The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 419: Fang Yu’s Bizarre Adventures

Chapter 419: Fang Yu’s Bizarre Adventures

Future Timeline Even with all the shouting and provocations that Fang Yu did, she received no response from Solomon at all.

“Huh? What is that Solomon doing now?” Fang Yu tensed her body in anticipation for a sneak attack, but minutes passed by with nothing happening.

With her recovering to the peak of her health, Fang Yu used her strengthened Divine Sense to see what happened to Solomon in the dark cave.

“What?” But to Fang Yu’s surprise, she found out that Solomon is not in the cave anymore! Fang Yu repeated her divine sense scans, but they all turned out with Solomon not being in the cave.

“Is this another trick of his?” By this point, Fang Yu was already confused with what Solomon was doing. She was even doubting Solomon’s fabled intelligence.

“Is Solomon conducting an extremely convoluted plan now, or did he just go wonkers?” Fang Yu let out a sigh, as she remembered what happened to Shax and Stolas.

These 2 Djinns knew that the time will come where Solomon will try to consume them, as they are traitors now. They knew that it will be difficult for them to stop Solomon, so they and Fang Yu decided to just go on with it. If Solomon eats the two of them, then Shax and Stolas will make it that Solomon will be in extreme pain after he consumes them.

That was the reason why Solomon was thrashing in pain for hours earlier. Shax and Stolas had no qualms getting killed like this, as they still have a chance for revival.

Their Items were with Fang Yu, and as long as their Items were all intact, they still have a chance to be brought back to life. This revival however will not bring them to their peak state. Instead, any Djinn revived through the use of their Item will be revived in an infant state, which is the weakest state of a Djinn.

It will be up to this revived Djinn to be back at the peak of his/her strength. This revival can only be done once, so a revived Djinn that gets killed again cannot to be revived again. All these facts mean that the other Djinns killed by Solomon can be revived, but the problem with this is that their Items have been destroyed by Solomon already as he killed them.

Shax and Stolas were lucky that their Items were with Fang Yu. But Fang Yu knew that she can only revive the two once she defeats Solomon. The problem is, Solomon is nowhere to be found now. “Don’t tell me, Solomon’s plan all along was to escape?” Fang Yu’s eyes then widened as she looked around her. She flew up high, as she tried to traverse the hole where their spaceship was dragged through.

To Fang Yu’s chagrin, she found out that no matter what she tried, she could not enter that hole! It was as if there was a barrier that prevented her from entering that hole. She then flew to the other spots above her, and what she saw made her face go ugly. There was a dome-like barrier covering the whole place, and it is preventing Fang Yu from leaving! “That bastard!”

Now, Fang Yu knew why Solomon led her here. Solomon must have wanted to trap Fang Yu in this place! Fang Yu then realized that the skeletal horses and the white humanoid fought with Fang Yu to give Solomon the chance to leave this place.

As for how Solomon did that, Fang Yu was not sure yet. But Fang Yu knows that once Solomon left, he activated the barrier, which effectively is trapping Fang Yu now!

Now, Fang Yu, Andromeda and Genie will be unable to leave this place! Actually, Fang Yu can still leave as long as she destroys the barrier. With Solomon currently weakened, Fang Yu knew that she can destroy this barrier in around 5-10 minutes. With that realization, Fang Yu started to bombard the barrier with her attacks in order for them to leave this place already.

It was at that moment that Andromeda’s face suddenly paled. “That Solomon!” Andromeda clenched her fists tightly as if she found it extremely hard to contain her emotions.

Fang Yu saw this sudden change in Andromeda which prompted her to ask, “What happened Acromeda?” “That Solomon, he is consuming the residents of the Underground right now!” Andromeda said as she glared above her.

“Even if we are still here, I can still connect with my spy drones that I place all over the Underground Colony. What they see, I can see too. And right now, these spy drones of mine are seeing that Solomon suddenly appeared in the Underground Colony and started to devour its residents!”

“Oh, so that is what he is planning huh.” By this point, Fang Yu already realized why Solomon wanted to trap Fang Yu here.

If Solomon tried to consume the Underworld residents earlier, Andromeda will detect it, and surely Fang Yu will try to stop him from doing that. But if Solomon is able to trap Fang Yu momentarily, then he will have no problems or delays on consuming the Underworld Residents.

The distance of the Underground Colony from Solomon’s lair was not that far, so Solomon only took some minutes to go from his lair to the Underground Colony. That time he spent going to the Underground Colony were also the time that Fang Yu fought the skeletal horses and the white humanoid.

This is the plan that Solomon concocted, and it seems like it had paid off, as now Fang Yu was still hacking the barrier desperately as Solomon continued gobbling up his former devotees.

Andromeda’s face was pale as she heard the horror and fear in the voices of the people that Solomon swallowed. “Lord Solomon, what have we done to you for us to deserve this?” “Lord Solomon, I do not want to die!!!”

