445 Zi Han has a big heart

Sounds of something huge crashing into a wall sounded in the hall followed by cursing and coughing. The leader staggered to his feet but he was suddenly whacked by a broken chair making him stumble before he fell into another wall.

This time he crashed into his bedroom and the woman whose face was swollen screamed in fright as she further curled up in the corner.

“Sorry about that,” muttered Zi Han before dragging the big man off the bed. Big bear tried to grab the woman but he failed and could only resort to threatening her.

“You are just sitting there like a dumb bitch. Get up and call my guards,” he roared and the woman hesitated to get up.

The man gritted his teeth and tried to strike Zi Han but Zi Han lifted him like he had the strength of a thousand men and threw him into the wall again.

This time they landed in a bathhouse. Despite it being a bathhouse it was as dry as a bone with only a bucket of water in the corner. Seeing this Zi Han who had suffered after fighting the stinkest opponent got so angry that he couldn’t help but grab the bar of soap that had dust all over it and shove it into the man’s mouth.

He couldn’t even begin to imagine how that woman felt being pressed down by this smelly beast. How could she resist the urge to throw up everything she ate for the past year especially after that filthy cock entered her mouth.

Just that thought made Zi Han gag again. He took the bucket of water and poured it onto the man.

“How the fuck... don’t you... know how to fuckin bath...,” he said pausing each time he beat him with the bucket. He even vented on behalf of that woman who had to endure such torment.


After pummeling the man half to death he staggered back while taking out a sanitiser to santise his hands. He felt shivers all over his body when he saw a suspicious puddle form near the man’s crotch. The man had peed on himself from the beating.

He took out his handgun and emptied an entire magazine on this person. With a look of disgust, he burnt and vaporised all the bullets eliminating the traces that he was here.

Meanwhile, the woman shakily got up and ran out of the bedroom jumping over the debris on the floor. In a panic, she ran towards the hall. Because of the thick fog, she couldn’t see thus she tripped on one of the bodies.

She immediately sat up but felt something sticky in her hands thus she looked down and what she saw made her face turn ghastly.

“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!” she let out a shrill scream and got up before running out of the hall.

When she exited the hall she was met by a group of men who stopped her from running. When they saw her knees, hands, and dress stained with blood they couldn’t help but ask, “What happened? Is the leader okay?”

She shakily pointed at the hall mumbling nonsense. Since they couldn’t get anything out of her they let her go before the shortest one commanded,

“Gather all ammunition and every manpower available. The leader is in danger,” he yelled before glancing at the entire compound standing outside to watch.

“And get me that boy and girl. Kill the mother for all I care,” he said and everyone scattered. Some were looking for ammunition while others were looking for the pair of siblings.

Unfortunately, their ammunition or manpower wouldn’t be able to save them. Zi Han found his way to the roof of a building and drew his armour piercing rifle. He position himself and placed a piece of butterscotch candy in his mouth while watching the people busying themselves on the ground.

As the browned butter and caramelized sugar taste spread in his mouth he pulled the trigger and took them down one by one. Retribution had come upon these ravagers who terrorised people, plundered their wealth, stole their women, and burnt their homes. Oh, and not bathing. That in Zi Han’s books was another serious offense. It was about time they pay the price.

For an entire hour gunfire could be heard in the compound with the ravagers dropping like flies.

They had learnt to hide in the nearby homes after a while but it was only temporary safety. Zi Han always got his target no matter what.

“Sir... my system seems to be restored,” said Igneous, and Zi Han who was wearing a serious face suddenly smiled. He had concluded that the space jump had messed up Igneous. Now that the problem was resolved Zi Han couldn’t help but feel much better. It was quite lonely in the Republic and having Igneous as company was great.

“I missed you so much, Iggy. You almost missed all the fun,” he said as he pulled the trigger again and shot the short man instantly killing him on the spot.

“Sir, weren’t we going to fetch Marshal Yi? Why are we here?” asked Igneous and Zi Han sighed.

“It’s because I have a big heart but after this, I promise we will go find him. I miss him so much,” said Zi Han while following another ravager using the child from earlier as a human shield. The boy was extremely terrified his face ghastly white. The word trauma was clearly written on his face. With a bang, Zi Han killed the ravager and the little boy ran away with his short legs.

“Pathetic excuse of a human being,” said Zi Han before finishing them all off. The compound fell into an unprecedented calmness but no one dared to come out. Zi Han leapt off the roof and landed in front of the building walking in the direction Igneous told him to. He was looking for that pair of siblings.

Just as he turned the corner he saw that little child from earlier flying in his direction after being kicked. Zi Han responded instantly catching the child in his arms and hugging him. The woman was cursing at the young boy asking why he didn’t just die as well.

This Zi Han couldn’t tolerate. He pressed the little boy on his chest disregarding how dirty he was and with a loud bang, he shot the woman killing her.

This kind of mother wasn’t a mother but a monster with legal rights to raise a child they were abusing. Zi Han couldn’t save all children but he could save this one.

The young boy was trembling uncontrollably from both pain and fright. Zi Han stroked his back and spoke to him in a gentle tone. “Shh don’t cry. She won’t hurt you anymore. Shh,” he whispered devoid of the cold and ruthless expression he had on before.

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