The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 398: An Angry Mob “Maybe is just me, but seeing an 8 year-old child with the mind of a 3 year-old baby feels really weird to me.”

Chapter 398: An Angry Mob “Maybe is just me, but seeing an 8 year-old child with the mind of a 3 year-old baby feels really weird to me.”

Andromeda muttered to Genie while the two of them watched Fang Yu feeding Tang Li.

“You do not need to tell that to me.” Genie replied quickly. “I mean, just look at them!” Genie said as she pointed at Fang Yu nonchalantly ‘feeding’ Tang Li. “Doesn’t that look a little... off, you know?”

“This is one of those times that I will fully agree with you. But you already have seen Fang Yu feeding Tang Li before.” Andromeda replied with a subdued tone. “Just treat what you are seeing now as the Downloadable Content.”.

“Don’t speak technology c*ap in front of me.” Genie angrily said. “Don’t flaunt something like that in front of me!



“Ugh, let’s just ignore those 2 for now.” Andromeda muttered as she shook her head. “You, you help me find some things here in this ship.”

“Will you use these ‘things’ against Solomon later?” Genie asked back. “Forgive me for saying this, but I think that it will be hard for you to do anything against him.”

“Yay, you immediately doubted my abilities. That makes me really happy...” Andromeda replied dryly. “Instead of just doubting me, can’t you just... you know, follow what I said? You never know, you might find something that might surprise you.”

“Well, be my guest then.” Genie said as she gave Andromeda a challenging look. “Let me be the judge of these ‘things’ that you will show.”

“Hahaha, now we’re talking!” Both Andromeda and Genie then left the room, leaving both Fang Yu and Tang Li who were busy in their own business.

Inside a dark room.

“They are coming....” The whole dark room roiled and trembled as an incredibly raspy and deep voice sounded out from it.

“I have waited for many years already.... This time.... I will not fail!” Anger could be felt from the voice, which showed the unyielding determination of the speaker.

“You think that because you just left those things in here, you can obstruct my plans? Hahaha! You are severely mistaken then!”

The tremblings in the room stopped as if the speaker managed to calm himself down already. From the way the dark room reacted, the figure moving inside it must be extremely massive.

“As long as I bring Fang Yu and that baby here... My problems will be solved already... That is why, I will not allow more f**k-ups that will prevent them from coming in here!”

All of a sudden, a black figure, whose size was comparable to that of a human, shot out from the dark room

The appearance of the black figure could not be discerned as the entirety of its body was black. Even its teeth, which could be seen as the figure grinned, was also entirely black.

This black figure stood still outside the dark room, as it seemed to be waiting for something.

The massive figure, which was the one speaking in the dark room earlier, started to talk again.

This time, the massive figure talked to the black figure outside the dark room as it gave the black figure a command.

“You. Go to the surface and do whatever you can to stop that accursed object from doing anything!”

“It shall be done, Lord Solomon.” The black figure said as it faced the dark room and gave a bow to it. “I shall do it quickly, just like what you wanted.”

“Yeah, yeah, just do it now.” Solomon’s voice sounded bored as he replied from the dark room. “But if you can find a way to tame that objects, then do try taming it.”

“Noted.” The black figure then disappeared, leaving the dark room feeling lonely and isolated once more.

“Hmph, I just created that guy, and he dares to act casual with me? Argh! If it were not for my injuries, I would have not used that guy to retrieve that object! Tsk, recyclables really are irritating!” Solomon ranted all these just after the black figure disappeared.

“But at least he’s still following me now. If not... then I just have to create another recycled Djinn...”

If Fang Yu and Genie heard the talk between Solomon and the black figure, they will immediately realize who the black figure was!

The appearance of the black figure might be missing, but its voice was still recognizable.

The voice that went out of the black figure’s throat was the voice of Agares, one of the Djinns who allied with Fang Yu and Genie earlier, who was mercilessly killed by Solomon too!

“Fang Yu, Tang Li, and Shamaila, how should I greet you later? Should I give you three a greeting, or should I give you three a solemn farewell?”

Booming sounds were then heard from the dark room, as if Solomon was trying his best to not laugh.

“Hahaha, I will just decide on that later!”

Planet Thrae, inside Wang Hao’s House in the Golden Bull Village.

“That thing is?” Wu Meng asked as she felt a sudden closeness to the looped rings that Wang Hao held.

“Oh, you can say that this thing is an object that I obtained while I was in the Dreamworld.” Wang Hao nonchalantly replied. “I was actually surprised that this object chose me, but well, I am always lucky...”

