Chapter 427: Generic Villain

Even if Fang Yu was inwardly complaining at what Tang Li was doing, she was also impressed at the extent of her control now.

“Clearly, the larger and older Tang Li becomes, the better her control of the Planet Thrae will be.” Fang Yu thought to herself as she gazed at Tang Li, who was gritting her lips in concentration. Wang Mei was behind Tang Li, cheering for her to succeed.

“Wait, now that I think about it, Solomon is the other half of Tang Li, so does that mean he also exerts control on the Planet Thrae? Or maybe its just half? Ugh, I am so confused...” Fang Lin thought sourly as she waited for Tang Li to finish.

“Sis, Tang Li is done scanning the whole Planet!” Tang Li said as she gave Fang Yu a smug look. “Just tell Tang Li what her twin brother looks like, and Tang Li will find him!”

“He’s your twin brother duh. So he looks just like you, though your genders are different.” Fang Yu replied with a sigh. “As long as you find him, I will allow you and Wang Mei to play with him.”

“Roger!” Tang Li lisped as she followed Fang Yu’s descriptions. After 5 seconds of not-so-tense wait, Tang Li opened her eyes as she started clapping excitedly.

“Sis! Tang Li found him! Isn’t Tang Li great?” “Yeah, yeah, you really are the best.” Fang Yu monotonously said as she proceeded on patting Tang Li’s head.

“Hehehehe.” “So, where is that little twerp?” Fang Yu asked as she remembered that smug smile on Solomon’s face. “Is he running a crime organization now?”

“Umm...” Tang Li tilted her head as she muttered, “Tang Li can see that twin brother is inside a dark swamp, located at the God Continent. In this dark swamp, there are countless shadow-like beings that seemed to be serving twin brother...”

“Dark swamp? Shadowy creatures?” Fang Yu’s eyes furrowed as she remembered something. “Yao’er, come out here.” Fang Yu’s shadow wiggled as another girl came out of it. This girl was around 12-13 years old, looking much older than Wang Mei and Tang Li.

She was also cute, but there was a hidden lethality on her appearance. She was crossing her arms as she glared at Fang Yu. Fang Yu could only give her an apologetic look after seeing her not-so-happy expression.

“Yao’er... sorry if I did not bring you out that much now...” “Hmph!” Yao’er let out a humph as she looked at Fang Yu angrily. It was quite obvious that she was not that happy with Fang Yu keeping her in the shadows for too long. “Don’t worry Yao’er, you have gotten stronger now, so I will definitely use your help.”

Fang Yu knew that in their trip to the Underworld, Yao’er’s shadow abilities would be of great help. But even if Yao’er could not help Fang Yu in the Underworld, he will still let her out as Fang Yu knew how bored Yao’er became these days. “You promised that ok?” Yao’er declared while puffing her cheeks. “You better not break it!”

“Aye, aye captain.” Fang Yu listlessly replied. “What else do you need then, master?” Yao’er muttered as she played with her knife idly.

She noticed that Fang Yu had a pleading expression on her face, as if there was something else that Fang Yu needed from her. “Hmph, you are just calling me when you need my help! It makes me sad and angry!”

Fang Yu tried to make herself look as amicable as possible as she explained to Yao’er the place that Tang Li just described.

After hearing this, Yao’er’s eyes furrowed as she seemed to remember something. She looked at Fang Yu as she said, “That place is the Eternal Shadow Swamp, one of the danger zones in the God Continent. That place is also my birthplace.”

“Oh....” Now that Fang Yu thought about it, the baby version of Solomon could be attracted to dark and creepy places like the Eternal Swamp... Seeing his baby form there would be of no surprise to Fang Yu.

“Eternal Shadow Swamp? I saw that earlier.” Wang Hao declared as he approached Fang Yu and co. A large wormhole then appeared above them, which enticed Fang Yu and the others to enter it.

Of course Fang Yu already knew where this wormhole will lead them. “Since our target is there, I shall bring you there by myself.” Wang Hao said as he entered his conjured wormhole.

“Hop in now, I cannot just let it this wormhole open for long.” After hearing this, everyone immediately went through the wormhole. Once she entered the wormhole, Fang Yu felt a sudden shift of her surroundings as she saw a massive dark swamp appearing below her feet.

The span of this dark swamp was so large that it looked like a sea. Everything in this dark swamp was dark and ethereal, just like how shadows would look like. Aside from the usual stuff, the swamp was also dotted with black trees and ebony islands.

These islands housed assortment of creatures with shadow affinity. In fact, Fang Yu could not feel any attribute other than the shadow attribute on this swamp! “My home....” Yao’er muttered as she looked around her with excitement and longing. Her body seems to resonate with the swamp as she was suddenly covered by a dark cocoon. Fang Yu did not panic upon seeing this as she felt that this cocoon was extremely beneficial for Yao’er. After confirming that Yao’er was safe, Fang Yu used her divine sense to scour the dark swamp.

