Chapter156,Part1: 1 - Witch?

Chapter 156 Witch?

Part 1

“Cry once said! The truly strong! Don’t choose! Their weapons! Ossan, it is because you use such a giant axe that you are weak. But, well, there is no point in saying that to you now. As it wouldn’t even be a training if you just use your axe, you can use the sword that is on the ground. That will double your attack power right? Aaah, in my case…… I’m fine with just my bare hands, but as there is a tree branch on the ground, I think I’ll use that.” (Luke)

“Cry took my sword away from me. He said that if you become a sword, Luke, you wouldn’t need to carry one, which means, if you do need a sword, then it is just proof that you still lack experience. So cool, right?” (Luke)

“Cry said. Pointing a sword at the weak isn’t what true swordsmen do. That’s why I’m pointing a tree branch at you. And by the way, by deliberately making my weapon weaker, I can now even train against weak opponents.” (Luke)

His swordsmanship was… All messed up. His swordsmanship looked the same as countless swordsmen Jeffroy had seen and fought against, and yet it also looked like none of them.

The reasoning coming out of his mouth was also messed up. It was like the rambling of a child.

However, despite the fact that everything he said was a mess, the young man was serious about what he said and frighteningly strong.

Whether he swung his axe or his sword, the blade didn’t even graze him, while his opponent’s thirty centimeters tree branch slipped through Jeffroy’s onslaught and struck all parts of his body.

All of his attacks were seen through, even his breathing pattern was predicted. Moreover, he even managed to parry a heavy blow with a branch that should have been easily breakable.

Neither power nor speed couldn’t break through him, even among all the fights Jeffroy ever experienced, his 『Technique』 was the best he had ever seen.

A blow from a fragile branch wouldn’t harm Jeffroy’s trained body or armor. It was his mind that was hurt. With each strike, his spirit *garigari* whittled away. Cold sweats poured down his cheeks, and his arms slowed down due to his mental fatigue.

Each artful blow made from the childish weapon ―― Denied everything that Jeffroy Barrel had done so far, from being just a simple kid with a bit of confidence to succeeding in creating a large group of bandits.

If he had been using a real sword, Jeffroy would have been cut down with just one swing. There was enough difference in their abilities for him to understand that.

Seeing 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》 appearing, 《Thousand Sword (Senken)》 said regretfully.

“Shit, time’s up. Ossan, you are quite hard. If I can’t cut you, then I can’t call myself the strongest swordsman. I’m still immature…… So it means that just defeating the boss of a Level 8 Shrine isn’t enough. I’m going to be stronger, I’m gonna get stronger! I’ll never lose again!” (Luke)

I had heard rumors that 《Thousand Sword (Senken)》 had driven several swordsmen to the edge and they couldn’t continue to be swordsmen. If you are an ordinary swordsman, it would be impossible to maintain your composure in face of that monstrous swordsmanship.

My arms and legs were shackled with giant prisoner balls, my body was bound with chains, and I was roughly shoved into a carriage made for transporting prisoners.

I had no energy to resist. Even though I have been outsmarting them for a long time now, my opponents are the mighty Gladys Knight Order. Maybe I could do it one-on-one, but against multiple knights, they are not the kind of opponents where I can win against them without a weapon.

The knights wearing the same armor were discussing in a troubled manner.

“…… What do we do for these frogs?” (Knight 1)

“I have confirmed it with them, but…… I don’t think that we would be able to capture all of them…… But, we don’t have a choice but to bring all the frogs in.” (Knight 2)

“Since the numbers don’t add up, maybe there are some civilians or bunch of Hunters mixed with them, was what the Commander said ――” (Knight 3)

“So we have to check on all the one we missed capturing ――” (Knight 1)

“I have never seen or heard of a Magic like this one…… It is just like wizards in fairy tales.” (Knight 2)

From the way they talked with each other, I could clearly see a strong sense of confusion.

I can’t win. At the very least, as long as 《Strange Grief (Nageki no Borei)》 is staying in this city, even if I can manage to escape the chains, I will soon be captured again.

They were too ―― Too overwhelming. Of course, there is the swordsmanship of 《Thousand Sword (Senken)》, but also the magic that engulfed the entire city was even more monstrous. If the other Members of their Party were of equal ability, then we never had a chance from the very beginning.

I shouldn’t have taken them on. We should have turned tail and fled as usual when we heard about them. I shouldn’t have been so greedy. Even if I regret it now, it was already too late.

There was no way to fight back. All my men have been turned into frogs. The Barrels are finished.

A man with gray hair was brought to Jeffroy with his arms held on both sides.

It was the man that my men had mistakenly brought in as 《Infinite Variety (Senpen Banka)》. He was supposed to have been a gray frog a while ago, but it seemed that he had been brought back to normal.

The cunning-looking man shook his head and said in a powerless tone.

“You are wrong…… I am…… Not one of this guy’s companions.” (Gray)

“Is this man saying the truth?” (Knight 1)

The knight shouted sternly and looked down at Jeffroy.

The knight looked even more violent than Jeffroy’s men when they were disguising as regular citizens.

He was probably 《Infinite Variety’s (Senpen Banka)》 collaborator. He has the same air as the two men who had inspired me to attack this city.

We have been targeted from the very beginning. I’ve never heard of anyone deceiving even a noblemen’s Knight Order in order to proceed with their plan, but he has terrifying skill.

I slightly felt the return of my emotions that had been crushed. Jeffroy smiled deeply and said to the man with gray hair.

I’ll at least take you down with us.

“No, what are you talking about, Gray. You are one of us…… One of Barrels. Were you planning to look meek in order to run away on your own? I won’t let that happen. Let’s get along in prison.” (Jeffroy)

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TL notes:

Thanks for reading! Extra chapter thanks to Peter and Mahammad!

Haha the misadventure of Gray! Looks like having your mind broken wasn’t enough, now you are going to jail with Jeffroy.

Maybe they could become Cry’s victim friends. XD

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