Chapter 418: Conclusion

“Quick! Let’s go to big brother now!” The pigeon Wang Mei exclaimed to Fang Anwei as they stopped what they were currently doing and turned around to escape.

While Wang Hao was busy on using that deadly finger to kill his enemies, Wang Mei and Fang Anwei were busy fighting against the Immortals in front of them.

These Immortals were not even perturbed when the giant finger appeared earlier. They continued on attacking Wu Meng and Wang Mei with all their power, resulting in both Fang Anwei and Wang Mei being suppressed.

Even if both Fang Anwei and Wang Mei were both Godly Divine Beats, facing 50+ Immortals at the same time is still a tall order for them two. The pair were not even able to kill a single Immortal from their enemies, though they managed to severely injure some of them.

But the pair did not get off lightly, as they also suffered some injuries. Were it not for Wang Mei’s extremely tough body, both she and Fang Anwei would be heavily injured right now!

Even though they were injured, the two battle junkies were still raring to fight. The same could be said for the Immortals, as they wanted to finish the two off so that they can start pursuing Wang Hao already.

But at the moment that the deadly finger disappeared, Wang Mei and Fang Anwei received a message from Wang Hao, telling the two to go to his location.

“Oh, and make sure that those Immortals will follow you.” Wang Hao’s voice sounded mischievous as he said these words in the divine sense message. “Those Immortals will be in for one big surprise!”

After hearing this, Wang Mei and Fang Anwei did not waste any time as they stopped attacking and instead they flew with full speed towards the God Continent. The Immortals who saw what the two were doing sneered, as they thought what they were trying to do.

“So these two women want to bring us to the God Continent huh. This just means one thing: Wang Hao had allied with the enemies!”

Ye Wang’s voice was deep as he started slandering Wang Hao’s name. He also used this time as an opportunity to end it once and for all. “Don’t you feel it? After that finger earlier appeared, the overall aura of the whole God Continent suddenly weakened! It was as if that finger did something that heavily damaged the resources of the God Continent! You all know what that means right?” The Immortals were not idiots.

They knew that if the aura of the God Continent is extremely weak now, then that just means that there was a lot of powerful people that died in the God Continent! “I do not know why that finger appeared, but I only know that that finger killed many powerhouses in the God Continent!” Ye Wang bellowed as he felt more and more confident.

“That means that the God Continent is now at its weakest state! If we invade it now, our victory is assured! Not only that, but I am sure that we will catch Wang Hao now, that is if he survived that finger.”

Ye Wang’s words managed to light up the eyes of some Immortals, while there were other who looked at the situation uncertainly. Once such person was Xiao Ya.

“Are you sure that we should really go there now?” Xiao Ya said as she gave all the other Immortals a warning look. “You all know that Wang Hao is a very tricky person. Who knows, this might be one of those tricks of his.”

These words by Xiao Ya defused the excitement felt by the crowd of Immortals. Ye Wang of course was unhappy seeing this, realizing that if this goes on, the chance of the Immortal Continent to unify the whole planet might disappear! He started to speak now in order to regain his momentum.

“I am sure that Wang Hao did not fake anything related to what happened in the God Continent now. I am acquainted with the one of the Elders of the Assassin Organization, and he told me that all of their spies in the God Continent were saying the same thing.”

Ye Wang rubbed his hands excitedly as he continued talking. “Those spies said that many God-Level figures suddenly left their dwellings earlier to go somewhere, and up to now, they were still not returning! What’s more fishy was the fact that most of the relatives of these God-Level figures were suddenly panicking, all at the same time!”

Ye Wang rubbed his nose smugly as he concluded, “If those signs does not indicate the death of some Gods, then what is?” This time, Xiao Ya knew that the crowd was already hooked. Besides, even she was also slightly convinced by what Ye Wang said.

But deep down inside her, she deeply respected and also feared Wang Hao. She respected him for his abilities, but she also feared him for the same thing. With that ideas and also the fact that she’s a master of Wang Hao’s disciples, Xiao Ya decided to stay at the back and there she will watch on how Wang Hao can survive his current predicament.

Xiao Ya of course would not try to save him, as that will just be suicide for her. Besides, she knew that no one should doubt Wang Hao’s strength even if he was weakened now! Xiao Ya was sure that as long as Wang Hao can move, he will have a way to deal with anything!

“I hope we will not reach at the point where Wang Hao will be desperate. I hate to imagine what things Wang Hao can do at that point.” Xiao Ya muttered as she flitted at the back of the crowd.

With them reaching the consensus, all the Immortals decided to follow the fleeing Fang Anwei and Wang Mei.

These Immortals were not afraid of any traps being present right now. Even if there is, there is no way they will be easily killed. Just the current aura of the God Continent shows how weak the continent is right now.

There is no way a diminishing God Continent can support a trap, meaning that the Immortals can just stride in with ease!

Because of the speed of Wang Mei’s flight, the pair were able to meet Wang Hao earlier than the Immortals pursuing behind them.

Seconds later, and the Immortals were able to catch up too.

Most of them felt excited as they realized that around the area of the Palace of the Gods, it was only Wang Hao, Fang Anwei, and Wang Mei’s aura that they could feel.

“Wang Hao! Now there is no way for you to run! Turn yourself in no-!” But whatever Ye Wang wanted to say was cut off by the scene that the Immortals saw.

They saw both Fang Anwei and Wang Mei standing behind Wang Hao while the captive Merlin was shouting hoarsely at Wang Hao.

