450 Don’t light another man’s wife’s cigarette otherwise you are dead....

Zi Han stood under the shade of a building his expression deadly like if anyone dared to approach him he would slaughter them on the spot.

His heart suddenly felt itchy. It was like an internal itch that couldn’t be scratched thus he could only light a cigarette to ease his discomfort but when he recalled where he was he suddenly stopped his movements. He stared at the short tour guide walking towards him his gaze so intense that the man felt the sudden urge to run.

“Come here,” said Zi Han and the man strode over his clothes sticking to his back because he was sweating bullets.

“Give me a smoke,” he said and the tour guide was a little confused for a while. What did he mean by that? What smoke?

Zi Han saw his confusion and explained, “Something you smoke when you are reevaluating your life choices. That’s the smoke I am talking about,” he explained and the tour guide wordlessly nodded his head and moved his feet about to run off.

Zi Han grabbed his back collar and pulled him back while saying, “Don’t bring back anything laced with drugs otherwise I will kill you.”

The tour guide’s heart clenched tightly before he disappeared into the crowd.

Zi Han thought this brat would come back soon but who would have thought he took his precious time? He took so long that the sun was already approaching the horizon. At some point, he actually thought the person wasn’t going to come back.

After twenty minutes of waiting the man came back but his hands were empty. He was bending down while panting heavily from all that running.


Zi Han opened his mouth to say something but the young man raised his index finger asking for a minute to catch his breath.

After some time he straightened his back and said, “They have but to get the really good stuff it’s worth this much,” while raising his four fingers.

Zi Han tilted his head slightly and said, “Then, let’s go.”

The two of them disappeared into the crowd that was growing larger by the second. It was much busier than yesterday which meant something was going on but Zi Han didn’t concern himself with that.

He walked through the crowd the itch in his chest becoming even more annoying. It was because of this that he didn’t really pay attention to his environment. If only he had turned his head a little to the left he would have noticed a familiar tall figure pushing through the crowd.

Yi Chen was being dragged from stall to stall by this young girl.

Her father had long been ditched by her which was all by her design. She brought them to the spare parts store first and because of her father’s obsession, she knew he would get sucked into it and stay at that stall.

Now that they were alone she dragged him everywhere her face with a sense of pride. Yi Chen was only here to make sure she got back safely thus he didn’t care about what she liked or what she fancied enough to buy. While he was standing there he suddenly felt a slight heat in his arm.

When he pulled up his sleeve he noticed that there was some redness around the stripe tattoo. His heart which had been gloomy all this time suddenly jolted as he glanced around looking for that special person. He might not remember who he was or where he was from but he absolutely remembered the significance of this tattoo and who had the other half.

He suddenly began to push through the crowd absentmindedly abandoning Mi Mi.

She only noticed he was gone after she turned to show him a necklace she had tried on. She wanted to ask him to buy it for her but who would have thought her Brother Chen had vanished into thin air?

Lucky for her, Yi Chen was an easy target to spot because of his tall stature.

She was about to catch up with him when she heard cursing coming from behind her. The stall owner was yelling, calling her a little thief while greeting a dozen of her ancestral line starting from her great great great great grandmother.

She hastily took it off and apologized sincerely but when she turned back to the crowd brother Chen was gone.

While she was searching for him, Yi Chen was rudely pushing through the crowd looking for his wife. His heart was pounding in his ears his hands and feet trembling with panic in his eyes.

He was afraid that this person would slip through his fingers again and he would lose them. They had already come this far to find him thus he would never forgive himself if they don’t meet after such a torturous separation.

After looking around for a good twenty minutes, Yi Chen suddenly spotted an ordinary-looking man with a cigarette pinched in between his brows as he leaned down.

The short man beside him was lighting a cigarette for him and when the taller man moved his arm Yi Chen could see a thin stripe tattoo peeking through the short sleeve. Because Zi Han had changed his face in order not to attract trouble, Yi Chen could only describe his wife’s face as regular but his heart was beating fast with a mix of emotions. He was happy yet gloomy at the same time. That’s because his wife was so close to another man.

Burning with jealousy, Yi Chen clenched his fists and like a bull charging forth in rage, he stomped over there. With a loud bam, he punched the short man squarely in the face and the short man instantly saw stars as he staggered backward.

The crowd of passersby instantly turned to a crowd of onlookers eager to watch the show, especially because the person who threw the first punch was so handsome that it should be considered a crime.

Zi Han who didn’t expect this little raccoon to be knocked out by someone stared at him in disbelief. He was shocked for a moment that it took him a while to react.

“Still looking?” asked Yi Chen the unhappiness in his voice obvious.

Zi Han, “...”

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