444 Stinky fight

Zi Han watched the pair of siblings help their mother up and guide her outside the hall. As she was staring in his direction he met with the woman’s worried and guilt-ridden eyes. She wanted to be with her family but she didn’t want it to be at the expense of another person’s life.

Zi Han didn’t want her to feel bad so he showed a slight smile before looking away which left the woman confused. The smile was fleeting so much so that he thought she almost thought it was an illusion. But before she could take a closer look the doors closed shutting her out.

“Mum, hurry let’s go,” signed Nathan but she didn’t even have any energy to respond.

Meanwhile, Zi Han stretched out his hands and broke the restraints on his wrists while sighing. He took a few steps to the left and sat down with his ankle resting on his knee seeming very relaxed like this was his home.

“Now that the kids have left... the adult discussion can begin. You must understand this is nothing personal. It’s just that I can’t stand the lot of you. It’s more of a me problem,” he said exhibiting the very same attitude as his mother. He was a miniature version of her taunting the enemy before destroying them.

His attitude angered the leader so much that he got to his feet and kicked the chair harshly. It flew towards Zi Han and shattered on his feet.

Zi Han arched his brow and looked at the broken chair with interest. He couldn’t help but understand why there wasn’t any proper furniture in this hall. It seemed that when this wild boar got angry he would break all the furniture around him.

“What are you all looking at? Get him,” he bellowed at the men rushing towards him.

Zi Han almost dry heaved when he smelt the disgusting cocktail of body odors coming at him. It was like being in the presence of a rotting durian in a confined space. Better yet, it smelt like a gym locker room that hadn’t been cleaned for a year with stinky socks marinating in the lockers.


Zi Han suppressed the need to vomit and three spherical devices with purple lights appeared in between his fingers. It was quite dazzling to look at but these men had no time to admire it.

Loud crackling sounds like that of fireworks ripped through the air after he threw the three spherical balls. A thick cloud of purple smoke that smelt like lavender filled the air. As mentioned before Zi Han wasn’t willing to wrong himself.

He initially wanted to deal with these people without further exposing himself but damn the smell was just so unbearable. Thus he was forced to use these fragranced smoke bombs that Lynn Feng gave to him.

At that time he mocked these tiny things asking why they came with fragrances. A smoke bomb was a smoke bomb, not an air freshener. His mum at that time laughed while saying, “Believe me, you wouldn’t be saying that faced by a stinky beast with the kind of smell that can kill.”

Well, he didn’t meet a stinky beast but he definitely met stinky men.

Zi Han got up and grabbed the broken leg of the chair and struck the nearest man to the ground. The man’s skull was cracked ending his life in an instant. One must remember that the humans from the Republic didn’t mutate and the concept of mental power was foreign to them.

Most of them had increased strength but there were in no way comparable to an S-ranked person who was trained for more than half his life to kill.

The sounds of screams and wails reached the outside of the building and the men and women outside stood up their stance intimidating like there were ready to charge into battle.

They rushed over and the shortest among them leaned his ear at the door to listen. They couldn’t just barge in because this was the boss’ house after all.

“Do you think we should get inside and check it out?” asked one of them but the door was suddenly opened and one of the guards who was dashing out got struck by something at the back of his head.

He fell down to the ground and covered the back of his head in agony. The others exclaimed before reaching out to pull him out of the nice smelling smoke but something suddenly hooked his leg and he was pulled into the thick smoke with a loud scream.

The sound of flesh being pummeled by something followed making the people standing at the door freeze. Two screams in and the man quieted down.

One of the men wanted to walk in and help but the short man stopped him. “Don’t be stupid. Let him finish big bear first and then we can all go in and finish him. That way one of us can become the new leader.”

Thinking about how much wealth was hidden inside their leader’s house they suddenly showed greedy expressions. They could divide the wealth among themselves and spend it however they liked. Each time they looted and plundered they could only give all of it to the leader and keep a small percentage to themselves. They were long discontented but they had never done anything about it.

Zi Han who had just taken care of the man who wanted to crawl out was suddenly squeezed from the back with two big fat arms wrapping around his body trying to crush him to death.

He was about to break away when that stench stabbed his nose making his eyes sting. His face turned green and the lavender wasn’t helping at all.

“Why me?” he whimpered almost breaking down in tears. Why did he have to be touched by this skunk?

It was because of this that Zi Han was especially ruthless. With little to no effort, he pulled those arms apart and freed himself. The giant of a man tried to stop him but he realised then that his strength was incomparable to this stick figure of a person which was very baffling.

The veins on his neck and forehead were throbbing, and his face was red trying to restrain the man but it was all in vain. Before he could come to terms with what had just happened Zi Han kicked him in the chest and he was sent flying across the hall.

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