“What does it do?” Wu Meng ignored Wang Hao’s boastings as she just went straight to the point. “What does it do?”

“Well... it gives me a way to travel between the Material Universe, the Underworld, and the Dreamworld.” Wang Hao replied while looking sincere. “This object was also the one that helped me return from the Underworld to this place.”

“What the hell are you doing in the Underworld? Isn’t that the place for the dead?” Thea interjected out of nowhere. She seems to have been listening in the conversation too. “Did you just like, suddenly die before?”

“Ehem, ehem.” Wang Hao let out some light coughs as he gave Thea a withering look.

“Thea... just don’t ask ok?”

Seeing the look that Wang Hao gave her, Thea chose to follow what he said as she stopped asking more questions after that.

“I don’t care how appeared in the Underworld or how you got that object. What I want to know....” Wu Meng’s voice trailed as she casted the object a greedy look. “Is if that object can help me return to the Dreamworld!”

“Of course it could.” Wang Hao replied smugly. “Why would I show this object to you if that was not the case?”

“You... what are you scheming right now?” Wu Meng said as she glared at Wang Hao. “What you just did right now was illogical! Are you really that confident with yourself?”

When Wu Meng first saw Wang Hao, she already felt that Wang Hao will be the one that can help her return to the Dreamworld.

That was the reason she easily changed sides, leaving the safety of the Beast God Planet.

Wu Meng thought that once she sided with Wang Hao, Wang Hao would not necessarily show how he can help Wu Meng go back to the Dreamworld.

With his personality, Wang Hao will most likely only help Wu Meng go back once he was able to extort more help from her.

But to Wu Meng’s surprise, Wang Hao just nonchalantly showed to Wu Meng the very object that can bring her back!

This is a very unnatural action!

“Oh, why don’t you try it now?” Wang Hao taunted as he wagged his fingers at Wu Meng. “I am right here, and you can make your move.”

“Kgh!” Wu Meng gritted her teeth as she tore her gaze away from the looped rings. “I do not know what you are playing, but I am an honorable person. I will help you for now, and you will help me go back to the Dreamworld in turn.”

“Ok.” Wang Hao’s nonchalance elicited a twitch from Wu Meng’s eyebrows, but she held her anger in as she stood up from the bed.

“So now...” Wu Meng’s voice drawled as she looked at both Wang Hao and Wu Meng. “What should we do?”

“Well...” Wang Hao cupped his chin, as if he was deep in thought. “We will just wait it out here. After all, we are directly related to what happened to the Central Divine Emperor.”

“Wait, what the hell did you two did against the Central Divine Emperor?” Thea was unable to hold her silence after hearing this piece of information. “Did you kill him?”

“Of course not. He’s just a little.... decommissioned for now.” Wang Hao replied. “But because of that, I am sure most of the officials in the Central Divine Empire will be looking out for me and Wu Meng. Actually, I think they will not just look for us. They will murder us.”

“Oh... can’t you just you know, fight back against them?” Thea said as she patted Wang Hao’s shoulders. “You are strong, and they can’t do anything against you.”

“If that was just the case, then I would have done it already.” Wang Hao replied wearily. “But even if I am strong enough to finish those officials off, I would still not be able to actually beat them up.”

Hearing Wang Hao’s reply made both Thea and Wu Meng realize that something weird is definitely happening with Wang Hao.

“Is there... something preventing you from beating up those officials?” Thea asked as she stared at Wang Hao deeply. “Answer me truthfully okay?”

“I...” But before Wang Hao could answer, he was interrupted by a sudden surge of power that appeared just right beside the village.

Wang Hao, Thea, and Wu Meng all stood up at the same time, feeling this surge of power.

“Wow, we just jinxed ourselves!” Thea said as she put her palms on her forehead. “We were just talking about some practitioners who would want to take revenge against us, and now they just appeared outside!”

“Well, actually its not only the officials affiliated to the Central Divine Empire that is outside.” Wang Hao said as he gave both Wu Meng and Thea a strained smile.

“What do you mean by that?” Thea asked with an extreme sense of foreboding rising inside her. “Don’t tell me...” Thea then used her divine sense to look outside, and there she saw it.

Male, female, and the old.

An assortment of people with powerful auras just appeared outside the village, and just like what Wang Hao said, it was not only the officials of the Central Divine Empire that was here.

“They are all here...”

With Thea’s divine sense, she could see that almost all of the Immortals in the Immortal Continent were just outside the village!

All of them wore angry expressions on their faces as one of them shouted,

“Wang Hao, you gave to get your ass out here! You have some explaining to do!”

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