239 First big fight

In his sleep, Zi Han felt like he was being constricted by a sea serpent. No matter how hard he tried to free himself the coils around him would only tighten further.

That’s because a shirtless Yi Chen was holding onto him tightly like he was afraid he would disappear in an instant. Yi Chen’s insecurities clearly manifested while he was sleeping.

Despite Zi Han’s attempts to free himself, he slept rather peacefully. The pair appeared tranquil as they cuddled under the quilt. Unfortunately, this beautiful scene didn’t last long. That’s because the door that was clearly locked from the inside was suddenly kicked open startling the two.

“ZI HAN!” yelled a voice he was more than familiar with.

“Shit,” he murmured as his eyes opened abruptly. He quickly sat up with his eyes as wide as light bulbs in shock.

Zi Xingxi glanced at his fully clothed self and heaved an internal sigh but when she saw the shirtless Yi Chen sitting next to him she got even angrier.

“Mum, what are you...,” he said only to shut his mouth when he met her fierce gaze.

“Get dressed and let’s go,” she said her tone cold sending shivers down Zi Han’s spine.

Yi Chen interlocked their fingers underneath the quilt and squeezed gently. Zi Han glanced at Yi Chen only for Zi Xingxi to explode further.


“What the fuck are you looking at him for? Get dressed now!” she said while picking up one of the pillows on the ground and throwing it at him.

Zi Han pulled his hand back and hurriedly got up. He picked up his pair of pants he left on the occasional chair in the hotel suite and as he wore them he couldn’t help but try to talk some sense into her.

“Mum, you can’t do this? Can’t I have some privacy?” he said but Zi Xingxi wasn’t even listening to him. Like an angry bull, she was seeing red. That’s because she saw a lot of hickeys on Yi Chen’s chest and there was no need to guess who did that. The tension in the room was palpable, almost unbearable.

She clenched her fists while glowering at Yi Chen like she was going to fuck him up at any second. Secretary K was worried that Zi Xingxi might really beat the shit out of Yi Chen if they stayed longer thus he walked in and found Zi Han’s shoes and urged him.

“Young sir, please... you are only making things worse the longer you stay,” he whispered.

Zi Han wanted to say something but he swallowed his words back as he bend down to put on his shoes.

As soon as he was done he walked over to his mother and said, “Ma, let’s go.”

“Secretary K, get him out of here,” she said and Zi Han’s heart sank.

He tremblingly shook his head while stuttering, “N-no, let’s go,” and when Secretary K grabbed both his arms from behind and dragged him out Zi Han exploded, “No, let me the fuck go... no.”

Secretary K was powerful enough to subdue him. He took him outside the bedroom door and pressed him on the wall while whispering, “Young sir calm down. Please.”

Zi Han glanced over at Li Ran and the others who were being held down by his mother’s men before looking back at Secretary K and said, “She is acting fuckin crazy.”

Secretary K also thought so but what could he do? No one could defy her orders not even Zi Feiji.

Meanwhile, Yi Chen pulled away from the covers his expression calm and aloof like he was the least bit affected. He wasn’t afraid either.

When he stood up, Zi Xingxi saw it. She saw her son’s name on his body and her expression turned deadly like a viper about to strike.

“If you want to bring down the Yi family then do so but don’t bring my son into it. They are going to come after us and claim that we are trying to overthrow the elected government, ” she said in a menacing voice that could have anyone scared to tears.

Yi Chen didn’t respond immediately. He put on his t-shirt before saying, “It’s already too late for that. Whether we stand individually or together they will still come after us.”

Hearing this Zi Xingxi was stuck in a stupor for a second. She resisted the urge to swing at him and spoke through gritted teeth, “You don’t know what the fuck you are doing. If they know who he.....”

“If they do find out they won’t be able to touch him because he will be by my side. I love him.... and I won’t let anyone harm him,” said Yi Chen his words heartfelt and sincere but that wasn’t Zi Xingxi’s focus.

Her breath hitched as the words ‘if they do find out’ echoed in her mind. Her chest fell and rose rapidly as she took a step back. Her brow furrowed as she stared at him with a ghastly expression.

How could he know? How did he know? Who else knows? A series of questions filled her mind making her protective instinct kick in. She subconsciously wanted to kill everyone outside her circle who knew.

As she sank deep into this sinister thought two picture frames appeared in front of her. She didn’t immediately receive it. She just stared at the pictures blankly.

“This belongs to you... I didn’t tell him but I think you should because he will eventually find out.”

Zi Xingxi’s eyes reddened as she raised her trembling hand and took away the pictures.

She put away the pictures and glared at him one more time before storming out of there. Zi Han who didn’t hear any cries of pain come from the room felt a sense of relief when he saw his mother walk out.

Secretary K loosened his grip and Zi Han pushed him away before dashing over to the door. He wanted to check if Yi Chen was okay but before he could even take another step he was suddenly grabbed by the back of the neck and pulled back.

“Let’s go,” muttered Zi Xingxi in a fierce voice as she led him away.

Zi Han wanted to free himself but his mother’s grip was as tight as the jaws of life. As soon as they stepped into the elevator his mother held onto his arm instead.

Zi Han tried to shake off her hand but Zi Xingxi tightened her grasp and pulled him closer. “Don’t make trouble,” she said and when the elevator door opened Zi Han was led to the hovercar.

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