” (Luke)

………… Well, whatever.

As everyone started to liven up, nothing seemed to matter anymore. I breathed a sigh of relief at my daily life that was finally back to normal.

Various things happened, but as expected, vacation is good. I am glad I came here. Everyone is safe and sound, so let’s say that everything is perfect.

When I smiled serenely and relaxed, Lucia, as if she remembered something, turned her gaze towards me and said something outrageous.

“By the way, Leader. You may already know, but ―― The Imperial Capital was in a huge uproar over the fight between 《Hidden Curse (Magic Wand)》 and the 『Tower of Akasha』. We were on a vacation, so we quickly ran away, but…… Everyone was calling for Leader. Is it true that you stirred things up?” (Lucia)

“…… It is a lie, you know. Come on, Lucia also must be tired, so let’s go to the Onsen and relax!” (Cry)

Author’s notes:

As always thank you for everything. This is Tsukikage.

This concludes the 4th arc. I hope you enjoyed it!

The 4th arc was different from the 3rd arc, and I tried to write about Cry’s daily life. I hope you now have a better understanding of his reputation so far, and how his friends have become stronger.

There were many things I wanted to write, and it has become very long, but I hope you enjoyed it as much as possible. ( ′ー`)

As for the rest of the story, we’ve got most of the members, but it’s still not finished.

For now, I plan to write about Arc 5 as well. In the 5th Arc, I hope to write about the adventures of Strange Grief as a Party, so it is a complete change from the 4th arc.

By the way, I don’t plan to drag on Akasha any longer.

However, before I start the 5th arc, I still need to write about the Onsen, so I will write about that. I’ll also write a bit about Luke, Lucia, and Anthem.

I think the daily life episode will be irregular updates, but please bear with me.

If you have more time, you can read my other works which are quite different, or read the Light novel version. ( ′ー`)

■ Light novel Version and Manga.

The 2nd volume is currently on sale and the 3rd volume is scheduled for release in the summer. There are also newly written parts, and there is also a character whose name only appeared in the Web novel but will appear in the Light novel. Please look forward to it.

Also, as I’ve already announced several times, but ComicWalker has started the Manga version.

It is a great piece of work that makes even me, the author, laugh when I read it, you can read it for free on the web, so please do that too!

Finally, to all of you who have stayed with the 4th arc for so long, over half a year so far, thank you very much!

I look forward to seeing you again in the next arc!


Update Notice: @ktsuki_novel(Twitter).

TL notes:

Thanks for reading! Thank you Mahammad for your donation! I’ll put an extra chapter this Sunday!

The chapter was published on the 15th may 2019. So the news is kind of outdated but go read the manga, it’s really well made!

At the time we speak, Tsukikage-sensei is already at his 7th arc so let’s hope that I will one day catch up with him… One day maybe…

But yeah 4th arc is still not over there are still 5 chapters left before the next arc!

I also added some pictures of the chapter when there’s one. Sadly I don’t have every picture only a few but go check it out, it’s in chapter:

Tchao à plus!


Obi: In case you forgot, it is a belt specially made for yukata.

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