“Oh, there you are.” At the centermost part of the swamp lay the largest ebony island in the swamp. This island was the size of a country, and there are countless shadow beings that reside in it. These shadow beings looked imposing and scary, but all these shadow beings were acting subserviently to one person. They were all bowing with their heads on the ground as they seemed to chant words of praise to the person that was floating above them. This and the piety on their faces made it obvious that they were extremely devoted to this person.

This person was a small baby that was around 2-3 years old. This baby had an irritating smirk on his face as he looked at the beings prostrating below him with arrogance.

The baby was cute, although his facial expressions quickly pissed Fang Yu off. “Damn, he really looks like Tang Li.” Wang Hao muttered as he saw the smirking baby. “But the way he looks makes me... so pissed off...”

“Yep, that’s the baby that we are looking for.” Fang Yu muttered as she began to smirk too. “Oh Solomon, what should I do with you?”

“I think we should talk to this baby first. Maybe it’s just his expressions that are bad. Maybe he is still a good person deep inside.” Old Man said as he glanced at Jorm, who was technically the personification of evil.

“I doubt that baby can get more evil than Jorm....” “Woosh~” Fang Yu and her companions did not waste any time as they immediately flew towards the evil-looking baby.

They only stopped flying once the evil-looking baby saw their arrival. “Halt! Who goesh there!” The baby started to speak with his baby talk as he glared at Fang Yu warily. “I, Sholomon, doesh not allow intrudersh here! Shcram all of you!” “Cute face, foul mouth and foul personality. 1 out of 3...” Fang Yu shook her head as she glanced at Tang Li, who looked shocked at what Solomon said.

Tang Li seemed to be unnerved as she saw her twin brother spouting off words like these! “Hey, you are a bad baby!” Tang Li shouted at the smirking Solomon. “You cannot stay like this! You must go with me, Little Sis, and Little Jorm! We will shape you to be a better baby!”

Wang Mei nodded in agreement, as she seemed to be already planning the stuff she will do with Solomon.

Jorm on the other hand, could not care less as he gave Solomon a bored look. “I do not know who you guysh are. But you are not allowed to be here on Sholomon’sh territory! If you do not leave, my minionsh will punish you!” All the shadow beings who heard what Solomon said looked up, as they began to approach Fang Yu and co. menacingly.

Wang Hao just scoffed at what he saw. He waved his hands and a powerful light beam appeared, which quickly and heavily injured all the shadow beings that were about to attack them. “Imposshible!” Solomon said as he looked at what happened. “Thish cannot happen! Muuu... shince you are all strong, then I will jusht banish all of you!”

The evil-looking baby suddenly waved his hands as he attempted to use his status as the soul of Planet Thrae to banish Fang Yu and the others. But he was prevented from doing this by Tang Li, who used her status to stop Solomon’s banishment attack.

“Hmph! As long as Tang Li is here, you cannot bully others!” “Dratsh!” Solomon said as he saw that he was cornered now. He turned around as he attempted to escape, but he was stopped when Fang Yu appeared behind him and grabbed him by his clothes.

“Unhand me woman! I, Sholomon cannot be taken down like thish!” The baby bellowed as he tried to squirm out of Fang Yu’s grasp. But his small body cannot do anything against Fang Yu’s power.

“Tsk, this baby really talks like a generic villain! It seems like he needs to learn how a real villain should act.” Wang Hao muttered as he looked at Solomon, who was now glaring back at him.

“Hey hey hey, we are here to make this baby a better person. Do not put any of your weird ideas inside his head!” Fang Yu shouted as she started to observe Solomon’s clothing. It was an assortment of black pieces of clothes all tied together to create a ‘clothing’ that covered Solomon’s body.

As she continued inspecting his body, Fang Yu saw a fang pendant hanging at Solomon’s neck. Fang Yu smile widened as she felt traces of power in this pendant.

“Ooooh... This must be your ITEM, right?” Fang Yu did not waste her time as she immediately took the fang pendant in her hands.

With just one look, Fang Yu already knew that this pendant was the ITEM that held Solomon’s Nature Power.

With this in her possession, Solomon cannot hope to do anything mischievous now! “Muuu.... you are a bad pershon... Waaaa!!!” Solomon started to cry as his chubby little hands tried to take back the fang pendant.

Solomon’s face was red and puffy as he pleaded to Fang Yu between his sobs. “Give my- hic, pendant back- hic, to me! Waaaa!!!”

Fang Yu’s companions somewhat felt bad as they saw the poor Solomon getting ‘bullied’ by Fang Yu like this.

They gave Fang Yu blaming looks, as if they were telling her that what she was doing on baby Solomon now was wrong!

Fang Yu could only feel aggrieved as she did not expect this to happen. “Wait, how come I am the bad guy now?”

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