241 .....Come find me

Zi Han had never been this mad in his entire life. He was so mad that he left without a plan. Secretary K just drove aimlessly while occasionally watching him in the rear view mirror. Several times he had opened his mouth to say something but he would find himself at a loss and thus shut his mouth.

The young man was staring blankly out of the window his entire face red after that whole ordeal. His eyes were misty and bloodshot but the tears had long stopped flowing and his emotions had settled.

As though shocked by a bolt of lightning Zi Han sat up straight and said, “I want to go to the spherical gardens.”

Secretary K nodded in agreement before setting the location in the driving system. The car veered and changed direction. In no less than three minutes, the large see-through spheres of the spherical garden came into view.

The hovercar stopped at a VIP parking and Secretary K got out to lead him but as soon as Zi Han stepped out of the hovercar he said, “You don’t need to send me. I want to be alone.”

Secretary K wanted to refuse but seeing Zi Han’s fierce gaze he swallowed back his words and transferred a VIP pass to Zi Han before saying, “I will wait for you. As soon as you are ready to leave please give me a call.”

Zi Han ‘um’ perfunctorily as he turned to leave. While he was walking away Secretary K made a call asking for some people to follow Zi Han and give him regular updates.

Zi Han who was well aware of his surroundings knew that Secretary K had people watching him for his own safety thus he didn’t make a fuss.

He took full advantage of this rare tranquil moment to arrange his thoughts. Sitting on the garden bench in front of the artificial lake his mind became clear. He was thinking of his mother, the father he had never met, and his grandfather. He loved them all but right now they couldn’t give him the feeling he was seeking.


The only person who could give him what he was looking for was an unrelated person and that unrelated person was Yi Chen. He was a person that loved him not because they had the same blood coursing through their veins nor because they had partially similar DNA.

Right now, it was that kind of love he wanted. Love so risky and fragile that most fear would vanish at a moment’s notice.

As his mind delve deeper into such thoughts Zi Han made up his mind. The only person who could make him feel something right now was Yi Chen. He immediately got up and just like a Zi he evaded the men sent by Secretary K and left the spherical gardens.

He took a quick trip to the mall before heading to Yi Chen’s apartment. As soon as he got there he tossed the contents of everything he bought on the coffee table and spread them out while picking them one by one.

His expression changed from being confident to a sullen one as he scratched the back of his head. He was really starting to regret it. He slumped onto the backrest of the couch and pursed his lips before opening his light brain. He opened StarNet intending to search for something but he suddenly saw a couple of messages from his mother and grandfather as well as Secretary K whom he had just ditched.

He ignored his mother’s message and responded to both Secretary K and his grandfather before enabling the settings on his light brain that will make sure none of them disturb him.

After that, he sat crossed-legged on the couch and started researching a subject so sensitive that he would be barred by StarNet from researching it.

Two hours later Yi Chen who was with Li Ran trying to figure out who wanted to kill both him and Zi Han received an unexpected message.

He casually glanced at his light brain but when his brain finally registered that it was a message from Zi Han his heart jolted as he got up to read it in private.

Li Ran seemed to know who it was. He casually glanced at him and said, “You two almost blinded me last night. If you flaunt your love in front of this single dog again I will bite.”

Yi Chen chuckled lightly while saying, “Whose fault is it that you can’t hook the bait properly and catch your prey?”

Li Ran, “...”

“You are such a jerk sometimes,” said Li Ran scolding him.

Yi Chen ignored the stupid look on his face and walked away while tapping his light brain. He thought Zi Han was probably having a discussion with his mother thus he gave him some space. He had already asked him three hours ago if he was okay but Zi Han didn’t respond. Yi Chen tapped the chat interface open and inside was an image.

HandsomeHan: (Image 59267. jpg)

HandsomeHan: Come find me.

Yi Chen downloaded the image with a furrow between his brows. At this moment he was thinking something was wrong with Zi Han thus he subconsciously picked up his jacket.

“Where are you going?” asked Li Ran shifting his gaze from the large floating screen.

“I.... shit,” said Yi Chen when he saw the image of Zi Han in front of a mirror biting the hem of his vest partially revealing his sexy abs and chest his pose lubricious and wanton.

“What? What’s wrong?” asked Li Ran getting up from his seat but Yi Chen raised his finger with his back at Li Ran while saying,

“No... it’s nothing. Let, let me know if you find something.”

Li Ran’s brow twitched as he watched Yi Chen leave. If Yi Chen had turned to face him Li Ran would have been scared silly. That’s because the bulge in Yi Chen’s pants was no joking matter.

His ears bright red he leaped off the balcony while summoning his mech. In less than five minutes he appeared in front of their home.

He disengaged his mech and hurriedly entered the house.

In an all-white office at the top of Capital Star a voice spoke through the speaker, “Sir, he is no longer alone. The marshal’s son just appeared.”

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