What made Merlin this emotional? The answer to that was just simple. Everyone near Wang Hao saw something that will be difficult for them to forget. They saw Wang Hao wearing a devilish smile as he held a grey orb in his right hand This grey orb was letting out a whistling sound as it seemed to be absorbing something.

As for what that something was, it was the souls of the Beast God Envoys! The souls of Jiang Chen, Stella, and Asnyan were letting out agonized shouts as the faces of their souls contorted in pain and fear. They were looking at Wang Hao with anger while they gave pleading looks to Merlin, asking him to save them.

However, Merlin cannot do anything, as he was heavily injured by Fang Anwei and Wu Meng earlier, rendering him unable to use his power now. “Big brother, what is that?” Wu Meng asked as she stared at the grey orb with wonder. “Can you lend it to your little sister sometimes too?”

“Oh hell naw!” Wang Hao said as he shook his head fervently. “Only certain people can use this orb, and I am one of them. So you cannot use this orb even if you want to. As for its function...” Wang Hao gave a mocking glance at the petrified Immortals and the emotional Merlin as he said, “This grey orb can absorb the souls of any entity, as long as that entity just died recently. That way, the orb can absorb souls before they can go the Underworld.”

“Argh!!!” Wang Hao’s words brought Merlin to the peak of his anger. His mouth and eyes dripped blood as he glared at Wang Hao with pure venomous hate.

“I will kill you once I got out of here! I swear that I will do that! I will sacrifice your soul to the great Beast God, and there you will experience the true agony that heretics like you should face!”

Wang Hao just scoffed at what Merlin said. Wang Hao already received a lot of death threats in the past, and even now he was still alive.

One additional death threat won’t really change anything in Wang Hao’s opinion. Wang Mei on the other hand, did not look impressed with what Merlin said. “Stupid Tiger!” Wang Mei hollered as she tightened her grip on Merlin.

“Only I and Big Sister can beat up Big Brother Wang Hao! People like you are not allowed to even touch him!”

“.......” Merlin was unable to do anything as the pressure pressing on him got stronger. Merlin then lay limp as he passed out. Wang Mei and Wang Hao still had a lot of questions for Merlin, so he can just sleep for today.


This disconcerting sound was heard as the souls of the poor Beast God Envoys was now inside the Beast God Orb.


“What, do you want to get inside this too?” Wang Hao said as he shook the grey orb in front of the Immortals. Its contents sloshed freely, showing that the grey orb can still contain more souls inside it.

“You are all free to enter now!” “Retreat!” The Immortals knew by this point that Wang Hao was definitely related to the appearance of that finger and to the sudden death of the powerhouses of the God Continent.

They already put the matter of arresting Wang Hao or even taking his treasure at the back of their minds. The only thing that they knew now is that they must go back to the Immortal Continent and regroup there!

“Swish swish swish...” One by one, the Immortals disappeared, leaving Wang Hao, Fang Anwei, and Wang Mei. “As fast as they came, as fast that they left too.” Wang Hao muttered as he looked at the person in front of him. “Xiao Ya, so you stayed here huh. You must be thinking of the same thing as me now.”

“Of course.” Xiao Ya replied calmly, as if she was not shaken by what had happened earlier. “Even if you can summon something that can insta-kill 50+ Gods, that does not change the fact that I am Fang Yu’s master. I am sure you will not kill me with that reason alone. Besides, I did not directly attack you earlier right?” What Xiao Ya said was right.

While the Immortals were assaulting Wang Hao earlier in the Golden Bull Village, Xiao Ya did not directly participate in the Space Lock Formation and she instead just watched.

That is the best thing that Xiao Ya could do, as she was both affiliated with both Wang Hao and the Immortal Continent.

She cannot just fight to arrest Wang Hao as that will offend Wang Hao, who is Fang Yu’s master too.

But she cannot just defend Wang Hao, as that will be against the Immortal Continent, which is her hometown.

So, Xiao Ya being present at that time was already enough. Wang Hao already deduced Xiao Ya’s intentions earlier, so he did not say anything extraneous to her any more.

He kept the grey orb in his storage as he said, “Now that the matter of the Beast God Envoys is done, I can now focus on my next objective.”

“And that is?” Wang Mei asked as she tossed Merlin’s unconscious body in her beak. “Waiting for my disciple Fang Lin to arrive.” Wang Hao said as he looked up in the sky. “I need him to go back at most two days from now. ”

Now that Wang Hao was done dealing with the grave problems in the Planet Thrae, it was time for him to prepare for the final trial of the Yama Successor. He had to succeed for himself and for Fang Lin too.

Fang Lin’s wife Xue’er and some of Fang Lin’s co-disciples were dead but their souls were being kept safe by Wang Hao. If Wang Hao wants to revive Fang Lin’s wife and friends, Wang Hao has to be the Yama Successor first.

Wang Hao already had the souls, and the support of 1 Underworld Minister for the upcoming final trial.

Now, he only needed Fang Lin to accompany him to the Underworld to ensure his qualification for the upcoming trial.

“Woosh~” Wang Hao started to sit cross-legged in the air as he closed his eyes in concentration.

He decided to stay in this position until Fang Lin arrives. If Fang Lin does not arrive in 2 days, then Wang Hao will have no choice but to use his Space-Time Gyroscope to go the future timeline where Fang Lin is right now, and take him back to the present timeline!

“Oh Fang Lin, I hope you come back early.” Wang Hao muttered as he calmed down the raging aura inside his body.

“Because I assure you, travelling through the River of Time with my Space-Time Gyroscope would not be that pretty...”

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