Chapter 426: New Bonds

“Actually, you and I are related to this baby’s birth...” Fang Lin hesitantly said as he gave Wang Hao an awkward look.

“Wait, so you are not joking about that evil baby?” Wang Hao replied as he scratched his head in confusion. “I thought you were just pranking me...” “Of course it is real!” Fang Lin then let out a sigh as he decided to tell Wang Hao some things about Solomon.

Fang Lin told Wang Hao on how his awakening as the Yin-Yang Godly Divine Beast had split the Planet Thrae’s soul into two that resulted in Solomon’s birth. He also told him that Solomon is someone that they must find now, or else the future will be in danger.

“Sounds like a prophecy to me...” Old Man muttered as he gave Fang Lin a stern look. “I don’t care what this baby will do, but you know that if you do this, there will be a lot of consequences right?”

With their intellect, Wang Hao and Old Man already realized what Fang Lin planned to do. Fang Lin seemed to be planning to change the future, and getting this twin brother of Tang Li must be related to that!

“Of course I know!” Fang Lin replied quickly. “Even if I know that a lot might happen, I still want to change the future! I feel that it will be for the best...” “With that look in your eyes, I doubt that we can stop you.” Old Man said as he tried to pat Fang Lin’s head. Too bad he was still in his soul form right now.

“Just... tell us the reason you want to change the future once you feel like it ok?”

“Thank you...” Fang Lin murmured these words as his appearance reverted back to Fang Yu.

Fang Lin has been getting more and more skilled on changing his appearance that it only took him just a moment to assume Fang Yu’s body and appearance.

“I feel like using this appearance to find that baby will be better, as babies are usually more attached with females.” Fang Yu gave this explanation as Old Man and Wang Hao looked at her transformation with confusion. “I just want the meeting process to go as smoothly as possible.”

At this point, Wang Hao and Old Man were already numb to Fang Yu’s antics. Old Man then slumped his shoulders as he asked Fang Yu, “How are you going to look for this baby then? Did you learn any kind of technique that will let you detect a Djinn?”

“I do not need anything like that.” Fang Yu replied. “After all, there is someone who can just bring us to that baby’s location.”

The space in front of Fang Yu trembled for a second before a person appeared in front of her.

This person was the little girl Tang Li, and she was brought out by Fang Yu out of her storage. “Die die die!” Tang Li was chanting these words as she played with the action figures that she held with her two hands.

Wang Hao slightly winced as he saw his action figure getting ripped apart by the other action figure which looked exactly like the little girl Tang Li. “Eh? I’m outside now?” Tang Li noticed the shift in her environment, which prompted her to look around.

It only took Tang Li one second to realize where she was. “Sis! Tang Li jumped as she proceeded to hug Fang Yu. “Sis, we are back!” “Yes, we are back.” Fang Yu warmly said as she remembered the future Fang Yu’s request for her to take care of Tang Li. “Do you feel happier now?”

“Un!” Tang Li nodded happily as she continued on hugging Fang Yu. “Sis, pet me!”

“Ok, ok...” Fang Yu let out a sigh as she pat Tang Li’s head. “Pat pat pat.”

“Hehehehe...” Tang LI giggled feeling extremely comfortable as she lay nestled on Fang Yu’s bosom. She let out a yawn as she muttered “So soft...” Wang Mei, who was busy in her own world, suddenly stopped as she saw the cute Tang Li on Fang Yu’s bosom.

The smile on Wang Mei’s face widened as she decided to talk to Tang Li. “Hello...” The little Wang Mei said as the little Tang Li looked at her. “You are cute!!!”

“You are cute too!” Tang Li’s eyes brightened as she saw Wang Mei talking to her. “Tang Li likes your headband!”

Tang Li then flew out of Fang Yu’s hug as she approached Wang Mei. Two little girls, who had the same height, stared at each other without blinking. One was a childish pigeon who eats anything as food, and the other one was a talking baby that can devour planets for breakfast.

These two are now talking face-to-face, and Fang Yu could not help but gulp in nervousness.

But her fear seems to be unfounded as two little girls proceeded to squish their cheeks. “Ah, this is soft...” Wang Mei said as she wantonly squished Tang Li’s cheeks. “This is like a marshmallow!”

“Little Sis’ cheeks are soft too!” Tang Li said as she also played with Wang Mei’s cheeks. “Tang Li feels like she is playing with a plushie!”

“Hehehehe.” “Hehehehe.” “Okay, this so sweet that I could get diabetes...” Old Man muttered as he looked at the spectacle with a warm smile. “Damn it, now I want to have grandchildren....” “Two children playing together is not enough. We must add more!” Wang Hao said as he fished something out of his storage.

What came out was Jorm, who was peacefully sleeping inside Wang Hao’s storage. Jorm’s eyes fluttered as he gave Wang Hao an annoyed look, as if he was saying, “Why did you wake me up hooman?”

