The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 399: Always Keep your Valuables Locked Inside Andromeda’s spaceship.

Chapter 399: Always Keep your Valuables Locked Inside Andromeda’s spaceship.

“Junk, junk, junk, all of these are junk!” Genie complained, seeing the assortment of objects that Andromeda showed her. “Are you sure you can find something here that can help you? I cannot see anything that will be valuable here.”

Andromeda let out a snort as she replied. “We have just been barely looking at the surface. There are still more under the pile, so we should just continue on looking.”

“Sigh...” Genie let out a helpless sigh as she continued on looking.

While they were busy, they suddenly heard Tang Li shouting out,

“Sis, Tang Li wants more milk!”, which was followed by Fang Yu replying,

“Tang Li, you already drank too much. And stop squeezing them! They are not some plushy that you can just play with!”

“But Sis, they feel like plushies! And they are warm!!”

“Ugh just stop ok?”

Both Andromeda and Genie paused for a moment, before continuing their search.

“Those two really are a handful.” Andromeda said as she scratched her head. “I have been living with them for more than 6 months already, and those two always manages to raise a ruckus no matter where they go! Ugh, in those 6 months, I feel like I just became their babysitter.”

Genie tilted her head upon hearing what Andromeda said. “You sound like you are complaining, but you are smiling while you are saying that. Seems like you really are having fun with Fang Yu and Tang Li around.”

“I did not smile!” Andromeda angrily replied. “What you just saw... was my mouth spasming!”

“You smiled!”

“I did not!”

“You did!”

“I did not!”

“Oof, seems like I am in some sort of trouble here...” Wang Hao muttered, seeing the congregation of the Immortals that gathered just outside his house.

Most of the Immortals that Wang Hao have seen in the Immortal Conclave was here, and that included Tang Luo and Xiao Ya of the Immortal God Sect.

Even the sect heads of the other huge Sects were also here, and they all looked pissed.

The only Immortals that are not present here are the wandering ones and those that are extremely hostile to the Immortal Conclave.

“Wang Hao, did you just not hear what I said? I said, get out of there!” The one who said these scathing words was one of the officials of the Immortal God Sect.

Based from the clothes that the official wore, Wang Hao realized that this official might be a big shot in the Central Divine Empire.

He could may be even the right-hand man of the Emperor.

“Why are you even angry to me anyway?” Wang Hao shouted back, using his ability to make his voice louder. “I am not the one who punched Tian Yi to a coma, right? It was that lava giant who did it, so I think you should be angry instead on that one. Oof, that giant is already dead too.”

“Quit spouting your lies!” The enraged official continued cursing at Wang Hao as he raised his clenched fists towards Wang Hao.

“Before His Highness Tian Yi lost consciousness, he managed to tell us that you colluded with the lava beings! The only reason we did not apprehend you earlier was because His Highness needed some immediate medical attention. We were actually worried that you will use your weird skills to run away. But it seems like you were too confident with yourself!”

“Oh, so that prick managed to still talk before losing his consciousness. He seems like a cockroach to me.” Wang Hao muttered to himself as he replied to the angry official.

“So why are you all here? Do you want to take revenge for Tian Yi? Tsk, tsk, tsk, what a lowly bunch...”

“Idiot, it is much more than that!” The official angrily replied as he waved his hands, showing all the Immortals behind him.

“His Highness Tian Yi told us that you colluded with the lava beings that invaded this planet in the ancient times. That fact alone makes you our enemy already! Who knows, maybe you have sneaked out some of the lava beings with you out of the mountain, or you are secretly planning to conquer this planet with them!”

“Are you nuts?” Wang Hao replied as he tried not to laugh. “We are facing another enemy here who came from the Beast God Planet, and they are extremely powerful! And what is worse is that they are all in the God Continent, and they will fight you all later! But you are worried about me and an extinct race? Talk about your priorities!”

“Ugh!” The sharpness of Wang Hao’s tongue had managed to render the angry official speechless. But this official seemed to have recovered as he replied,

“You are one big hypocrite Wang Hao. You said we should worry about the enemy Beast God Planet? But according to what His Highness Tian Yi told us before he lost consciousness, you are currently allied with one of the Beast God Planet Envoys! I heard her name was Wu Meng!”

“Tsk, what a slimy person.” Wang Hao thought to himself as he glared at the official that had been exchanging words with him .

This official managed to put Wang Hao into a corner by mentioning his association with Wu Meng.

Now, no matter what excuses Wang Hao will use, none of them will believe him, since he was allied with Wu Meng.

