240 Running away from home

A livid-faced Zi Han sat opposite her his expression dark but Zi Xingxi didn’t back down. She pinched his chin and forced him to tilt his head exposing the three-star tattoo partially covered by the collar of his t-shirt.

“Why would you even do that? Didn’t I discuss this with you before yet you went behind my back and still joined his squad,” she said with a grim expression.

Zi Han swallowed with his adam’s apple rolling lightly before saying, “You said you wouldn’t interfere.”

Zi Xingxi stared at him with a meaningful gaze for a second before letting him go. After a while, she said, “That was my biggest mistake. I should have never brought you here.”

“Why? All my life you have been hiding me... you even hid me from grandpa. He missed out on seventeen years of my life and for what? Huh? For what reason would you take such a precious thing away from me?” asked Zi Han on the verge of losing his mind.

All his life he thought he was a simple person raised by his simple mother but one day everything he thought was wasn’t but his mother never bothered to explain to him why.

Enraged Zi Xingxi opened her mouth to say something but paused before changing her words. Why should she explain herself? Everything she did she did it for him. It was all for his own good so what right did he have to question her?

“Watch your words. You have absolutely no right...,” she said as the hovercar stopped.

Zi Han clenched his jaw while glaring at her for a while. He suddenly got out of the hovercar and entered the house.


“Han Han... Han Han wait,” she called out following behind.

Zi Han passed by Zi Feiji but didn’t speak to him. Perplexed Zi Feiji called out to him as well but he was only met with the harsh slamming of the door.

Zi Feiji, “....”

Zi Xingxi banged on the door a couple of times calling out, “Zi Han open the door right now. If you don’t open it I will break it down.”

Zi Han stood with his back against the door. He slowly closed his eyes while running his fingers through his hair before crouching down.

Bang bang bang!

The sounds of the door being knocked on were so irritating that he closed his ears on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

Zi Feiji who couldn’t bear it anymore pulled her away and said, “Give him some space.”

Zi Xingxi who had basically lost it at this point walked away while saying, “That disrespectful brat doesn’t deserve any space. How dare he.”

This was the first big fight she had ever had with Zi Han and boy was she handling it wrong. She knew how to deal with enemies and subordinates but she didn’t know how to deal with her son. She wanted to fix things instantly and the more Zi Han shut her off the more the urge to fix it.

Unfortunately, it was only making things worse. Zi Feiji knew she was going to fulfill her promise and break down that door thus he tried to talk some sense into her.

For the next hour, the two had a heated discussion about this but Zi Xingxi was still being hot-headed. Thus when Zi Han suddenly came downstairs heading for the door the disagreement escalated again.

“Where are you going?” she asked as she got up.

Zi Han paused his steps and turned to her before saying, “I finally figured it out. All this has to do with my father doesn’t it?... I want to know everything about him starting with who he is,” his tone indignant.

Everyone including Zi Xingxi fell silent for a minute. Who in this room was willing to crack that egg open? Seeing that no one responded Zi Han continued, “You tell me everything or I walk out of that door. I will only come back when someone in this house is ready to talk.”

“ZI HAN!” yelled Zi Xingxi her anger reaching a critical level.

“You see I knew it. You care more for your dead husband than your very much alive son,” he said his eyes stinging having lost himself to his emotions. It was never a good idea to leave Zi Han alone in his mind when he was in distress. That’s because his thoughts veered far off course leading him to think such negative things.

“Han Han you....,” said Zi Feiji but he paused when he saw Zi Xingxi stride over before raising her hand to hit him. He immediately grasped her wrist and held her back but as though possessed by ghosts and demons Zi Han kept talking.

“Now I get it. Grandpa, do you see it? She doesn’t put any of us in her eyes except that husband of hers,” he said as tears flowed down his face.

“Zi Han that’s enough,” said Zi Feiji while struggling to hold back Zi Xingxi who was trying to break free.

“You see what I mean. He is ungrateful. After all his father did for him he is still so disrespectful,” she said while pointing at him angrily while pushing her father forward trying to get to him.

“He is not my father... I never had one,” he said before Zi Xingxi broke free and chased after him.

“You!....” she yelled but before she could get to him Zi Feiji grasped her shoulders and pulled her back while Old Lu convinced Zi Han to leave the house.

They were both stubborn by nature and the best solution was to take one of them out of the equation to calm things down. Zi Han didn’t even think twice. He left the house leaving his grandfather to deal with his angry mother.

“Where is he going to go? You can’t let him leave,” she said pushing back her hair that was blocking her eyes.

“He is already gone now we can talk. Let’s talk, okay?” said Zi Feiji his tone soft like coaxing a child throwing a tantrum.

Zi Xingxi suddenly felt defeated. Her shoulders slumped as she called out in a brittle voice, “Dad..... they will do the same thing they did to us. They can hide their relationship but if they openly work together it’s like an open declaration of opposition. They will think we want.... we want to bring back the monarchy the moment they know who he is. I.... I don’t want him to get hurt.”

“Then we protect the both of them. We won’t let history repeat itself... Fighting with your son will only make things worse. Does Xingxi understand dad’s words?”

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