451 Happy reunion

Yi Chen was very unhappy. That’s because after beating up the person who was leaning too close to his wife, the man still didn’t have his eyes on him.

His wife still had eyes for another man making his heart ache. Seething in anger he decided to rearrange this man’s face and make sure he would never set his eyes on his wife ever again.

He raised his fist and was about to hit the man again when his wrist was grasped tightly. He shifted his gaze from that hand that was holding his to his wife’s face. Met with those dark fox eyes, Yi Chen’s adam’s apple rolled his heart transcending to seventh heaven.

Zi Han’s chest rose and fell violently as he tightened his grip on Yi Chen’s arm. He was so happy that he couldn’t contain the fuzzy feeling in his heart but he was also upset that the man pawn the ring he gave to him. He really didn’t intend to let him off easily.

The tour guide who had unjustifiably suffered got up after falling over twice. “You fucker!” he roared with his docile appearance from before completely vanished.

He was like a wolf pup that had recalled it was a wolf after being bullied. “Do you know who I am?” he continued to say while getting all up in Yi Chen’s face.

“Shut up...”

“Shut the fuck up....”

Yelled the both of them simultaneously. It was easy to tell who between them said what. Zi Han took out a bunch of coins and said,


“Here. Some compensation. Tell your manager that I am very satisfied with the service now fuck off.”

Looking at the pouch in his hand the man suddenly felt like the pain in his cheek was worth it. Heck, he would even let this handsome man hit him again at no extra charge. He immediately packed away his newfound fortune before telling the crowd to mind their own damn business and move on.

Meanwhile, Yi Chen’s brows furrowed upon hearing the words ‘satisfied’ and ‘service’. Fuck, why the hell was his wife paying other men for servicing when he was standing here and could provide those services? Is it safe to say that that space jump screwed with his brain otherwise what else could explain his illogical conclusion?

Unfortunately for him, he had no time to ponder about servicing his wife because there was a soft click and his wrist was cuffed. He didn’t know why his wife would cuff him but the crux of the matter was that he would go with him willingly.

A bright smile suddenly appeared on his face. That’s because his sweetheart had also cuffed his own wrist binding them together. Like a fated red thread the cuff bound them together as lovers, never to be separated.

His head lowered he shyly reached for his wife’s pinkie finger and hooked it with his trying to hold hands but his hand was ruthlessly slapped away. That though didn’t discourage him.

With red ears, he leaned closer and whispered, “Wife, are you upset with me?”

Zi Han, “...”

Could he possibly end this relationship or was it already too late? It was then he realised something was wrong with his lover’s brain. He was behaving strangely.

Part of the crowd had already dispersed but some were still watching with great interest. They were curious to know what sort of relationship these two had. From the looks of it they might be in a pet and master relationship otherwise why would the handsome guy choose to be with someone that regular? It was like seasoning soggy broccoli. No amount of seasoning can save that shit so why bother trying?

Zi Han felt uncomfortable being stared at like that thus he pulled the handcuffs dragging Yi Chen along looking for a less crowded place.

He dragged him into a dark alley and ignored Yi Chen’s scorching gaze while looking up, down, and around for any injuries.

“Does it hurt anywhere?” asked Zi Han but Yi Chen was very uncooperative.

He cupped Zi Han’s cheek and forced him to look up while speaking softly, “My wife worries for me? I am so happy.”

Zi Han’s brow furrowed realising the word wife was being used too often which meant this guy had no idea what his name was.

“Are you kidding me? Chen-ge, what’s my name?” he asked and Yi Chen caressed Zi Han’s cheek with his thumb replying,

“I don’t know but it doesn’t change a thing. You are my wife.”

Zi Han’s lips twitched before he asked, “Then if you don’t remember, how did you know I am your... wife?” The word wife was spoken through gritted teeth.

Yi Chen stared into his eyes affectionately while stroking his wife’s lower lip with his thumb. “It’s because of this,” he said glancing at his partially exposed arm.

Zi Han glanced at his arm and almost cursed to high heaven. So Yi Chen could recall that but not the name of his fiance? That was really messed up.

“You really are a piece of wor-... mmm,” he said only for his lips to get covered with Yi Chen’s and the two of them kiss passionately with no restrain.

Yi Chen was especially greedy with his tongue sweeping past Zi Han’s lips before exploring in there like he was trying to mark his territory.

Zi Han was still upset but engulfed with that familiar taste and familiar smell he almost lost him.

“Wait a minute.”

Zi Han pushed Yi Chen away and his eyes turned cold like a million year old glacier while asking, “What’s that smell? It’s like a sweet scent.... You...”

Yi Chen grasped the back of Zi Han’s neck and pulled him closer till the tips of their noses were brushing against each other.

Zi Han could feel his scorching breath searing through his skin calming the storm brewing in his heart.

He closed his eyes appearing lethargic but in truth, he was high on this drug called love. He wanted to be mad, he wanted to stay upset but he couldn’t. Under this man’s spell, he found that he would turn docile like a fierce cat showing its soft belly for a rub.

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