[Author’s Note: Lol, Jorm acting like a cat seems acceptable to me.]

Wang Hao seemed to be unperturbed with Jorm’s glare. Wang Hao whistled, which attracted Wang Mei’s attention who was busy playing with Tang Li.

Both Tang Li and Wang Mei looked at Wang Hao, and both of them saw Jorm who was being cradled by Wang Hao. “This is a baby that I just picked up earlier.” Wang Hao said as he brought Jorm nearer to Wang Mei and Tang Li. “He is intelligent, but you can also see that he looks sad.”

Wang Hao was telling the truth here, although Jorm’s default expression was moody because of his affinity to darkness. It made Jorm looked melancholic, and Wang Hao was already getting tired of it.

“Do you want us to play with Little Jorm?” Wang Mei said as the nickname she gave elicited a twitch from Jorm. “Hey, the moody baby can understand what you said Little Sis!” Tang Li exclaimed as she snatched Jorm from Wang Hao.

She then proceeded to lightly tickle Jorm as she said, “Come moody baby! Smile for Tang Li!” “Smile smile smile!” Wang Mei joined in as she proceeded to lightly tickle Jorm too.

Under all this onslaught, little Jorm wore a blank expression on his face as if he was saying, “What have I gotten myself into?”

[Author’s Note: Really, Jorm is a cat.]

“Why do I feel like we are building a nursery school?” Fang Yu said as she put her palm in her forehead.

“I think you created much more than that Fang Yu.” Old Man said as he stared at Wang Mei and Tang Li, who are now tossing Jorm as if he was football. “You created new bonds...”

“Bonds huh...” Fang Yu muttered as she saw how easily Wang Mei, Tang Li and Jorm befriended each other.

Well, the bit about Jorm can still be questioned, but it was obvious that if these 3 brats stayed longer with each other, they will form friendships that will last. “Are these 3 also friends in the future Timeline?” Fang Yu thought sadly as she remembered the sleeping future Tang Li and the despondent environment that she was in.

“Now is not the time to think about that...” Fang Yu thought as she approached Tang Li, who is now making Jorm wear a black cape. “Once little Jorm wears this, you will be a super hero!” Tang Li said as the poor Jorm glowered at her.

The black cape fit Jorm snugly, as if it was tailor-made for him. This made Fang Yu wonder on where Tang Li got this cape. “Now that little Jorm is a super hero, its time for him to fly!” Tang Li said as she proceeded to throw Jorm!

To Tang Li’s delight and Fang Yu’s relief, Jorm was able to stabilize himself in the air.

From the looks of it, Jorm can use his abilities to make himself fly. “Look Little Sis! Little Jorm looks cool in the black cape!” Tang Li said as she floated right behind Jorm.

“If we make Little Jorm wear other clothes, Tang Li thinks that Jorm will also look cool!”

“You are right!” Wang Mei replied as a frightening glint appeared on her eyes. Both Wang Mei and Tang Li then approached Jorm with their outstrechted hands, giving Jorm no way to escape.

Jorm gave Wang Hao an aggrieved look, as if he was saying, “Hooman, save me!”

“Ok, ok, break it up for now.” Fang Yu said as she grabbed both Tang Li and Wang Mei by the scruffs of their necks. “Playtime’s over for now. You can continue playing later.”

Jorm gave Fang Yu a grateful look as she grabbed the two little girls. His expression turned sour when he heard Fang Yu’s last sentence. Jorm quickly flew towards Wang Hao, as he gave him a blank stare. Even Wang Hao was not sure what that gaze meant....

“Muuu...” Tang Li pouted as she gave Fang Yu an aggrieved look. “Sis, Tang Li wants to play with Little Jorm moar! I want to play moar!”

“You really want to play more Tang Li?” Fang Yu asked as a smirk appeared on her face. “You really want to play with Wang Mei more!”

“Un!” “Well, you are lucky today, for you will have another playmate!” Fang Yu said as she ruffled Tang Li’s hair.

“Where?” Both Tang Li and Wang Mei said as they pressed Fang Yu for answers. “Where where where?”

Jorm also gave Fang Yu an interested look, as if he was saying, “Hoomnan, give that two girls that new playmate so that I can be spared!”

“Well...” Fang Yu tilted her head as she slowly said, “This new playmate of yours is actually your twin brother Tang Li. However, your twin brother is hidden somewhere in this planet. If we want to find him, then we need your help to do so!”

“Is he cute like us?” Tang Li asked as she gave Fang Yu an excited look. “He is just as cute as you.” “Okay! Tang Li will look now!” Tang Li declared as she closed her eyes in concentration.

The whole Planet Thrae then trembled, as if there was a large hand that was shaking it .

Fang Yu’s smile cramped as she thought to herself, “Oi Tang Li, you seem to be overdoing it!”

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