408 A password to speak to your husband

With her arms restrained by chains hanging above the ceiling, Zi Han walked over to his mother his boots clanking on the iron floor. Blood dripped from the tip of his sword leaving behind a trail of blood.

He handed the sword to her and said, “You can have the second cut for your husband.”

The corner of Zi Xingxi’s lips quirked into an evil smile as she said, “Death by a thousand cuts it is then.”

Zi Han nodded his head and Zi Xingxi walked past him towards Tala. Just that single cut was so excruciatingly painful that Tala couldn’t stand it. She opened her mouth to beg but it was useless. The time for begging had already passed. Even if she had begged back then it would still be useless.

Zi Xingxi held the sword in one hand with its tip almost dragging on the floor. She showed a sinister smile before raising the blade while staring straight in Tala’s eyes.

“I will let you feel what he felt when he died senselessly,” she whispered before slashing Tala’s chest and abdomen. Blood poured out her wounds as she cried out but no sound came out of her mouth.

Zi Xingxi’s eyes were like that of a deadly beast out for blood. After the first slash she couldn’t help herself like a vampire that had had its first taste of blood and couldn’t get enough. Her jaw clenched, Zi Xingxi slashed at her. Cut after cut the sinister smile on her face grew wider.

Blood was splattering everywhere but her clothes weren’t stained at all. There was no single drop of blood on her garments.

Once she had vented it all out she stared down at the woman who seemed to have passed out her chest heaving vehemently like she had just completed a marathon.


Zi Xingxi turned to walk back to her father and handed him the sword before saying, “She ruined our reputation and made us fail our duty in protecting the monarch. Avenge his highness and maybe our ancestors will overlook our failure,” she said and Zi Feiji grabbed the hilt of the sword tightly.

Zi Xingxi sat down in the chair Zi Han had been sitting on earlier and lay down flat on both the chairs. She pulled out the rings she hung on a thread around her neck and stared at them in a daze.

“You may rest in peace my love,” she whispered her voice tremulous and emotional. She had finally avenged her husband and could sleep easy from now on.

The chains clanked drawing her away from her reverie. Tala had been forced away after being injected with a stimulus to keep her awake no matter how badly her body wanted to shut down.

She looked up and found her father slashing at the woman punishing her for all the crimes she committed against Yeoh Jun, an innocent soul that never hurt anyone.

“I am done,” said Zi Feiji after a while. He took a few steps back while handing the sword to Zi Han before slumping down on the ground. He recalled the promise he made to the late emperor that is to protect his son at any cost, a promise he failed to keep.

He couldn’t bring that bright young man back but at least this could give them the closure they needed to move on.

He wiped his cheek that had a drop of blood dripping down on it with the back of his hand his expression bleak. The sound of metal scratching the floor drew everyone’s attention. It was Zi Han dragging the tip of the blade on the ground with a blank expression.

He crouched down as he grabbed the little patches of her hair on her head and said, “I hope it was all worth it.”

The woman’s dim eyes trembled in fear as she opened her mouth to speak. In the bloody mess, Zi Han could see a tear but this only made him smile evilly.

“Worth it wasn’t it?... Then it’s time you die,” said Zi Han driving the blade through her throat with so much force it almost sliced her entire head off cleanly.

The blood dripped down the tip of the blade and it made a plinking sound amplified in Zi Han’s ears. Time seemed to freeze at this moment with the only sounds coming from those droplets falling into the puddle of blood.

With a deep exhale Zi Han stood up and drew back the weapon. With a powerful kick to the woman’s chest, her corpse fell backwards making the chains clank louder.

Zi Han’s ears were ringing as he stood tall glaring at that corpse. He could hear the sound of his mother’s voice speaking to him but it was all white noise in the background.

When he finally came to himself he was standing in the shower under running water. He pushed his hair back only to find that something was wrong. When he brought his hands forward they were trembling uncontrollably that if he was holding a mug it would shatter to the floor.

Zi Han shrugged it off and continued to push back his hair while closing his eyes. When his eyes closed he started seeing memories of his father that Igneous saved. Happy memories of him doing miscellaneous and unimportant things but to Zi Han, it meant so much more.

Those recorded videos were the only way he would ever get to know him. Zi Han sighed as he opened his eyes. The water underneath his fit was dyed red from the blood running off his body with the water.

When he killed Tala just now some blood got on him. After washing his body for an hour, Zi Han came out of the shower feeling like the stench of death had been removed from his body.

He walked out of the shower and found that his mother had laid down his clothes on the bed and left a note for him.

His eyes furrowed when he read it. It was the contact Yi Chen had been using, a contact he had deleted a long time ago. It seemed she knew that he had deleted his contact and wanted him to add it again.

With half his body wrapped in a drying towel, he sat on the bed and scanned the contact with his light brain. Two seconds later a notification popped up requesting a password to authorize adding Yi Chen as a friend.

Zi Han, “...”

He liked trivia but this was one trivia he didn’t plan on. With a tsk, he tossed his light brain away and collapsed on the bed like a pancake.

He planned on ignoring it but who was he kidding? He wouldn’t rest until he figured out that password... otherwise he would pop up at the house and shake Yi Chen while grabbing his collar.

AN: It kinda feels likes payback to me. Figure out the password Han Han if you want to talk to him. REVENGE!!!

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