“Shut up, you useless vermin.” Solomon’s voice cackled throughout the Underground Colony, which was also picked up by Andromeda’s drones. “This Colony? I just created this place for my replenishment!” Solomon laughed happily as he continued slurping more people. “You are all living here as my sustenance! And now the time has come for me to harvest!” “Ahhhh!!!!”

After just a minute of a frenzied eat-all-you-can ‘buffet’, Solomon successfully devoured all the residents of the Underground Colony. The surroundings were quiet as the only sound that could be heard was of Solomon muttering to himself.

“Weird... I already ate everyone in here, but I did not get even just one soul fighter. It was as if they were gone... That cannot be accepted! I must eat them too, or I will not recover my strength!” After Andromeda relayed this statement to Fang Yu, Fang realized the reason for the creation of the soul fighters.

The original soul fighters must have been created from a portion of Solomon’s soul himself, which could explain the miraculous power of the soul fighters. Even the soul stones and the soul fusion were also orchestrated by Solomon and must have also come from his own soul power.

And why did Solomon do this? It just simple, it was done so that Solomon could recover his soul!

By letting the soul fighters breed with other people, there will be more and more soul fighters that will appear in the future.

And since the source of these soul fighters were Solomon’s soul, Solomon can use this property to integrate the souls of the soul fighters with his soul! The compatibility of his soul with the souls of the soul fighters will ensure that his soul will recover and even get stronger! But with Fang Yu taking all these soul fighters with her, there is no chance for Solomon to consume them.

“Heh, at least I managed to one-up him now.” Fang Yu thought smugly as she continued on hacking the barrier in front of her. “What are you going to do now, oh mighty Solomon?”

But as it turns out, Solomon had already prepared contingencies for something like this. “Those soul fighters must have been with Fang Yu....” Solomon’s eyes flickered as he opened his mouth widely. His body started to contort as the surroundings began to tremble.

“It seems like you are mistaken about one thing Fang Yu.... Even if you have the soul fighters, I can still get their souls without consuming them! I just have to call their souls!”

Solomon’s gaping mouth then moved as he said, “Come to me my seedlings! You lot which I have planted before, its time to come and meet your Maker!”

As if they were suddenly pulled by an invisible force, all the soul fighters inside Fang Yu’s storage began to tremble as their eyes turned lifeless. Their mouths went wide open as their soul avatars came out of their mouths! To Fang Yu’s chagrin, she found out that even her Glaistig ability could not stop these soul avatars from leaving!

It was as if Solomon’s call to them was absolute! Even if these souls were inside Fang Yu’s storage, they were able to leave it despite all the powerful space sealing in this storage!

“What the hell, their connection with Solomon is that strong?” Fang Yu’s heart sank as she realized that Solomon really prepared for his recovery. Even the barrier which was blocking Fang Yu now actually allowed the soul avatars to leave.

The soul avatars just passed through the barrier like it was just nothing. This prompted Fang Yu to use stronger and stronger attacks on the barrier, which at this point started to show some cracks.

“F**king break for me!” Fang Yu cursed out as she increased her pace. But even that was not enough as she heard Andromeda crying out, “Solomon... he finished consuming the soul avatars!” Fang Yu gritted her teeth, knowing that once more she failed on stopping Solomon on gaining power.

There is nothing that Fang Yu can do now but to just go on and deal with her problems with her own hands.

“Is there anything special that happened to Solomon after he consumed the soul avatars?” Fang Yu asked as she looked at Andromeda solemnly. “He...” Andromeda hesitated for a moment before looking at Fang Yu warily. “Solomon suddenly transformed, and now he looks like a human.”

“And?” Fang Yu continued on asking Andromeda. “What does he look like?” “I think it will be better of you to see it.” Andromeda said as she stood up. “Explaining it will just make things harder.”

“Ah s**t, just break!” Fang Yu cursed as she continued on attacking the barrier. By this point, the barrier was already close to breaking, and few more attacks will shatter it already.

“Oh, there is no need for you to do that.” Fang Yu suddenly heard a voice talking to her. The voice seemed to be calm as it did not have any tinges of emotions. “Now that I have recovered, I took the initiative to come here.” “Oh, so the mighty Solomon is going to show his face to me then.” Fang Yu sneered as she looked at the figure slowly appearing in her vision. “Since you have reached that state already, then I guess the only thing we can do now is to fight.”

“Yes, if it is a fight that you want, then it is a fight that I will give you.” The voice of Solomon said as his appearance became clearer and clearer to Fang Yu. Fang Yu then took a deep breath as she realized why Andromeda became weird after seeing Solomon’s appearance.

Even Fang Yu, with all the weirdest things that she experienced before, was still surprised by what she saw! “The practitioner world really is bizarre...”

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