Wang Hao is now is now the 3rd Party, and both the other parties are now hostile to him!

“But Wang Hao, if you will surrender that Wu Meng to us, and also give back the treasure that you stole from His Highness Tian Yi, then maybe we will spare you.” The official gleefully said, with his voice grating against Wang Hao’s ears. “But do not take too long. We Immortals are an impatient bunch.”

“So that’s how it is...” Wang Hao immediately realized why many Immortals appeared just to arrest him. There are two reasons they appeared, and both of them are compelling.

Some of the Immortals must have come here because of the information that Wang Hao was allied with Wu Meng. These Immortals went here because they want to kill Wu Meng, who was their enemy.

But Wang Hao was sure that it was the second reason that all the Immortals rushed here.

And that reason was the ‘treasure’ that Wang Hao obtained from the Central Divine Plane.

From the looks of it, Tian Yi managed to tell his officials that Wang Hao has obtained Jormungandr.

The officials in turn, immediately knew that they must do their very best to obtain Jormungandr back, as it was something the Central Divine Empire had wanted to obtain for countless generations already.

So they must have told the Immortals that Wang Hao stole the ‘important treasure’ from Tian Yi in the Central Divine Plane, and then they asked for the Immortals’ help to get the treasure back.

Some of the Immortals will surely join out of greed, wanting to take the treasure for themselves.

But maybe the officials have told the Immortals that the ‘important treasure’ with Wang Hao was something that can help the Immortal Continent to defeat the Beast God Planet Envoys!

That means that they must get the ‘important treasure’ from Wang Hao’s hands as it could be something that will save them!

Not to mention that Wang Hao was now allied with Wu Meng. Maybe Wang Hao will give the ‘important treasure’ to the Beast God Envoys, which will just make the situation worse.

That will make the Immortals more compelled to take the ‘important treasure’ from Wang Hao, as they would not want their enemies to get stronger!

“Just give up now Wang Hao.” Tang Luo, one of the heads of the Immortal God Sect Head said as he tried to slowly approach the Golden Bull Village. “Risking your life for that is not worth it.”

While Tang Luo was acting proactively, Xiao Ya on the other hand was not doing anything.

Her eyes however were glinting and she had a mischievous smile, as if she was just watching a play unfolding in front of her.

Wang Hao immediately knew that Xiao Ya did not come here with any ill intent against Wang Hao. She just went here to see what will happen.

“Halt your steps there Old Man.” Wang Hao shouted, managing to halt Tang Luo on his tracks. “You have a lot of concubines to take care of. Why don’t you use you big tool to satisfy them, instead of just loitering here. They will appreciate your EFFORTS more, I swear.”

“You!!!” Wang Hao’s words brought Tang Luo to the brink. “Don’t think that because you can just use some obscure space skills that you can already escape here!”

“Assemble the formation!” One of the Immortals, who sported long white hair and an extremely long white beard shouted out as he flew into the air. “Do it now before Wang Hao could make a move!”

Wang Hao’s eyes slightly narrowed as he saw all the Immortals, including the officials floated just above the Golden Bull Village.

Their movements seemed precise as they all assumed a certain position in the air.

Upon looking at it more closely, Wang Hao realized that the Immortals were creating an Immortal Formation, with themselves as the components of the formation!

“Wang Hao, this formation right here is the Immortal Space Lock Formation!” The bearded old man said as Wang Hao felt an unseen power covering the whole place. “This formation locks the space inside it, preventing anyone from teleporting out! That means you will not be able to use your space skills to escape!”

“Oh, this guy must be the Sect Head of the Ultimate Formations Sect.” Wang Hao thought to himself, as he felt that the space around him had been really restricted by the Immortal Space Lock Formation. “So these guys must be really wary of me escaping. They want to get Jormungandr that desperately huh.”

Looking around, Wang Hao saw that there were some Immortals that did not join in creating the Immortal Space Lock Formation.

These Immortals included Xiao Ya, Jian Bing, and 3 more Immortals.

“Okay, so they must have been wary that I will use some tricks.” Wang Hao shook his head, realizing that they had come prepared.

They must have known Wang Hao’s personality and his unpredictability. Leaving some Immortals stationed will mitigate this problem, as 5 Immortals outside the formation could be enough to prevent Wang Hao from doing anything weird.

“Hahaha, so Wang Hao, what will you do now?” The official talking to Wang Hao earlier cackled as he continued on taunting him more. “You cannot escape by teleportation, and you cannot just go outside and run. So if you do not want to be killed, just give the treasure and Wu Meng to us!”

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